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question about peradon cues

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  • question about peradon cues


    i'm new here and i am from austria. i have a question about peradon cues like edwardian or century. i think i'm going to buy one these in the next days.
    so i hope you can tell me something aboute these cues. i know that there are better cues to buy but i only have a little budget and i'm not a tournament player. i just play for fun about once a week. i read that there are other cues recommended like craftsman but in austria it is no so easy to get british cues.
    so i hope you can help me a little bit. it would be very nice.
    by the way, is ist true that the peradon cues are varnished?
    thanks for every answer

    greetings flo

  • #2
    Es gibt in Österreich bez. in Wien schon ein paar Geschäfte.
    Weisst du genau welche Länge, Dicke, und Gewicht dein cue haben soll?

    Wenn du das nicht weisst, würde ich den cue im Geschäft anschauen und ausprobieren, es kann sein, dass der eine oder andere cue dir viel besser in der Hand liegt als der andere.

    Ich habe mir vor 3 Monaten auch einen Queue gekauft und mich über diverse Hersteller erkundigt.
    Es ist halt so, dass man über die "billigen" Hersteller sowol positives als auch negatives hört. Ich meine, dass ich durchaus auch gelesen habe, dass es Herstellungsmängel gibt.
    Eh logisch, ein billigeres Produkt wird nie so 100 Prozentig sein wei ein teureres, manche Leute erwarten das aber anscheinend.

    in eBay gibt es einige Verkäufer die GB Queues anbieten und es gibt eine Seite im Internet (ich denke es ist ein PDF-file) da sind fast alle snooker-cue Hersteller mit homepage (falls forhanden) aufgelistet.
    Such dir diese Seite in Google mal raus, ich fand sie sehr hilfreich.
    Da kannst du den cue direkt bestellen, dir teilweise auch genau die Länge und das Gewicht aussuchen -wenn du da weisst was du haben willst.

    Grüsse aus Wien


    • #3
      Peradons are alright they make alot of cues so some good some not so good!
      They are generally half varnished. Craftsman is a good alternative, you could find the web site and ask them about delivery. The cues a similarly priced.


      • #4
        The person I know with a Peradon custom has a great cue one of the best cues I've seen from anywhere but it wasn't £70. Don't know what the custom machine splices cost though.


        • #5
          I think that's a slight exageration£ ROLO!
          You can order something nice for under 200 if it's not too flash.
          I've got a feeling that price would be considerably more with Wooldridge or Osborne.

          Just been on it I didn't see the choice of finish there anymore.


          • #6
            Peradon make a decent cue no doubt, although the finishing is not quite as nice as some others. Having said that, the finish is one part of a cue that can usually be improved upon, so I wouldn't let that put you off too much.

            All in all, a good cue for reasonable money.

            Good luck with your choice.


            • #7
              Originally Posted by ROLO View Post
              You can order a custom built cue from peradon and request it be oiled otherwise it will be lacqured not varnished.

              ADR147 on the forum here is your best bet he'll get you a 20% discount.
              this is true i can.


              • #8
                Some of us have more class than to put in a load of flash gordyness Rolo!
                Splices don't pot balls!

                That the cue trevs made for me with Macassar ebony and Thuya splice is in no way flash.


                • #9
                  i live quite close to peradon in liverpool i live in wigan and i have visited clairs lots of times the last time i was there i went through every cue they had in the racks around 200/250 and out of the lot i found about 5/6 cues that i would consider good. a few exclusives or something like that they were around £250 and a regents cue a model that they dont make anymore.


                  • #10
                    in truth you would be better spending the money on a second hand tony ions cue etc - especially as i have one for sale!


                    • #11
                      what are the specs i might be interested


                      • #12
                        i have 2 actually - a one piece and a plain 3/4


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                          in truth you would be better spending the money on a second hand tony ions cue etc - especially as i have one for sale!
                          i love adr sales technique


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by mattyshinobi22 View Post
                            i love adr sales technique
                            lol actually i am a terrible salesman.

