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Hunt and Osbourne or Mike Wooldridge?

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  • #91
    Hi Pearce,

    Where in my posts am I rubbishing Mike Wooldridge or his cues???

    You are entitled to your opinion at least you tell us that your comment is a biased one, now this has to be the last submission, I dont know how many more times I can state that this is not about the quality of cues sold, the debate is simply one of business ethics and legal requirements.

    You claim that Mike Wooldridge and by that claim everyone out there is entitled to run their business the way they see fit, maybe they do in Australia given their colonial past, but it certainly is not the case in the UK, there is a trade practicing act, a consumer protection act, a goods misrepresentation act, all of which you can look up on the net, as a seller and dealer in the UK you have rights and you have legal obligations, one of which is that you cannot misrepresent your product, to put it terms you will understand, if you import a cue from Thailand for 20 pounds, put your own ID on that cue, and if you advertise that cue as the product of your own skill and charge 600 pounds for it, you are breaking the law, but dont take my word for it, for your and everyone elses interest out there I paste a few extracts from the trade practices act currently in force;

    UK Misrepresentation Act 1967
    Any false claims about the quality, country of origin, authenticity of the goods sold may amount to a misrepresentation and would entitle the customer to sue you in the civil courts.

    Price Marking Order 2004
    Traders must show a price in writing for all goods offered for sale. This can be attached to the goods, or placed adjacent to them. Consumer Transactions (Restrictions on Statements) Order 1976

    It is an offence to display any sign which tries to limit a buyer's rights. If you use signs like 'NO REFUNDS' or 'SOLD AS SEEN', as well as being illegal, they would not, in fact, limit a consumer's rights because they would be void for illegality or breach Unfair Contract Terms legislation.

    So you see, the law takes a different view to some traders it's not a matter if you dont like my prices or products just F#$@ off.

    All I have asked of Mike Wooldridge is that he confirms the the cues he sells are 100% made by him in his workshop, home whatever in the UK using raw materials sourced by himself and that he has no affiliation with any other cue maker in asia or elsewhere.

    John Parris if you care to look at his website has complied with current UK laws and has put in writing where his cues are made and where the materials for them are sourced from.

    It's a question of honesty do you follow?


    • #92
      Originally Posted by garyng147 View Post
      One of my friend has a H&O black plate,it's a brilliant cue.When he ordered this cue last year,Robert told us JP,Stamford and Master are doing business with the same wood supplier.I've visit a Thai cue workshop last year,and saw more than 30 JP cues and some Riley,BCE cues were manufacturing,Elite...Champion....Challenge....Sup reme...etc,the cuemaker told me those cues will ship to UK after 80% finished,maybe those cues were fake,coz John said all his cues were making inside UK.

      Peoples said JP cues quality were going down,machine polish mark on the shaft of an ULTIMATE CUE...wrong balance...uneven splicing...bent and rough shaft...slipped joint and ferrule...nobody knows why,but I think I've found out the answer.
      Dont make baseless allegations, list the cue manufacturer and his address where you allege you saw all these John Parris and other cues ready to be shipped to the UK after being 80% completed?? if you you dont at least have the decency and apologize for the lies you are spreading here, your earlier post clearly states that you believe that the cues sold by Mike Wooldridge are 100% UK made, how do you know that, and what leads you to say that??


      • #93
        Blimey its hot in here....

        I caught some nasty stuff on chat last night between a few members whom i wont name. I just want to add...CALM DOWN FELLAS EH? Ive had parris cues, stamford cues before and they were great stuff. Never owned a Wooldridge but you never know one day? Please lets end this childish stuff eh its all about personal preferences guys.
        Always play snooker with a smile on your face...You never know when you'll pot your last ball.

        China Open 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.
        Shanghai Masters 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.


        • #94
          i asked this before but jp1 do you actually live in british ocean territory ? which island do you live on ?


          • #95
            I just had a great idea. With all the insinuations JP1 is making that Mike is trading illegally, how about he take action through the the courts with 1lawyer as his legal representitive. Can you do that from British Indian Ocean Territory?


            • #96
              Well, I am telling you it is very hard to read your comment because you obviously have missed your elementary education.

              You keep trying to prove a moot point by providing false and ignorant information.

              What you have said so far only prove that you dont understand the business world and the cue business at all.

              Why dont you try harder to make a fool out of your self and sue Mike Wooldridge if you are so sure of what you said to be true?
              Last edited by poolqjunkie; 11 January 2009, 09:45 AM.


              • #97
                You are not actually Keith Auld, are you?

                Do you have proof that Mike buys a Thai cue and put his name on it and then claims that he makes the whole cue? If not, you should not make such implication. (Someone told you the Mike Wooldridge cue he had looked like a Omin is not proof; and just because they both use the same joint also is not proof.)

                Why would whether raw material was made in UK matters? If, say the joint was made in Thai, so what? You consider that misrepresentation?

                Why can't he have any relationship with other cue makers. He made cues for Welsh Pool trading, is that now illegal according to you?

                I think your behavior has pretty much explained why Mike does not want any visitor in his workshop. I cannot imagine if I was him how I could work with your talking out from your arse non stop the way you do in my shop while I try to build cues for my customers.


                • #98
                  Originally Posted by JP1 View Post
                  Dont make baseless allegations, list the cue manufacturer and his address where you allege you saw all these John Parris and other cues ready to be shipped to the UK after being 80% completed?? if you you dont at least have the decency and apologize for the lies you are spreading here, your earlier post clearly states that you believe that the cues sold by Mike Wooldridge are 100% UK made, how do you know that, and what leads you to say that??

                  Bulls**t,why I have to apologize for telling truth?this factory has a world famous cue brand,many cues goes to Asia and Europe major UK,what makes you to believe a businessman like him is willing to recognize these disgraceful stuff to the whole world?Properly he asked me don't tell anyone who he is,so I won't tell you or anyone about his brand.

                  Peoples chose cues basically depends on wood...shaft...finishing...etc,exclued all factors appear on the cue,there are one more thing which is very important in my mind,it call TRUST.If I was a cuemaker,I won't cast down my hand and allow those young workman doing stuff which is damaging my brand.John has "made" a round butt Ultimate maple cue for Marco FU last year,remember this cue is made for a top pro,maybe Marco is satisfied on it,but I won't accept a round butt cue's plate dosen't vertical to the splicing and a rough shaft on a cue which value at 400+ pounds.Could anybody tell me how long has been John dosen't making cues himself?

                  Mike took my order at Jan 1 after told me the cue is ready,after received my payment at Jan 5,Mike told me have to wait a couple of days coz "good things come to those who wait ",he said the cue is being oiled at Jan 9 and will send it to me at Jan 12.I don't know what's Mike doing in this week,he didn't need to work hard for a whole week after got my money,maybe it's his character,doing everything try to make things or his products being PERFECT.I won't defame a man like this will sold me a Thai product,I'm looking for a cue which is the best money can buy and I'm sure Mike knows what I want,the one he sold me is not just a cue,may be it's a piece of sincerity.

                  In my opinion,Mike,Trevor and H&O both are very good cuemakers,not like the others which is a full time businessman or a pro player's babysister.


                  • #99
                    Can I just remind members that when they get private message noticications from TSF they should click the link to come back here to reply to the message and not click reply to the email!

                    If you click reply to the email and tap out a message it comes right to my inbox as you are infact just replying to a notification from the main TSF email address.

                    And jp1 I would also like this info you offered to send to another cue maker on the forum, my email address is, when you replied to that persons pm you infact replied to the email which came to me and not him.


                    • Misrepresentation Act 1967 although it does not actually apply in scotland says if you have 'suffered a loss' i don't see what loss you would have suffered by a cue being made elsewhere - you pay for a product as long as the product is as stated and fit for purpose you would have no claim.


                      • Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                        You are not actually Keith Auld, are you?

                        Do you have proof that Mike buys a Thai cue and put his name on it and then claims that he makes the whole cue? If not, you should not make such implication. (Someone told you the Mike Wooldridge cue he had looked like a Omin is not proof; and just because they both use the same joint also is not proof.)

                        Why would whether raw material was made in UK matters? If, say the joint was made in Thai, so what? You consider that misrepresentation?

                        Why can't he have any relationship with other cue makers. He made cues for Welsh Pool trading, is that now illegal according to you?

                        I think your behavior has pretty much explained why Mike does not want any visitor in his workshop. I cannot imagine if I was him how I could work with your talking out from your arse non stop the way you do in my shop while I try to build cues for my customers.

                        The first question was one i was going to ask !


                        • You are not the brighest ball on the pool table are you? you contribute nothing but insults to a debate that does not concern you, and you dont understand or deliberately try to project an ignorant point of view to blurr the real issue, the sooner they ban you from the forum the better.


                          • It also applies in Scotland, and the misrepresentation act does not state that you must have suffered a loss, you must read the act before you make a comment, I assume you are a trader or seller on ebay ? anyway you can easily look up past case histories of completed prosecutions for misrepresentation, that way you get the whole and ACCURATE explanation what constitutes misrepresentation in law and what penalties have been applied.

                            The second part of your comment is very strange and indicative that you do not understand the act, the act clearly says and I quote from it;

                            Any false claims about the quality, country of origin, authenticity of the goods sold may amount to a misrepresentation and would entitle the customer to sue you in the civil courts.

                            It does not pre qualify the act by stating that you must have suffered a loss, you are confusing the acts.

                            Maybe if you spoke to a senior person at Peradons, Thurstons, Riley or even John Parris they would be able to clarify for you what the misrepresentation act requires, these are all bona fide companies not fly by night traders on ebay, they seek legal advise before they engage in certain business activities. The fact that no one has sued a seller of billiard snooker cues on ebay or the net, does not mean it's lawful to misrepresent products.
                            The current amendment to the act does not even require civil law suits, the department itself will take up consumer complaints and investigate if a breach has occurred, likewise ebay has from 2008 agreed to forward every transaction and financial detail of their members to the relevant authorities regards tax evasion, so that may be very interesting for some ebay traders in a few years time.


                            • it does not cover scotland - we have are own version of the law.


                              see ammendment 6 - 3

                              (3) This Act . . . F3 does not extend to Scotland.


                              • Bulls**t,why I have to apologize for telling truth?this factory has a world famous cue brand,many cues goes to Asia and Europe major UK,what makes you to believe a businessman like him is willing to recognize these disgraceful stuff to the whole world?Properly he asked me don't tell anyone who he is,so I won't tell you or anyone about his brand

                                The reason for the apology is that you make baseless allegations about a number of UK cue makers, you say that you saw cues 80% completed ready to be shipped to them in England, if you cannot name the factory or provide proof of what you allege, I am affraid you are just a spineless liar.

                                If you provide the time, date, location and evidence of your allegations I will at my own expense initiate legal proceedings against the companies you claim are having their cues made in the china/asian factory, I know the market, I know who has what made and where, and the cue makers you list are NOT amongst them.

