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Recomended tip?

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  • Recomended tip?

    What is the recomended tip you should size use on a snooker table?
    Ive heard pros use about 10mm and pro pool (8ball) about 8?

  • #2
    I heard so too, professionals use about 9.5mm to 10mm tips for snooker. And i have seen people using 12mm tips for pool.

    I thought using smaller tip gives you more control on cue ball while playing snooker.

    So i got my cue thinned from 9mm to almost 7.5mm :-| It was exciting for few days, later i came to know that my cue has become flexible like a fishing pole and vibrates like something. Grr... .. And i started losing hope on my shots, and lost my game drastically.

    I have ordered for a new cue, "Master Cues India" .

    Getting one from the pro butt series.
    9.5mm tip and this cues are quality hand made! It doesnt viberate, and has a good balance. Its costs about 300$ U.S. Including a case!


    • #3
      Originally Posted by burwatchampion View Post
      What is the recomended tip you should size use on a snooker table?
      Ive heard pros use about 10mm and pro pool (8ball) about 8?
      anything from 10mm to 9mm for snooker after years playing snooker with a 9mm i went to a 9.5mm any would not suggest anything smaller.
      for english 8 ball pool anything from 9mm to 8mm .



      • #4
        snooker - 9.5mm
        pool - 8.5mm

        pretty much ideal sizes, but a little either way doesn't hurt.
        The Cuefather.


        • #5
          I do not recommend to go to 9mm, finding the centre of the cue ball is harder, it vibrates and cue ball control is harder to control...

          It is even more difficult as you get smaller and smaller...


          • #6
            I say the exact opposite 9mm is ideal for both uk pool and snooker. but it's each to his own.


            • #7
              I have always used 10mm and have just switched to 9mm its great for snooker (but Takes some getting used to) but my Billiards seems to be suffering


              • #8
                I play both with 9.5mm


                • #9
                  is it okay if my ferrul is 8mm and i place a 9.5mm tip? Maybe like a mushroom tip. But it feels akward, and the tip distracts from hitting the shot.


                  • #10
                    I think 9 is good if you play both.
                    Otherwise Mikes probably right.
                    What's all this vibration bongo?


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by sagar3 View Post
                      is it okay if my ferrul is 8mm and i place a 9.5mm tip? Maybe like a mushroom tip. But it feels akward, and the tip distracts from hitting the shot.
                      That would be a too big mushroom, I do not recommend a mushroom tip becuase it would distract you on the shot as you said and it is less strong becuase it's support on the edge of the tip is air, not solid ferrule.

                      It can also get caught in the bridge if you bring the cue back too far. :snooker:


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by Watford View Post
                        What's all this vibration bongo?
                        When I play a power shot sometimes the cue isn't as solid as I want and it can go off line easier, I think vibration is the right word to describe it, it doesn't actually vibrate but similar to that.


                        • #13
                          Use a cricket bat, to keep the vibration down


                          • #14
                            i better not use a mushroom tip. I just trimmer the sides of the tip, and now its back to 8mm. Im use to it, playing with a 8mm tip doesnt matter now. I was testing a John Paris cue today, it was about 9mm, and i felt its very light weight. I was finding it quite difficult to pot. Most of the cue sticks viberate, you can feel that when you screw back with a power shot. And it tend to miss where exactly you wanted to hit. To test if your cue viberates, just hold the cue tight near the joint, and using your other hand hit the butt a bit hard, and you can notice the upper shaft near the tip viberates. You dont get that problem with a good quality 9.5 or 10mm cues.


                            • #15
                              Cues that vibrate/whippy cues are not too helpful. But I would not recommend a 8mm tip for snooker. For english pool it is OK.

