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Hunt and Osbourne or Mike Wooldridge?

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  • #16
    Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
    never mind fox hunting we should be allowed to hunt any brother chuckle.
    Any news on my extensions?


    • #17
      Originally Posted by 1lawyer
      It appears Mike Wooldridge did not appreciate what I said about his for the record I will stand by the above statement. I think that he is one of the best cue makers in the world and therefore can make a cue as good as anyone...but my honest opinion is that I dont like the joints in his cues and I have said I would buy another of his cues although 1 piece...I was not going to mention it because he is on here and I did not wish to harm a sale but seeing as he does not care how he speaks to people then I will....yes I do feel your cues are overpriced in comparrison to the market in which you trade...take that statement as you want!

      I dont care if you think as you say I have a '****ty attitude' in your recent private message Mike...
      I am giving an honest opinion...this is a forum were we are allowed to share our opinions...what does it matter I'm sure you have thousands of happy customers...I have owned a couple of yours as I have said and they were good cues and you were one of the best cue makers in the world how is that an insult...Or is it because I think three or four other makers are better?

      You can forget about me buying anymore...One thing has changed I would not be seen dead holding one of your cues again.
      I don't think there was anything wrong with your earlier post.

      You've not said anything bad about Mike Wooldridge cues.


      • #18
        Originally Posted by jasond28 View Post
        Any news on my extensions?
        i have them mate - just could not remember who they were for!


        • #19
          by the way i am not sure that hunt osbourne or parris hold their value any better than mike or trevor. they all appear to lose a similar % to me!


          • #20
            you would be silly to take that bet against me.


            • #21
              well i sell lots of all of them, and i am pretty aware of what i charge for them its a bet i can't lose i will just sell them at identical % drops! i think you need to clam down a bit mate.


              • #22
                Somebody is brewing up a storm !


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                  well i sell lots of all of them, and i am pretty aware of what i charge for them its a bet i can't lose i will just sell them at identical % drops! i think you need to clam down a bit mate.
                  i think he means if you sold them fair and square on ebay without no interferance


                  • #24
                    Lawyer please have a smoke. Smoking may be bad for your health but you not smoking is bad for eveyone elses lol
                    sigpic <---New Website
                    Dan Shelton Cues on Facebook


                    • #25
                      Originally Posted by jasond28 View Post
                      I don't think there was anything wrong with your earlier post.

                      You've not said anything bad about Mike Wooldridge cues.
                      i tried to pm you but as i couldn't here's a copy of my pm's to 1lawyer. you decide if i should apologise (i'm in blue ):

                      you've had two of my cues?

                      may i ask what cues and when/where you bought them?

                      Why? do you not believe me... how very this because I said that I prefered the Will Hunt black label?

                      I did say they where good and I am sure you can make a brilliant cue but the ones I have owned have not been as good as some other cues I have had...Please dont take me the wrong way...I am not putting you down and you are a good cue maker as I have said.

                      lol. was just a simple question. why would you think i don't believe you?

                      i am just interested to know what cues and where/when you got them.

                      i'm just curious. humour me.

                      Nope sorry.

                      You use this forum for buisness also I just use it cos I love snooker...I dont wish to slate you but I wish to give my opinion to those who ask it...I think your cues are over priced in comparison to the market and just a few others I have tried are better...take it on the chin like a man...can't please everyone being the fourth or fifth best cuemaker in the world aint so bad.

                      I may buy another off you in the future if you shape up a bit..

                      hey. cheers for the sh*tty attitude.

                      fyi, i don't use the forum for business, unlike others. it's just a bit of fun for me.

                      but then coming across people with your attitude make me wonder why i bother.

                      just asked you a polite question.

                      i also don't hide behind an alias. if i have something to say i don;t mind people knowing who i am and what i'm saying.

                      have a good day.

                      You where not polite and I dont have an time I see you I will expect an apology for yours though..
                      The Cuefather.



                      • #26
                        Originally Posted by 1lawyer
                        I know you sell you would be silly to make the bet...

                        Bet is a top of the range (not fake) or altered Parris and a top of the range Trevor white will make closer to their original price than a Wooldridge or an Osbourne...although the Osbourne would hold its price well

                        What do you want to bet?
                        i wouldn't bet with adr147. you'll lose
                        The Cuefather.



                        • #27
                          Mike... you surely know that 1lawyers have a very different take on the world...


                          Two 1lawyers were walking down a street - lunchtime on a sunny day shooting the breeze together.
                          One scoped a beautiful blonde walking along over the road and elbowed the other, exclaiming...
                          "MAN! I'd love to screw THAT!"

                          After an appreciative leer, the second 1lawyer turned to the first 1lawyer and asked "Out of WHAT?".




                          • #28
                            lol. well said noel
                            The Cuefather.



                            • #29
                              well I for one hope to become a good enough player one day to be able to justify to myself buying a Mike Wooldridge cue ...

                              I used to play with a £20 Cannon Scorpion but felt I needed something better so I bought a Welsh Dragon (for around-ish £100) from Welsh Pool Trading last October which I am delighted with and really enjoy playing with ...

                              but I already know what I want next if I continue improving ... one of those wicked looking Shark series Mike does ... at about-ish £170 they *must* be a real bargain


                              • #30
                                I have one of Mike's cues, and yes it was very expensive, but it is also the best cue I have ever seen!

