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Snooker table un level

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  • Snooker table un level

    Hi had my snooker table since june 2018.
    It has had to be releveld twice since then and now ive noticed its not level again the table is on a concret reinforced floor. With osb boards layed on top. Anyone got any advice on what i can do to not have to relevel it so much. I have a feeling its the osb boards thats the problem.the table was fittes by a professional.

  • #2
    Well I'm no expert but how can osb boards support the weight of a snooker table?


    • #3
      Would the boards not eventually get to the stage where they can't be compressed any more by the weight of the table? I'm no expert either but it would seem that putting a very heavy item direct onto a concrete floor would result in less settlement.


      • #4
        Im hoping the same reason why i went for the osb boards was to help with keeping the room warmer


        • #5
          Maybe need to cut holes in the boards and sit table direct to concrete floor ? that sounds easy ehh


          • #6
            Probably what ill end up having to do or take it all up


            • #7
              In a previous life I used to be involved in siting some seriously heavy objects. We used, sometimes, to use a spreader plate. That is a piece of steel plate which is bigger than the object. It is designed to spread the load, typically across two or more joists. Something like that should work.

              Alternatively take out the OSB where the feet are and replace it with a good quality plywood. You would need to do this only in the spots where the feet are.

              Frankly I would use OSB only for the sort of jobs for which it was designed- shuttering, pallet tops and that kind of thing. tHE OLD SAYING, BUY CHEAP, BUY TWICE.


              • #8
                Are you are regulating the humidity in the room. If not I would try that first, it might save you a lot of work.


                • #9
                  Hi humidity is never higher than 60 and never lower than 45. temperature never goes below 16.


                  • #10
                    Also if you did cut holes for the feet, that would reduce the playing height. There are maximum and minimum heights for the bed.

