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**Post Pictures of your cue!**

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  • there is no doubt, tw cues is my best love ........ will hunt and john parris is best cue maker too....


    • a few grands worth then jason were do you keep them


      • Very Nice Cues Jason Especially the Last Trevor White Cue Similar to the Mannock Replica I had.



        • I received my new cue from Unclevit over a month ago. I wanted to wait until I had played with it before posting a short review.
          The workmanship easily compares with two Master Cues I have, at a much better price. The points are all even and perfectly aligned. It has a very nice hit and balance to it with an acceptable amount of deflection. The specs of the cue are:
          Length – 58 in
          Tip – 9.5 mm
          Balance Point – 18 in
          Weight - 17.4 oz
          I would highly recommend ordering a cue from Unclevit. His customer service is second to none, and communications were excellent.
          Thanks Unclevit for an excellent cue and service.


          • Mike. Tks for kind feedback. This cue was playtested by one of our up front players. He managed to do a break of 70+ in his second game with it. He likes the shaft's playing quality. Hope you feel the same. I picked this shaft myself
            It's in the Shaft


            • Nice cue, Mike P


              • I would sooner not disclose the price, but if you do a search for cues Unclevit has had for sale, you will find this one. Also with playability (feel of the shaft) being very subjective, take this for what it is worth. The shaft is very responsive and has a nice feel to it. I usually test a cues’ deflection by doing the following test. With the pink and black on their spots, I place the cue ball approximately 22 inches shy of the side pocket and about 10 inches off the cushion. From here most players would try to power the cue ball around the table to get onto the black. For the test I use inside English and follow, to come off one cushion (after sinking the pink) with the cue ball finishing with a (give or take) ¾ shot on the black. I have attached a picture showing the placement of the three balls for the test. I must say that from the picture it does not look like much, but if you do the measurements you will get a truer indication of the shot. It shows both the start and finish of the cue ball. Also with a bit more power the cue ball finishes straight in or below the black.
                My gage is the fuller the hit I have to aim for on the pink, the worse the cue plays, due to more deflection. I found that both my Master Cues and Unclevit have the same aiming point. All cues that I have are compared to my JP Ultimate (#424). With it there is very little adjustment when using side. But also in fairness to any of my latest cues purchased, the JP cost me substantially more.
                After typing this (I am a slow typist) and getting ready to post it, I realize that two of the questions I received were from private messages. I am going to go ahead and post this and will answer the pms this evening.


                • Originally Posted by Acrowot View Post
                  Nice cue, Mike P
                  Thanks Acrowot, I am just the owner with the credit going to Unclevit.



                  • Mike, what the heck is inside English? Is this a foreign way of describing side? I have noticed that some of you use different words to what us Brits use.


                    • Originally Posted by Acrowot View Post
                      Mike, what the heck is inside English? Is this a foreign way of describing side? I have noticed that some of you use different words to what us Brits use.
                      Check side? ( I'm prob. wrong tho ).


                      • Originally Posted by Acrowot View Post
                        Mike, what the heck is inside English? Is this a foreign way of describing side? I have noticed that some of you use different words to what us Brits use.
                        Good one Acrowot! Yes I was referring to inside side. On this side of the pond when someone uses side it can also be referred to as applying English to the cue ball. I once read that years ago a billiard player from England was competing against an American(or Canadian) in an exibition match. The player was very proficient with using side. The term was then coined (in North America) that a player was using English when he applied side. Obviously the term never caught on over there, for some reason. As far as terms go in the game of snooker when a player is obstructed by another ball he is said to be snookered. Why is that when, supposedly the game of snooker derived its name from meaning a rookie at something, not obstructed? In pool they refer it to being hooked. Growing up in the 70’s if you would have used the term, potting a ball, people would have thought you were referring to going outside between games.


                        • Originally Posted by Inoffthered View Post
                          Check side? ( I'm prob. wrong tho ).
                          No Inoffthered, you are perfectly right. Check side sounds much better than inside side.


                          • Mike, I thought you meant check side, but you could also have said in that situation to apply right side. The English did not catch on as you say, cos the game was invented by the Brits, so why would they use the term "English"?
                            You would use the term "hooked", as pool came from the US. Here, hooked means something different, nothing to do with pool. lol.
                            Last edited by Acrowot; 20 April 2011, 07:05 AM. Reason: Typo


                            • Acrowot, yes I should have said right hand side, much easier to understand. I not certain I should ask what is implied by the term Hooked on your side of the pond. It doesn't sound like a compliment.


                              • Nothing untoward Mike, just that is not used in snooker. Sometimes do not quite know what Terry means with some words, but strange he should use them, cos he is an Englishman. Maybe he has been on that side of the pond too long .... lol.

