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A Cue For Me

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  • A Cue For Me

    Hi people!

    im looking for a snooker cue for myself, i tend to play 2-4hours a week, with friends having fun. like every player i play win and thus would like a cue to do the job.

    I'll be honest i dont have the faintest idea about makes of cues, types of wood and weight of cues etc.

    all i know is that i would like a half decent 3 or 4 piece cue, in the region of £80 - £100 (may be able to stretch to £120), a case inc. would be nice but not neccesary.

    a friend of mine recently bough a 4 piece cooper cues cue, in a hard leather case for £85, is this good? although id rather have a different cue to him.

    please help me!, and thanks!


  • #2
    Never heard of Cooper bad sign!
    If you play 2-4 hours I'd spend a bit more. That will work out cheaper in the end if you buy a £80-£120 cue you'll end up buying a more expensive one in a couple of years. Look second hand that might solve then problem for you.

    Otherwise you could get a machine spliced Craftsman cue for that money with a case or maybe a machine Peradon or Master cue.
    One of the members who sells cues might be able to help like ADR147.

    I still think you're as well to spend £140+ and get a hand spliced cue.


    • #3
      Go for one of Wooldridge's shark series cues - about £150.


      • #4
        i dunno mate, them que's look really nice, but £150 is alot of money to me been as im only 17, and for what i want it for it seems alot, i'l look into it, but does anyone else have any ideas?

        thanks for the reply though


        • #5
          You could try

          They do some nice cues and not too pricey
          sigpic <---New Website
          Dan Shelton Cues on Facebook


          • #6
            my advice is watch this auction. if you get it in your budget you will be doing well.

   80258330654&_trkparms=39%3A1|66%3A4|65%3A1|240%3A1 318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

            or if you prefer maple stretch a bit and look at this. 00252098225&_trkparms=39%3A1|66%3A4|65%3A1|240%3A1 318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14


            • #7
              I sell cues on ebay when the season gets going.

              They are from Master Billiard Supplies. Quite good quality as I play with a 4 piece one myself.

              It is not a question of how much or how little a cue costs.

              The most important thing is to find one that is well made.

              My target sales price for a 4 piece cue with case is £25 plus postage (£35 in total).

              Check out my website if you are interested.


              • #8
                generally master billiards cues are not my idea of well made, although some are good value for money.


                • #9
                  cheers for all the replys,

                  i was down the snooker club last night and got talking to a chap, and as this my my first cue he said it was best to go with the following:

                  - 9-10ml tip (and put a blue diamond tip on, medium hardness)
                  -about 18oz cue
                  -length?(im about 5'10/5'11)

                  and he said to spend about £60-£100 on one form a good stocked jjb?

                  do you all think this is good advice and are there any makes i should stay away from



                  • #10
                    umm - i think your mate might not be an expert! - try contacting bitter on the forum he might have a cue in your budget.


                    • #11
                      what would you say is wrong with that then mate?


                      • #12
                        jjb is never a good place to buy a cue - they have a mark up on cheap chinese cues that the rest of us can only dream off and blue diamonds are not a medium tip they are soft.


                        • #13
                          i see what you mean mate, al i really want is:

                          -an 18oz cue
                          -i do want preferably like a 9.5ml tip
                          -and be between 60-100 quid
                          - i dont really care but a 3/4 would be nice


                          • #14
                            watch the master cue i gave you a link to earlier - it might be right and ask bitter - he has cues in that budget its not really my area!


                            • #15
                              oh **** i forgot to say something else, i'd like the cue to be brand new, i know it might be better to pick up one second hand, but i do want a new one

                              cheers ADR147

