Beginning players will learn a lot quicker with easy pockets and improve faster, learning to concentrate on cue ball control rather than having to concentrate on just the pot.
Once the player gets to a decent standard, perhaps 70 breaks or is able to clear the line-up then they should 'graduate' to pockets near template. When they get to a 100-break standard they should consider practicing on tighter tables to sharpen themselves up, but shouldn't play constantly on tighter tables as it might sap their confidence a bit.
Quite a few of the top pros started on loose tables.
Once the player gets to a decent standard, perhaps 70 breaks or is able to clear the line-up then they should 'graduate' to pockets near template. When they get to a 100-break standard they should consider practicing on tighter tables to sharpen themselves up, but shouldn't play constantly on tighter tables as it might sap their confidence a bit.
Quite a few of the top pros started on loose tables.