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actual cue comparison excluding prices

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by KeithinFrance View Post
    When I said that John likes the chevrons on his cue upside down, it was a humouristic attempt to say that what suits one person doesn't suit another and that just because John likes something doesn't mean that it's necessarily the be all and end all. It was not in any way supposed to offend anyone.

    I was not offended, but I just could not understand the point you were trying to make. The person who said John Higgins liked NW cue was quite likely more focused on John as a good player, rather than how he likes his Chervons. I dont know if NW cues are good, and dont really care much. No, I have never seen one, and never talked to the cue. I just did not know why John Higgins's perference on chervons would have anything to do with anything.

    I don't know ste bed nor asi and have nothing against them, so sorry if anyone took offense.
    I do know Kevin personally and have nothing at all against him.
    I also know John personally and have nothing against him.

    It is wonderful that you know so many cue makers personally. i am so very impressed.

    Poolqjunkie, I think if you read my post again, you'll see that neither of the sayings you attributed to me were said by me. What I did was give my opinion on the 1 cue I'd actually seen by Keith and give my impressions on the way our communication had gone.
    Unlike some, I've actually spoken to the man and I thought it only fair to let people know that. I don't know why you've got a vendetta against the man

    I dont know why either.

    I dont know him, and I do no have any opinion of him as a person. I do have a problem with his contradictional claims, his fraudalent misrepresentattion, his refusal to handle a refund with any integrity, his lies about all sorts of cue making secrets, his attack /challenge on other cue makers and the way he handled his customers when they are not satisfied. But no, I dont have a vendetta aginst the man. Can you understand how to seperate the behavior from the person?

    and I suggest you stop letting that colour your opinions and reactions to other people who have no axe to grind.

    I would suggest you stop making assumption about me and over react. I asked you a simple question based on what you said, that is all.

    I have read a lot of your posts and found them very interesting, however, whenever it comes to Keith, you turn nasty, vindictive and offensive and behave with all the maturity of an 8-year-old.

    You are entitled to your opinion. just as I am entitled to my opinion about your opinions on cues and so on. If I disagree with you, and I want to point it out, I will try to offer some facts/logics behind my thought, rather than just calling you names or using some insulting adjectives. I think the more mature way to express one's opinion is to provide it logically, with supporting arguments rather than calling someone an 8 years old.

    It's not very becoming and I'm sure I'm not alone in being totally fed up with your carry on.

    You dont have to agree with me. This is a forum for different opinions. Some people like your post, and some dont. It is how the real world operates.

    You are, of course, entitled to your opinions, but don't let them blinker you and lead you into murky waters.

    I am not sure I understand what you are saying--I am in murky water because you disagree with my opinion and how I express them? That is very mature/open-minded of you to believe that any one who does not agree with you or your approved mode of expressing his opiniin is in murky water, as you are in crystal clear water.

    I hope we can call a halt to this now. Have a nice day.
    Have a great holiday. Your last name is not Auld by any chance, is it?
    Last edited by poolqjunkie; 26 December 2008, 06:44 AM.

