Hi fellas , and ladies 
Just letting you know we are having the GreenBaize.com website reconstructed again !!
While it's being done and things can be added has anyone got any suggestions as to what features and content might benefit our new site ?
I can tell you the new site will be very easy to find your way round unlike our current site , more information about products will be available , plus a little more general information that might help .
Also thinking about adding a buy now shopping cart , as most of the products on the site are normally in stock ?
Customers Forum ?
I'm interested to hear your feed back .
p.s On it there is going to be a new range of cues you might like to check out

Just letting you know we are having the GreenBaize.com website reconstructed again !!
While it's being done and things can be added has anyone got any suggestions as to what features and content might benefit our new site ?
I can tell you the new site will be very easy to find your way round unlike our current site , more information about products will be available , plus a little more general information that might help .
Also thinking about adding a buy now shopping cart , as most of the products on the site are normally in stock ?
Customers Forum ?
I'm interested to hear your feed back .
p.s On it there is going to be a new range of cues you might like to check out
