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Mr. Keith Auld, althrough you are retired, please don't retired my money as well

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  • #61
    Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
    "Thanks Mike for all the publicity - don't worry though, all those cues of yours that keep coming into my workshop for me to repair, put right or alter, I'll continue to do for the long suffering snooker public."

    Do you find it a bit ironic to see Keith Auld talking about serving the "long suffering public?"
    Ah so that was why he went out of business......Shame on you Mike for making cues properly!!! You forgot to use PVA glue on the splices again! Tsk!

    And i bet there were so many orders coming in for a cue, just so they could send it off to Keith and get the job done properly...i dunno, seems if you want a bodge job done dont go to Mike Wooldridge, Trevor White, John Parris, Dave Coutts or Tony Glover. A customer just cant get a shoddy job anymore.

    Well said Brian! Amen to that
    sigpic <---New Website
    Dan Shelton Cues on Facebook


    • #62
      time for


      • #63
        Sorry we getting in the way of who won the snooker championship in 1916 and how many times did he scratch his nose thread, or the who is the biggest....YAWN!!
        sigpic <---New Website
        Dan Shelton Cues on Facebook


        • #64
          Originally Posted by totlxtc View Post
          Sorry we getting in the way of who won the snooker championship in 1916 and how many times did he scratch his nose thread, or the who is the biggest....YAWN!!
          I am waiting for Boss to start who is the biggest Keith?


          • #65
            "Thanks Mike for all the publicity - don't worry though, all those cues of yours that keep coming into my workshop for me to repair, put right or alter, I'll continue to do for the long suffering snooker public."
            Keith Auld

            Wait a minute? Keith Auld just told everyone that he had not been building cues for half a year because he was very sick. So...who were actually doing those repairs, if there were really any?

            Now, i am so very confused.
            Last edited by poolqjunkie; 1 December 2008, 10:24 AM.


            • #66
              I am expecting this post about Keith Auld to be locked and/or deleted very soon. Anything negative about Keith Auld tends to always hit a nerve on this forum it seems.

              Okay, deleted all the complains, let's help Keith to get more orders. The long suffering snooker public needs that.

              Hope I will not be banned.
              Last edited by poolqjunkie; 1 December 2008, 10:29 AM.


              • #67
                It was magic! Keith has a bunch of drunk and stoned elves who help him. Their spit is stronger than any glue and they can taper a shaft with their teeth
                sigpic <---New Website
                Dan Shelton Cues on Facebook


                • #68
                  Originally Posted by totlxtc View Post
                  It was magic! Keith has a bunch of drunk and stoned elves who help him. Their spit is stronger than any glue and they can taper a shaft with their teeth
                  Like tooth fairy?


                  • #69
                    Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                    I am waiting for Boss to start who is the biggest Keith?
                    keith chegwin


                    • #70
                      Keith de Konartes gets my vote.


                      • #71
                        Originally Posted by totlxtc View Post
                        Sorry we getting in the way of who won the snooker championship in 1916 and how many times did he scratch his nose thread, or the who is the biggest....YAWN!!

                        hang on! i think i know that one....

                        shall we have a poll?
                        • he scratched it once
                        • he scratched it twice
                        • he did not scratch it
                        • i don't care and i can't take any more. somebody please just shoot me!
                        The Cuefather.



                        • #72
                          Originally Posted by Strickimicki View Post
                          If somebody like Kieth shows up here and missuses the Site to sell his products, which are not what they should be. Then I think that the site should react to it in the most distanceing kind of way possible! Put these kind of people on/in the internets Stocks and let the people who have been cheated throw the first egg, tomato or even put the boot in.

                          All the best

                          You know, I would really like to know, now that you have brought it up, if the forum moderators would do anything about Keith Auld?

                          From the way I see it, Keith Auld has been taking advantage of the forum to promote and sell his cues; he has made many false claims and misrepresented himself many times; Keith Auld has cheated on and stolen from forum members who trusted Keith Auld based on what they have read about him on this forum; he has repeatedly attacked and challenged other reputable cue makers on the forum trying to provoke them and to make himself sound above or at least equal to them in terms of cue making status; Keith is now refusing to issue a refund while keeping the customer's cue at the same time; multiple members have since voiced their complain.
                          Last edited by poolqjunkie; 1 December 2008, 11:29 AM.


                          • #73
                            Originally Posted by totlxtc View Post
                            Sorry we getting in the way of who won the snooker championship in 1916 and how many times did he scratch his nose thread, or the who is the biggest....YAWN!!
                            I think the following "cue making related" threads might have the potential to be preferred over this thread:

                            Which cue maker do you want to have dinner with?
                            Which cue maker would you want to go swimming with?
                            Which cue maker would you like to watch a movie with?
                            Well, you get the idea.


                            • #74
                              Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                              indeed were you not one of the people leaping to his defence?
                              I was of the stance that the proof was in the pudding, untill then i could not say anything bout Keiths work and nether should anyone else untill they had!

                              Someone i know said they had used Keith to repair a cue a while back and said they were happy with the work.

                              Unfortunatly after being promised my cue back, "ready in two weeks" and not getting it till two months later with nothing done to it, i can say i feel lucky to get it back.

                              Keith said he was not feeling well to me but kept saying he would do the work.
                              So all im saying now is i feel for the people who got the run around from Keith


                              • #75
                                Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                                I think the following "cue making related" threads might have the potential to be preferred over this thread:

                                Which cue maker do you want to have dinner with?
                                Which cue maker would you want to go swimming with?
                                Which cue maker would you like to watch a movie with?
                                Well, you get the idea.
                                How about 'Whose character should we assassinate next?', seems to be more up your alley.

                                As far as I know you've never dealt with Keith nor seen one of his cues. Personally I find the extent to which you seem to be enjoying posting in this thread disgusting, and I don't believe for a minute you're doing it either to help Stephen or to 'inform the members'.

