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matty is this your wooldridge for sale ?? if so why

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  • matty is this your wooldridge for sale ?? if so why

    as title is it yours matty ???????? looks a good deal with the case as well

  • #2
    yes it is, some ****** has already said 'you need your **** kicking' for selling it. my problems are my own. im selling because i need the cash, and its just about the only thing i have which has sufficient value.

    ideally want 300 for it all.
    Last edited by ferret; 3 August 2008, 01:59 PM. Reason: Expletive's removed


    • #3
      Actually the ******* words were "unless you need the cash".


      • #4
        none of your business mate.


        • #5
          The ******** p.m.via ebay...

          Hiya Matt.
          Just wanna say you want your arse kicking honestly.
          You've a crackin cue there, one to be proud of for life, your 18 and though your perhaps a bit ****ed off with the game at the mo you wont be forever. Unless you really need the cash keep it mate. honestly you'll regret selling it.
          Take care mate.
          Wity (from TSF)

          Matt I couldn't give a toss about your business I said the above as one snooker playing cue admirer to another thats all. Thought you might have apprecieated it, obviously not.

          Had I said:" What the **** you selling that for? The tart can get an abortion on the NHS cant she? "then yeah your reply would have been fair comment.

          When you grow up maybe you'll learn to read properly.


          • #6
            Don't know what to say to all this really.... I understand you play guitar Matty. I’d rather sell one of my guitars than my eagerly awaited Trevor White cue. Maybe you would get more money for one of your guitars mate?


            • #7
              Wity, I give a toss, I just need cash for my holiday to New York.

              And Spud, I would NEVER sell my guitar. I play it everyday, not like the cue where it sits unwanted and could have a happier life in someones elses hands.

              To be honest, I feel most sorry for Mike. I badgered him for days about this cue, what the spec would be, etc so Im sorry to him for that. If I decide to play again seriously in the future I will definitely buy a cue from him. But I need the cash like you wouldnt believe.


              • #8
                Fair enough you're your own man!
                I just hope you don't regret it. With the case it's a good secondhand buy for someone standing at £250.
                If you're going to lose money on it you might be as well getting a credit card instead.
                Like you said to someone else it's nout to do we me!


                • #9
                  Thats the thing, couple of months down the line I probably will. But for now I have no time to think about regrets.

