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Sorry about this, but... Peradon?

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  • #16
    Just wanna add that I bought a 2nd hand one piece Peradon Royal off ebay for a mate which arrived today, Hardly touched it has 3 nice v's in the ash but 1 slightly lower splice. For £46 inc delivery though who can complain they are £100 anywhere new. But my first impression..


    I had to spend an hour or so sanding off the lacquer then sanding the cue as even the lacquer hadn't covered up the very poor factory sanding. Even though it's not for me i wouldn't dare offer to the bloke it in that state. Jeeze Peradon BCE put you to shame.

    Come up bostin once done and oiled though. a proper mirror finish.


    • #17
      I have Peradon Royal, it works fine for me, I sanded the shaft tho when I got it and the varnish on the butt has faded alot. But that makes no difference to how it plays, The king is a lovely looking cue. As for the glove, if it works for you why not! I play with ear plugs in and I dont care who laughs at me...


      • #18
        Sticking up for the glove brigade.

        I've had a few people laugh at me when they've seen the glove but not for very long though.... If you can get beyond the embarrasment factor playing with a glove makes cueing incredibly smooth.:snooker:


        • #19
          Originally Posted by gloveman View Post
          I've had a few people laugh at me when they've seen the glove but not for very long though....
          why's that? do you take it off and slap them round the face with it...

          snooker and gloves - it's just wrong.

          get a decent cue/finish and you can save the glove wearing for role play games with the missus....
          The Cuefather.


          • #20
            Originally Posted by Watford View Post
            It's not usable for snooker or UK pool because you wouldn't be able to play over the noise of everyone laughing at you and calling you names!

            Played against a bloke in the pub last night with a 'Flaming 8 ball' belt buckle!!
            He got some stick.
            Last edited by Totters1972; 11 July 2008, 09:51 AM.


            • #21
              It's not wrong mike, but i would say only use a glove if your hands sweat so much that it makes cueing smoothly impossible. I have an incredibly smooth finish on my cue but still could not play to a high standard without a glove on.


              • #22
                What cue have you got gloveman is it ash?
                What is the finish like oil, wax, laquer...?

                Flaming 8ball blets are out unless you can really paly and take some stick!


                • #23
                  Hi watford. At the moment its a mannock replica made by trevor white- ash shaft with a super smooth oil finish. I just couldn't play without a glove on.


                  • #24
                    Originally Posted by Totters1972 View Post

                    Played against a bloke in the pub last night with a 'Flaming 8 ball' belt buckle!!
                    oh dear god...

                    did he beat you, punch the air, and yell a few 'come on's as well?
                    The Cuefather.



                    • #25
                      Originally Posted by jonashford View Post
                      I play with ear plugs in and I dont care who laughs at me...
                      Cant imagine anyone laughing at earplugs but i can imagine them getting angry with you. My son's got a cochlear implant and turns it off if theres any noisey kids about which drives me round the bend mre than the kids do him especially if we are playing pool and he bends down to take a shot when it's my turn.

                      Oi hang on !

                      Oi you git it's my turn

                      Alex you pratt it's my shot.

                      ALEX STOP YAH SAFT BUG ..

                      click :snooker:

                      SOD IT !

                      Wassup old man ?

                      Turn that bleedin bionic lughole back on will ya anybody'd think yer deaf or summat !


                      • #26
                        Originally Posted by mikewooldridge View Post
                        oh dear god...

                        did he beat you, punch the air, and yell a few 'come on's as well?
                        i played one of those!


                        • #27
                          Going back to the original question regarding Peradon cues - I used to stock and sell them as lower end cues back in the 1980's - and I can only speak from those now that I receive in for alteration or repair - in general, if I'm running a re-taper I've found their ash to be very soft in comparison to that that I select for my own cues, their tapers are good and for a mass produced cue the standard is generally good. They match their grain well on their 2 piece cues and as a starter cue for someone not wishing to go for a custom cue or without the budget, I don't think you can go far wrong with a Peradon


                          • #28
                            I'd have to disagree with you there Keith, the Peradon cues I have seen over recent times have been very nicely put together, and, the vast majority have used very good quality ash for the shafts.

                            There are a few issues I feel they could address however, but these are minor things really and are not too tricky to put right.

                            As for them being a good starter cue, well, I feel that there's no reason why they should be limited to that type of bracket, especially when we all know that many great players have used cues of all sorts to win major ranking events.

                            Ultimately, there isn't any reason why success in snooker or pool should be heavily linked to custom built cues, not when 95% of the equation is about the person behind the cue.


                            • #29
                              I own a Peradon Royal 3/4 joint, I looked around for quite a while before I saw someone with a Royal, had a few shots with it and it felt nice a solid, I liked the ebony butt classic and simple, So I got my club to order some Peradons and bought the Royal when it arrived, My only criticism would be that it does not come with a mini butt thread, so I fitted one, now its fine. I havent noticed a problem with sticky varnish. You should take a look at the Peradon King, a stunning looking cue if you have the £180 or so needed to buy it. Gud luck, I think peradons are good based on my 1 and only experience with them.

                              I did own a North West 3/4 ash cue but I coudnt get on with it, So I smashed it! Not on purpose of course but out of frustration, I only gave it a little jab in to the floor. Any way I took it to Dave Coutts I asked him if he could do anything with it? He said yes and put it in his wheelie bin!!!
                              Last edited by jonashford; 12 July 2008, 07:08 PM.


                              • #30
                                Originally Posted by trevs1 View Post
                                I'd have to disagree with you there Keith, the Peradon cues I have seen over recent times have been very nicely put together, and, the vast majority have used very good quality ash for the shafts.

                                There are a few issues I feel they could address however, but these are minor things really and are not too tricky to put right.

                                As for them being a good starter cue, well, I feel that there's no reason why they should be limited to that type of bracket, especially when we all know that many great players have used cues of all sorts to win major ranking events.

                                Ultimately, there isn't any reason why success in snooker or pool should be heavily linked to custom built cues, not when 95% of the equation is about the person behind the cue.
                                the finish is nasty though trevor.

