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master cues?

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  • #46
    Originally Posted by ROLO View Post
    hehehe it was a serious question honestly. I'd never given it a thought till now but them i remembered lead has a low melting point and cools quickly and thought it may not damage the wood more like a singing of it which from the inside wouldn't matter.
    well it was a good question any way

    please don't even think of pouring hot lead unless you know what you're doing , very nasty stuff,

    And never pour hot lead anywhere near a cue, it will almost certainly be instantly ruined!
    don't miss!


    • #47
      i forgot to add , if you did pour hot lead into a butt of a cue , how will you bond it to stop movement , one end wouldn't be bonded at all, so would probably work loose anyway
      don't miss!


      • #48
        At the end of the day Mastercue cues are value for money, yes the quality can be a bit in different from time to time, I'd say on the whole probably about 85% of them are good quality and even the ones that aren't great are good value for money.

        I did have a few problems with splices cracking just above the joint several years ago, but nothing has happened to any of the cues we've sold over the last 2 years. I could be wrong but I thought they had changed the old barrel joint that was weakening the top splices ?

        What do you think to the Mastercue Connoisseur range ?


        • #49
          are you a cue maker kevy62 ?


          • #50
            Originally Posted by GreenBaize View Post
            At the end of the day Mastercue cues are value for money, yes the quality can be a bit in different from time to time, I'd say on the whole probably about 85% of them are good quality and even the ones that aren't great are good value for money.

            I did have a few problems with splices cracking just above the joint several years ago, but nothing has happened to any of the cues we've sold over the last 2 years. I could be wrong but I thought they had changed the old barrel joint that was weakening the top splices ?

            What do you think to the Mastercue Connoisseur range ?
            Hi there, they look very nicely finished compaired to the old probutt series cues, the butt joints are slightly different (slightly shorter & small change of thread i think?) the mini-butt joints are not as deeply fitted as the older cues . i know this as i came accross one short time ago & an old tele exstension wouldn't fit. so i did a slight mod on the tele-joint & it fittted fine. but yes they appear to be very nice cues.:snooker:

            I forgot to ask , have you seen the EXTREME series cues yet?
            Last edited by kevy62; 27 October 2008, 12:42 AM.
            don't miss!


            • #51
              (why do you ask if i am a cuemaker) you just seem to know alot about cues.


              • #52
                Pouring lead into a cue just makes no sense at all.
                Just tap the butt, and insert a weight bolt, you can glue it as well if you like, depends on how you set it up. The weight can be measured by the length of the bolt because it will be proportional to the length. Cast iron, and steel bolts are very cheap and easy to install. Not sure why lead is mentioned repeatedly.
                Rolo really sounds like Wity if you ask me.


                • #53
                  Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                  Rolo really sounds like Wity if you ask me.
                  I was convinced quite a while ago and now do an automatic mental replacement of "ROLO" with "Wity" whenever I see the name .

                  I think I would be upset if it turned out otherwise !
                  "We have met the enemy and he is us" - Pogo


                  • #54
                    you guys are totally going deep into the cue. :P Btw mastercue is a good kind of cue but not the best, i've used several mastercues in past 8 years of my gaming. And i am not completly satisfied with them, especially in india the guy who imports the mastercues are mostly the cheap bad quality cues. I mean they are importing the crap mastercues for cheap rates. 45% of the cues has some or the other problem. He is making fools out of everyone. Few weeks ago i bought a pro butt mastercue, after a week of playing, it started making noice while playing the shot. I guess it was the iron rod inside the butt. And i immideatly took the cue back, and asked to give my money back! He also offered me an exchange, i didnt want to use any of those crap cues. Currently im using a JP cue. Its light weight and feels better while playing.


                    • #55
                      Ooh! And most of the proffesional players do use MasterCue. Including the 2008 ISBF Billiards world champ Pankaj Advani uses Pro Butt mastercue. Its hard to find a perfect cue though.


                      • #56
                        I got confused between ROLO, Fist of Fury, and Wity from time to time. Now that Fist of Fury is gone, I will just replace Rolo with Wity and it makes things easier.
                        I remember Wity used to say all kinds of things about these cheap cues he got off ebay and all this strange method (if you can call them that) he used to alter them or whatever. It was quite clear he did not really know much about cues, he had some very strange idea about payment/shipping, and he really liked to complain and run his mouth although his facts are more often than not incorrect. I think it was his close mindness, and stubborn attitude, plus his inability to comprehend, as well as his rude and ill manned posts that caused him to be banned. Can't say I miss him.
                        Last edited by poolqjunkie; 27 October 2008, 04:12 PM.


                        • #57
                          there is no connection between fist of fury and wity.


                          • #58
                            Originally Posted by ROLO View Post
                            Well if he's half as thick as you pooljunkie he ought to have been hung drawn and quartered never mind banned.
                            I think if you poured liquid lead down your butt, you might be askin g for a new cue tomorrow:

                            I have four master cues in my collection, and they are nice to look at, but do not have the same playing quality of my B and W St George, simple as:snooker:


                            • #59
                              i have owned more than 200 mastercues with mixed results a good one is very good.


                              • #60
                                Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                                i have owned more than 200 mastercues with mixed results a good one is very good.
                                That is A LOT of master snooker cues.
                                Did you play with all of them, or just trading?

