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Mr. Keith Auld, althrough you are retired, please don't retired my money as well

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  • Mr. Keith Auld, althrough you are retired, please don't retired my money as well

    just return that piece of s*** to Keith but still got no refund on paypal. after awhile, got this message:

    Please note that Mr Auld's business has now closed down and he is no loger responsible for it. Therefore the item will be returned to you. If you have a claim against the company please submit your claim in writing and it will be considered once the company is finally wound up and the preferential creditors and liquidator's fees paid

    wow, before I paid you everthing were easier said than done.
    now I have to deal with some LEGAL things because you suddenly retire and just close down your business and leave all the s*** to me.
    Well done Keith!!!
    when can I get my money back as I dunno when will your company WONUD UP and I dunno what the hack is preferential creditors and liquidator's fees

    HOPE you can get well ASAP to settle down this issue!!
    Last edited by stephen23; 25 November 2008, 08:38 PM.

  • #2
    If this is the stance that Keith is taking it is a very sorry state of affairs.

    He has wound his company up and there is no disgrace in that but to appoint a liquidator for what I can only imagine is a relatively small business is strange. Liquidators are normally appointed when a company is forced into winding up through insolvency (the inability to pay debts once they become due).

    The basis of a liquidation is to liquidate the balance sheet to zero. i.e sell assets of the business, recover debt and pay creditors and liquidate the stock through sale. Any shortfall to pay creditors is the key issue and you may not get back what you are owed.

    If a liquidator has been appointed and you feel that you have a claim, you will need to contact the liquidator, submit your claim and wait and hope that the business has assets to pay you.

    You would be listed an as unsecured creditor.

    Believe me, once the liquidator has taken his share and the assets are sold below 'book' value there is often nothing left for the above.

    It is a hard business world but this is how it works.


    • #3
      Stephen I really feel for you and sadly i think you are stuck with the cue. I think a lesson has been learnt there on behalf of your loss. Very sad to hear this. I hope something is sorted out for you
      sigpic <---New Website
      Dan Shelton Cues on Facebook


      • #4
        Sorry to read your story Stephen, but i did not think Keith Auld Cues was a limited company ?


        • #5
          Keith never ceases to amaze us. Just not sure why he was allowed to conduct business on this forum in the first place, despite many people repeatedly tried to warn others.
          Stephen, I feel very sorry for you.
          But may be you can send the cue to John Parris, to have the ferrule changed, and the SD joint redone and whatever...John Parris tends to enjoy putting his whole badge on the cue once he has repaired it.
          I still remember many forum member here had jumped to Keith's rescue saying no one should attack him and how nice his work is and such and such. Well, someone had listened to you "kind" folks, placed his trust on Keith, and this is what happened. I am not sure how you all might feel about your uninformed and ignorant, though may be well intended, comment.


          • #6
            Nowt so dumb as those who won't listen!
            Its not how well you play its how good you look playing that counts!


            • #7
              Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
              John Parris tends to enjoy putting his whole badge on the cue once he has repaired it.
              Normally I let idiotic statements like this go without comment but this is just not true!! I have no idea what your problem is with John Parris cues? John NEVER puts his badge on a repaired cue unless the customer asks for it to be done. Most customers prefer a 'John Parris Customised' badge on their cue rather than whatever badge they have on to begin with.

              'Believe To Achieve'


              • #8
                Originally Posted by Oldgit View Post
                Normally I let idiotic statements like this go without comment but this is just not true!! I have no idea what your problem is with John Parris cues? John NEVER puts his badge on a repaired cue unless the customer asks for it to be done. Most customers prefer a 'John Parris Customised' badge on their cue rather than whatever badge they have on to begin with.

                gotta agree with u there oldgit. Pj u seem to enjoy slaggin off Parris Cues in one way or another. Although in my previous thread I showed a negative vibe to his cues, i must admit, i was impressed when i went to visit yesterday.

                all his cue models on sale to try. he had special cues and ultimate cues for use, in both ash and maple and to be honest, i didnt like the ash too much but the maple was really something special.

                why dont you call him to go to see him and start slaggin him off before you do it on the forum


                • #9
                  My situation same as you.
                  1 month ago, he promised me that remade a new for me and will be finished and send to me within 2 months.
                  2 days ago, I asked him how about the present state of my new cue?
                  He answer : I will try to make you another cue out of goodwill to you ,by hand,but only when my health improves.
                  I ask : May I send my cue back to you for money refund if your health is not allow?
                  He answer : My company has now closed down and is in administration - I personally have retired and have no longer any contact with it.You are welcome to put in a claim against the company, and if you send it to me I will pass it on to the liquidator although in my experience once the preferential creditors (the bank, Inland revenue, tax and liquidators) fees have been taken out there is generally very little left for other creditors, usually about 10p in the pound.

                  deceiver-Keith Auld


                  • #10
                    You can announced retires very easily, but your reputation already went bankrupt. I thought all cuemakers in UK, feels ignominious to your behavior.


                    • #11
                      are you Justin?
                      I am sorry to hear this to you
                      I can only say Keith Auld, shame on you


                      • #12
                        my cue is on his hans now, can do nothing on it
                        also if I have to repair that MASTERPIECE, I'd rather get a new cue
                        luckily Andrew has helped me on a new cue already!


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by thai_son22 View Post
                          Pj u seem to enjoy slaggin off Parris Cues in one way or another.
                          Really? Can you show me when and where I have enjoyed slagging off Parris cue in one way or another?

                          I was joking when I said JP enjoyed putting his badge on cues he repaired. I have been very supportive of John Parris, I even play with his cues myself, which I made my first century with. And just for agrument's sake, even if I do not like his work, then so what?

                          I am entitled to my opinion, just as you are, but you need to get your facts right, before you start mouthing off at me.

                          Going back on topic. I have not met a forum member here who enjoys slagging off other cue makers more than Keith Auld. I still remember he said how Mike Wooldridge and other cue makers' cues always ended up in his shop for repair/restraightening/retaper or what not--this all happened while he was supposed to be too sick to build cues.

                          Me and a few others have tried to question his claims--and his honesty--but were faced with all kinds of defensive responses and attacks, claiming how Keith was a nice guy, and that I and others were mean and so on. Some described this as a "witch hunt." Some said I was not qualified to make such comment because they believed somehow that I did not know enough about Keith Auld's cue or Keith Auld to make any comment on him. Some of my posts were deleted, while Keith Alud's were all untouched despite all the contradictory and bongus claims he tried to make repeatedly--in the hope of lurking members to send him their hard earned cash in exchange for his rubbish.

                          I do not feel good about how others have been ripped off by Keith Auld. I can see that they are all from far east so it could be quite hard to pursue this.

                          Usually, what Keith said about filing a claim should only apply if a company has to close down because it is in too much debt with a bunch of creditors lining up to get paid. Is that what Keith Auld is saying? Is he saying he is in serious debt, and therefore is being liquidated? I though he said he is simply retiring due to his illness? Again, it is rather contradictory, much like everything else that has come out from Keith's mouth?

                          So, is he forced into liqudation, or simply closing down due to illness? If it is the former, then he was lying again with his thread about retirement; if it is the latter, then he should have no problem making a refund, and what he later told his customers were just lies.
                          Last edited by poolqjunkie; 28 November 2008, 01:51 AM.


                          • #14
                            What is Keith's business called, as I have just checked Companies House and there is not a 'Keith Auld' anything listed.

                            If his business is not limited the liquidator might become appointed in bankruptcy and Keith's estate will be taken into account.


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                              Is he saying he is in serious debt, and therefore is being liquidated?
                              He should not have brought that all singing and all dancing American built lathe and got it shipped over then
                              sigpic <---New Website
                              Dan Shelton Cues on Facebook

