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Cue Obsession...

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  • #16
    Asi, as I mentioned I can't be too sure of this. I think the cue you have in possesion might not have been meant for the SE Asian market as such, I can't be sure. However, with my old climax, the engraving on the joint was " Hand Made on the upper part and Climax Cue below". I have seen the O'min Thomas entry level cue which had engraving just like my cue though.I suspect the engravings were already done by the joint makers rather than engraved/machined at the O'min factory itself. The thing with O'min was, before this there rarely was any standardization. One month they could use one style, and the next batch might be different. To be honest, I have seen O'min change style on their name plates and engravings at least 5 times in the past 7 years(nameplate covers, the wordings, the position of the crown, the exact words). Currently, they are renaming their series for the SE Asian market again.

    For cues meant for the region, the only engraving we get on the butt end are "O'min Cues". That's what I have seen so far. Could be more variants


    • #17
      Thanks blowfish. If I combine all the factors: 1. the cue was bought in England and the guy who sold it to me bought it from Thailand 2 it looks dead match to O MIN Climax 3. All the joints and extensions are just as O MIN 4. It Came with a O MIN case and O MIN mini butt 4. UKRIT from MASTER CUE saw the cue and had the same opinion as yours 5. the top important fact you mentioned regarding to O MIN cues before 2001 with English names such as Charles and Thomas + the fact of O MIN miss standardization which I already was aware of + the fact that engravings were already done by the joint makers rather than engraved/machined at the O MIN factory (Its very obvious and clear with my cue ) I can be 99.99999% sure its an old O MIN. Huge Thanks for your help and deep knowledge mate!
      Proud winner of the 2009 Premier League Semi-Final Prediction Contest


      • #18
        Originally Posted by Asi View Post
        Thanks ADR147.. you don't think its O MIN even though the SD joint and extensions is exactly as O MIN? by the way I bought them from you on eBay. should be here next week.
        its not a hard to find joint. and they are out sourced. i am pretty sure its not o'min its a different shape. i have seen them before though i just can't put my brain onto it!


        • #19
          Originally Posted by Asi View Post
          Thanks blowfish. If I combine all the factors: 1. the cue was bought in England and the guy who sold it to me bought it from Thailand 2 it looks dead match to O MIN Climax 3. All the joints and extensions are just as O MIN 4. It Came with a O MIN case and O MIN mini butt 4. UKRIT from MASTER CUE saw the cue and had the same opinion as yours 5. the top important fact you mentioned regarding to O MIN cues before 2001 with English names such as Charles and Thomas + the fact of O MIN miss standardization which I already was aware of + the fact that engravings were already done by the joint makers rather than engraved/machined at the O MIN factory (Its very obvious and clear with my cue ) I can be 99.99999% sure its an old O MIN. Huge Thanks for your help and deep knowledge mate!

          Glad to be of help. And nice that you actually got to contact Ukrit. I've been trying to get him to reply to my E-mail for ages haha. By the way, here is a picture of some older Climax-es with round badges. You can compare clearly how the 2 veneers on the front face run down the splices to both sides of the badge plate.Looks pretty much a dead match to your cue. I'll try to get hold of the owner of my old cue to snap similar angle pics as your cue for you to make comparison, just in case you want further peace of mind. No guarantees though. Good luck! :snooker:
          Attached Files


          • #20
            Originally Posted by blowfish View Post
            Glad to be of help. And nice that you actually got to contact Ukrit. I've been trying to get him to reply to my E-mail for ages haha. By the way, here is a picture of some older Climax-es with round badges. You can compare clearly how the 2 veneers on the front face run down the splices to both sides of the badge plate.Looks pretty much a dead match to your cue. I'll try to get hold of the owner of my old cue to snap similar angle pics as your cue for you to make comparison, just in case you want further peace of mind. No guarantees though. Good luck! :snooker:
            I met him in Bangkok 2 years ago when I stepped into his workshop as he never replay my emails as well... anyway when I stepped out I had a brand new lovely Master cue ( "MasterPiece" model ) in my hands. its very nice cue and I haven't seen so many of it. Ukrit claim this model is comparable to JP ultimate in terms of the ash grade and quality. not sure. The problem its 9mm tip which is too small for my game. next visit to the UK and I"ll make it 9.5. regarding to O MIN - Your new pic just make it even more clearer . I cropped the pic and have a look at the O MIN with the 2 pink veneers its a DNA match to my cue only mine is green. really appreciate your efforts to get hold of the owner of your old cue! Thanks mate
            Proud winner of the 2009 Premier League Semi-Final Prediction Contest

