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New Cue - help please!

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by KeithinFrance View Post
    I'll second that.
    just not that hideous 400 pound thing from your other thread

    but it looks like quite a nice cue for the money to me (the one linked before)
    sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


    • #32
      Well, reason I said that is because the cue looks to have nice straight grain, from what I can see; those Master Cues tend to be well made; with the joint above the splices chances are the balance'll be good; the specs are "normal" so no nasty surprises; the cue looks to habe been looked after, shown in it's case, not lying on the grass or worse(!); the guy has got other cues on sale, including a Trevor White, so he's no mug; he has good feedback.
      What more can you ask for?
      Il n'y a pas de problemes; il n'y a que des solutions qu'on n'a pas encore trouvées.

      "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad." Brian O'Driscoll.


      • #33
        Current progress - I've emailed Thurston asking if they could provide a Peradon with an oil finish rather than lacquer and whether this would incur any extra cost. I also emailed Craftsman two days ago asking when their Classic range would be back in stock, but they're yet to reply.

        The ebay link does look good, but I'm afraid I've had my fingers burnt by ebay twice now, so I'm really reluctant to go down that route.


        • #34
          i think you can trust the seller,
          he has good feedback and has some nice cues for sale,
          if its not as described paypal will refund you.


          • #35
            Re: the ebay cue, those pics are dreadful, it could be a right dog of a cue, it also looks machine spliced to me.

            Dont get me wrong, it could be a minter but there are far better available.


            • #36
              with that budget id also go for the second hand option, but i cant say much been looking for a new cue for about a year and still cant find one i feel 100% comfortable with.


              • #37
                Originally Posted by paulb View Post
                My understanding from what I read here was that Craftsman only do oiled/waxed, they don't do varnished cues. But that's second hand info, and so it may be worth a phone call to be sure about that for their Victor cues. Certainly the Legend which I have is not varnished.
                a friend bought a Craftsman Victor recently (the cheapest cue they do) - it's oil and wax finish as I also think all their cues are ...

                it's a nice cue and I'd recommend them ... the tip is around 10mm which is the same as my Welsh Dragon from WPT although the shaft is noticeably thicker (would less taper be the correct expression) ... guess it doesn't matter that much ...

                I actually phoned them on his behalf and they were very helpful so if you don't get a prompt reply by email (someone mentioned on a different post), it may well have been lost in the ether, give them a call instead ...



                • #38
                  cheers DandyA, that's really helpful.
                  They replied to my email earlier and said that they were very low on stock, but asked what I was looking for and said they'd have a look. If he has some in, I think I'll go for one of those.

                  Peradon quoted me an extra £30 for a cue with an oil-based finish, which would probably push me over my budget slightly. It's a shame, because i was using my dad's Peradon a couple of months back and had some success with it, I just don't want it going as sticky as my other cue has.


                  • #39
                    Originally Posted by ExeterCW View Post
                    cheers DandyA, that's really helpful.
                    They replied to my email earlier and said that they were very low on stock, but asked what I was looking for and said they'd have a look. If he has some in, I think I'll go for one of those.

                    Peradon quoted me an extra £30 for a cue with an oil-based finish, which would probably push me over my budget slightly. It's a shame, because i was using my dad's Peradon a couple of months back and had some success with it, I just don't want it going as sticky as my other cue has.
                    well it's actually very very easy (even for a DIY-a-phobe like me) to remove the varnish from an existing cue and refinish it with oil ... so if you've got a cue you're happy with apart from the varnish, I'd suggest that ...

                    let me know if you want detailed instructions ...


                    • #40
                      Originally Posted by ExeterCW View Post
                      oh right, thanks for the help.

                      Sorry, one last question - are there any websites which sell Craftsman cues, aside from their own website (which seems to be low on stock) and ebay?

                      me! yes they are all oiled / waxed

