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Mr. Keith Auld, althrough you are retired, please don't retired my money as well

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  • #46
    To be fair he's got a point.

    You won't get any help from him now.


    • #47
      Originally Posted by stephen23 View Post
      a new reply from him:
      So far you have conducted this, from receipt to date, on the Snooker Forum and managed to call me every possible name and tried to undermine my business in every way possible. If you had behaved properly contacted me and said ' Keith this cue is unacceptable I'm returning it to you, please issue a refund upon receipt of the cue', this would have been done with an apology from me. However you've used the forum to rubbish me, issuing pictures you claim to be of the cue and calling it a 'piece of ****. Considering this I don't see why I should go out of my way to assist you, All you have managed to do is cause me unnecessary grief on the snooker forum (I read your new thread specifically started to rubbish me and all the comments that it has generated), how you can expect me to assist you now astounds me.
      I think this puts an end to your claim Stephen, put it down to experience.
      Good luck


      • #48
        He should not have asked you to send the cue back, if he had no intention to refund you your money. He could have told you he was broke, or sick, or whatever, and just told you to keep the cue and be dealt with it. That way, at least you would not be out of a cue and your money.

        You only started this because he did not issue the refund that he promised you, and then came up with one excuse after the next. Keith auld is once again trying to blame his problem and failure by red herring the public. First, it is his sickness, then he is in liqudation, now he would nto "assist" his customer because of the forum.

        If he does not want to issue a refund, he should send you back the cue.

        Issuing a refund is not about assisting a customer, it is called backing up your product, and is part of good business practice. When you promise a refund, you follow through and keep your promise. The customer would not have posted all these if you have kept your promise.

        Obviously, that is something Keith Auld is too much of a master to understand.
        Last edited by poolqjunkie; 27 November 2008, 08:51 PM.


        • #49
          Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
          He should not have asked you to send the cue back, if he had no intention to refund you your money. He could have told you he was broke, or sick, or whatever, and just told you to keep the cue and be dealt with it. That way, at least you would not be out of a cue and your money.

          You only started this because he did not issue the refund that he promised you, and then came up with one excuse after the next. Keith auld is once again trying to blame his problem and failure on others. First, it is the sickness, then the liqudation, now because of the forum.

          If he does not want to issue a refund, he should send you back the cue.

          Issuing a refund is not about assisting a customer, it is called backing up your product, and is part of good business practice. When you promise a refund, you follow through and keep your promise. The customer would not have posted all these if you have kept your promise.

          Obviously, that is something Keith Auld is too much of a master to understand.
          Hi Pj,

          I understand what you are saying. Perhaps both parties could have dealt with the situation better? wouldn't you agree?

          Ive not read too much into the detail but it sounds like Keith "may" be abit dodgy but stephen23 could have conducted himself better.

          After all, the issue is between Keith and Stephen23.

          My apologies for having a go at you before about Parris Cues.



          • #50
            Originally Posted by trevs1 View Post
            I'd have to disagree strongly with this comment, as Keith has nothing to with other makers.
            Keith Auld is not like the rest of the honest cue makers in the UK who actually earn a living by building actual playable cues in the real world.


            • #51
              Originally Posted by thai_son22 View Post
              Hi Pj,

              I understand what you are saying. Perhaps both parties could have dealt with the situation better? wouldn't you agree?

              Ive not read too much into the detail but it sounds like Keith "may" be abit dodgy but stephen23 could have conducted himself better.

              After all, the issue is between Keith and Stephen23.

              My apologies for having a go at you before about Parris Cues.

              Keith Auld has had no intention to issue a refund in the first place, or else his customer would not have to post this for the whoel world to see.

              From what Stephen wrote, seems to me he had tried to resolve it peacefully first, but kept getting stone walled about liquadtion or no respond at all.

              But I for one am glad he took the effort to let all of us know how Keith Auld handles this situation, so hopefully no one would have to go through this agony again.

              By the way, how did Keith Auld read all these posts?

              Is he reading them with another puppet?????

              PS, I am sorry about making a bad joke on John parris and my apology for my response to your post as well. Thank you for your understanding.
              Last edited by poolqjunkie; 27 November 2008, 09:13 PM.


              • #52
                having read thru the thread again, i would agree with those who suggest that perhaps in hindsight stephen23 might have conducted his business in a slightly more professional manner but i take stock of other threads concerning keith auld and i believe that stephen23 should surely get his cue back! i have never come across keith but the whole affair seems to have got out of hand,,, if id had a problem with my cue i would expect it to be sorted asap cos u pay ur money and u expect a service... advice... go down the correct channels and stop the rant,,,

                up the clarets...


                • #53
                  i feel i just have to say - where else is one expected to turn when they receive no response (or refund via paypal - which sucks btw)? what channels are left????

                  how frustrated would each and every one of you be if you parted with hard earned money and found yourself 'stitched up'? put it down to experience? b*llocks! put yourselves in his shoes for one moment.

                  stephen23, you are fully justified in being angry, and as a member of tsf, who, no doubt, conducted your transaction solely based on the information you read on this very forum, now feel your only recourse is to post your opinions and thoughts here.

                  for those who don't like it, tough! get off stephen23's back. he's in a hole and desperate. he would not have posted here had keith responded in a professional manner.

                  if anyone else has something to say, let it be a word of sympathy rather than telling him to 'shut up and get on with it'!
                  The Cuefather.



                  • #54
                    well said mike.

                    if said that way, cant say i dont agree.


                    • #55
                      thank god for that! sometimes i read stuff here and wonder if i really am going mad. or the only sane one here...
                      The Cuefather.



                      • #56
                        Originally Posted by MikeWooldridge View Post
                        i feel i just have to say - where else is one expected to turn when they receive no response (or refund via paypal - which sucks btw)? what channels are left????

                        how frustrated would each and every one of you be if you parted with hard earned money and found yourself 'stitched up'? put it down to experience? b*llocks! put yourselves in his shoes for one moment.

                        stephen23, you are fully justified in being angry, and as a member of tsf, who, no doubt, conducted your transaction solely based on the information you read on this very forum, now feel your only recourse is to post your opinions and thoughts here.

                        for those who don't like it, tough! get off stephen23's back. he's in a hole and desperate. he would not have posted here had keith responded in a professional manner.

                        if anyone else has something to say, let it be a word of sympathy rather than telling him to 'shut up and get on with it'!
                        I totally agree.

                        I can understand why some may feel sick and tired of hearing complains, especially when the matter is of no concerns to that person directly; however, I would like to express my point of view that this is not strictly a private matter between only Stephen and Keith.

                        Stephen heard of Keith Auld through the forum, he gathered from reading the posts and feedback from other members and Keith himself, to make up his mind to place an order with Keith Auld.

                        Although the forum is not liable or responsible for Keith auld's action, there is, in my opinion, courtesy/obligation to warn others if we know a certain forum member is a con artist, or is known to misrepresent his product, and refuse to make things right afterward.

                        Since Keith Auld has clearly been taking advantage of the forum to promote his web site, and his cues, he should expect to also deal with public complain of his company or/and his cues here on the forum.

                        It brings me to my original point that I was trying to make, that I feel that very often when a person wants to expose or even challenge a cue maker such as Keith Auld, that others who do not really have any knowledge of Keith Auld would jump on the bang wagon to defend him, or to tell the posters to stop attacking him and so on. I know personally several of my posts were deleted when i questioned Keith Auld's claims.

                        I think this is something we should really ask ourselves: when we decide to remain silent knowing that a member is known for misrepresentation and unethical practice, are we in a way helping this person to hurt other innocent forum members?

                        When someone has the courage to step up and expose such a member, should we stop him, because we do not like to hear about it? Or should we thank him, for helping to prevent other potential victims from being conned and hurt by this member?

                        Let's not forget, that a lot of people base their purchase decision on reading feedback from forums. When negative feedback and comment are all deleted, and only positive ones remain, it would create a very untrue and bias impression which could cause a member to end up going through the agony that Stephen has to deal with now.

                        I for one would like to show my support to Stephen, and thank him for having the courage to be the "bad guy" and expose this so we will know and hopefully will not make the same mistake again.


                        • #57
                          I would like to add that i had a run in with Keith and i was lucky to get my cue back!!

                          He told me i would have my cue back in two weeks!

                          Two months later i managed to get it back no work done to it!!


                          • #58
                            Originally Posted by burwatchampion View Post
                            I would like to add that i had a run in with Keith and i was lucky to get my cue back!!

                            He told me i would have my cue back in two weeks!

                            Two months later i managed to get it back no work done to it!!
                            indeed were you not one of the people leaping to his defence?


                            • #59
                              Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                              indeed were you not one of the people leaping to his defence?
                              I think Mr. Leslie was the one who sent a cue to Keith for alternation. He said he had spoken to some people who had work done by Keith and they were all very happy, so he was certain that he would be happy with the result as well. In all fairness, many people came to Keith Auld's defense even though I am sure none of them really knew anything about Keith in that thread which was later locked.

                              I believe another forum member who had a complain against Keith, Cue in hand, voted for Keith Auld in the "who is the best cue maker" thread. Cue in hand is now obviously not going to cast the same vote again had he been given the same poll.

                              These people were very sadly misinformed. Most of negative comment or even facts about Keith were discredited, deleted and threads were locked on this forum. I really am not sure why so many people automatically turned against those who wanted to warn the members about Keith Auld? Even just questioning Keith Auld's claim was like a crime back then?

                              By the way, do you remember this famous one liner about the "long suffering snooker public" from Keith Auld?

                              Quote of Keith Auld directed toward Mike Wooldridge:
                              "Thanks Mike for all the publicity - don't worry though, all those cues of yours that keep coming into my workshop for me to repair, put right or alter, I'll continue to do for the long suffering snooker public."

                              Do you find it a bit ironic to see Keith Auld talking about serving the "long suffering public?"
                              Last edited by poolqjunkie; 1 December 2008, 10:14 AM.


                              • #60
                                I have difficulty in understanding!

                                First of I would like to say I have no disspute with any member of this forum, and don't have the time to start one.

                                Secondly, am I right in understanding some members are jumping to the defence of a con man?

                                Mister Kieth Auld, Appeared here shortly after I put my cue order in with Trevs1. He started of offering people free advice on cue repairs and construction. If anybody read these threads they would of realised that some of britains best cue makers (Trevor White, Mike Wooldrigde)where rubbing their heads at some of the things Mr. Auld was coming out with (at least it seemed that way to me).

                                Kieth Auld, seems to be the kind of man who promises the goods(the real deal) and delivers if anything? rubbish! I haven't seen one of his little beautys and now that I've read of the problems stephen23 is having, I'm happy I'm probably not going too.

                                I found through this forum my way to a real Master Cue Maker and am extremly happy with the product I recieved. If I hadn't been, after more than one discussion with Trevs1 I know it would of been sorted out to my satisfaction!

                                If somebody like Kieth shows up here and missuses the Site to sell his products, which are not what they should be. Then I think that the site should react to it in the most distanceing kind of way possible! Put these kind of people on/in the internets Stocks and let the people who have been cheated throw the first egg, tomato or even put the boot in.

                                All the best

                                Quote : It took me eight hours a day for 16 years to become an overnight sensation! Cliff Thorburn

