Hi All,
Today I recieved my 3rd Trevor White cue and decided to post my opinion.
* 3/4 butt jointed at 17 inch
* Maple shaft with Ebony vutt
* 18.25 oz
* 9.5mm tip.
On unwrapping the cue the first thing that stands out is that the butt is blacker than the devils heart, the splices are perfectly level exept for one of the bottom points which is about 1 milionth of milimetre out, so as close to perfection as your ever going to get.
The maple shaft is as as good as any I have ever seen and totaly blemish free with none of the horrible brown lines you see in so many maple cues.
The cue is pefectly balanced and has lovely graceful taper.
On playing with cue I fell in love with it after the first shot, the rigidity is perfect and the feel is very much like a one piece cue when striking the ball.
The finish is world class and glides through through the shot perfectly.
I just would like to issue a public thank you to Trevor for the hard work that has clearly gone into building this cue.
Today I recieved my 3rd Trevor White cue and decided to post my opinion.
* 3/4 butt jointed at 17 inch
* Maple shaft with Ebony vutt
* 18.25 oz
* 9.5mm tip.
On unwrapping the cue the first thing that stands out is that the butt is blacker than the devils heart, the splices are perfectly level exept for one of the bottom points which is about 1 milionth of milimetre out, so as close to perfection as your ever going to get.
The maple shaft is as as good as any I have ever seen and totaly blemish free with none of the horrible brown lines you see in so many maple cues.
The cue is pefectly balanced and has lovely graceful taper.
On playing with cue I fell in love with it after the first shot, the rigidity is perfect and the feel is very much like a one piece cue when striking the ball.
The finish is world class and glides through through the shot perfectly.
I just would like to issue a public thank you to Trevor for the hard work that has clearly gone into building this cue.
