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  • Very Nice Cues there!!

    The one on the right - Craftsman Majestic? How does it play?

    Originally Posted by cueman View Post
    My 2 cues for xmas!!!


    • Thanks guy. The Craftsman plays quite nice, I've used a very stiff Parris for the last 15 years so having got so used to that kind of shaft it was always going to be a gamble trying out new cues again. It has a lot more flex in the shaft but honestly so would any cue compared to the JP. Its very responsive, but has a nice solid hit to it, I'll probably do a review of both cues once I've played in the tips and can really give a proper assessment of them.

      The only problem with the craftsman so far is the finish. I had a craftsman cue about 7 years ago that I went up to their shop to pick one out and it was a normal oil finish. However this cue has some sort of lacquer type finish, not the stuff you'd find on cheap cues but a shiny sticky kind of finish, possibly shellac which is common finish on most wood furnishings. I've buffed the cue a few times now and the finish is starting to wear off slowly, at least its smooth enough on the bridge hand now which wasn't the case when it first arrived. So, if anyone is planning on a cue from Craftsman in the near future you may wish to request an oil finish if you don't like a sticky bridge hand.


      • Thought I'd give an update on this thread as I've been doing a lot of experimenting

        from left to right -
        Cue 1
        Mike Wooldridge Legend
        3/4 F1 lightweight invisible jointed
        28mm fully round butt
        8.5mm tip
        Balance point 15.5"
        Comment - My most recent purchase which I'm still getting used to. Quality and finish are first class and that invisible joint is a master piece. I will start using this cue when I manage to get the new short telesopic extensions from Mike for the F1 joints

        Cue 2 (current playing cue)
        Laurel hand made (circa. 1983)
        51" (orginal 55")
        28.4mm fully round butt (added ebony splice to remove the flat)
        8.5mm tip
        Balance point 15"
        Comment - Cue I originally had made from specification of my Powerglide Mannock snooker cue (below) from a cuemaker in Tadcaster but had it recently modified to my preferred Pool spec as I never really warmed to it for snooker somehow but it plays lovely for UK 8 ball.

        Cue 3
        King Cue custom made
        3/4 jointed
        29mm butt fully round
        8.5mm tip
        Balance point 15.5"
        Comment - Custom ordered at 55" weighing 15.5oz but had some shorter extensions made up for tight spaces and ended up liking the use with the one pictured (doesn't fit flush) hence the start of search for short lightweight cues lol.

        Cue 4
        Cue Craft custom made
        All Ash/no hardwood butt
        3/4 jointed
        28.5mm butt fully round
        8.2mm tip
        Balance point 15"
        Comment - Custom ordered originally at 55" weighing around 15oz but modified it to be shorter and lighter by having artififial weight removed. Used as experimental cue

        Cue 5
        Cue Craft custom made
        All Maple/no hardwood butt
        3/4 jointed
        27mm butt fully round
        8.5mm tip
        Balance point 16.5"
        Comment - Used as experimental cue

        Cue 6
        Cue Craft ebony free
        All Ash/single hardwood splice butt
        1 piece
        55" (original 57")
        30mm butt
        8.5mm tip
        Balance point 14"
        Comment - Very whippy shaft. Used as experimental cue (First lightweight cue)

        Cue 7
        Powerglide mannock 1982
        Maple/w. hardwood butt
        centre jointed
        55" (original 57")
        28mm butt fully round
        9mm tip
        Balance point 14"
        Comment - Old snooker cue from when I started snooker. (Not used much in last 20+ years)

        Cue 8
        Stinger Break/Jump Cue
        Maple/hardwood butt
        Centre and 3/4 jointed
        30mm butt fully round
        13mm tip
        Comment - Phenolic tip. Used as break cue for UK 8 ball pool


        • Nice cue collection and write up one thing thou i would get a different break cue a lot off American comps and tournarments dont allow phenolic tips because off the damage they do to the cue ball .


          • I'm not a big fan of taking pics of anything never mind a cue lol, here are some pics of my cue that Simon sent over from Craftsman when i was originally interested in the cue, seeing as i already have them its no prob posting them.

            Mine is the cue on the far right.



            • Originally Posted by sootyvrs View Post
              Cue 8
              Stinger Break/Jump Cue
              Maple/hardwood butt
              Centre and 3/4 jointed
              30mm butt fully round
              13mm tip
              Comment - Phenolic tip. Used as break cue for UK 8 ball pool
              the stingers open a uk table like a mallet eh!


              • Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                the stingers open a uk table like a mallet eh!
                Surprisingly I can break with the cue without having to apply too much force and it allows for more control. True to say that if you try and give it all, the cue ball can end up in someones face probably knocking them out!!

                There have been many pool players that have asked to try it, ending up breaking like with their own playing cue and the cue ball flying off the table!!

                It's surprisingly effective to break the balls with medium/hard force (with control) and still have a good spread of the balls although I can't say that I'm getting no more or less dry breaks since using the cue. It does save my playing cue tip from getting serious abuse from continual hard breaking which is the main reason for getting a separate cue for this task.
                Last edited by sootyvrs; 10 January 2012, 02:28 PM.


                • yes the balls all need to be touching or the white goes through the wall. yes it saves your tip!


                  • Here is my Fury Cue refinished. Well i say refinished light heartedly. This is the first coat. I have many more to go to get the desired look i want.

                    Before i started to refinish it it looked like this


                    • Just got my cue back today after having some work done to it by Parris Cues, sd joint added to butt, had to have the butt shimmed down some as the ebony had expanded sometime over the last year, right below the joint so anytime i was hitting a shot it was clipping my chin. Also had it refinished and bought 2 extensions for it.

                      Originally it was a cue with the male pin in the butt section, one tay while playing with the cue the ebony split and sent a crack running into the shaft, glued it back togethe and it was fine for a while, ended up though i ended up cutting the shaft off above the split and sent it to Parris cues to have a new butt made, respliced, new joint etc, the works.

                      This is whats left of the original piece, with the split running up it, hadd to see in the pic but the split ran right up and stopped just at the top of the Splices:

                      And this is how it looks today:

                      To say this cue has a high joint would be a slight understatement, the butt is over 20 inches to the joint

                      Weighs in around 18.75 oz which is pretty good considering the length of the butt.

                      In its original incarnation Alex Higgins had a couple of games with it in the early 2000's, before i owned it he was coming to the club around the corner from me and was playing a guy who owned the cue before me. That being said its feels a far better cue ever since it got the work done to it and it gained some weight, before it was a little too light, even if its a slightly slimmer cue than most due to missing around 6 inches of the base of the shaft
                      Last edited by narl; 13 January 2012, 09:11 PM.


                      • Haha. Nice. Gradz


                        • Interesting cue narl, where is balance point then ??


                          • Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                            Interesting cue narl, where is balance point then ??

                            Never really checked it before, will have a look tomorrow.


                            • Un-badged James Butters cue. Ash shaft, ebony butt, maple veneers and padauk splices, very nice.
                              58", 9.5, 17.4 oz, 29.5 butt, Jointed at 20 1/2", balance point 18 1/2", threadless quicklock quarter turn joint, leather butt pad. Poor pics, but too cold to go outside.


                              • Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                                Un-badged James Butters cue. Ash shaft, ebony butt, maple veneers and padauk splices, very nice.
                                58", 9.5, 17.4 oz, 29.5 butt, Jointed at 20 1/2", balance point 18 1/2", threadless quicklock quarter turn joint, leather butt pad. Poor pics, but too cold to go outside.

                                Beautiful cue m8. Love the grain.

