Originally Posted by bkpaul
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I didn't imply that at all, what I am saying and have said for a good number of years is there is no cross border cooperation and often no cooperation between competing factions within those borders, there are far too many "I'm the boss" type of people in positions that matter and those people won't embrace changes that are needed. This is also very evident down nationalistic lines, one up manship if you prefer that term.
The is also far too much old school dealing done where the benefit is not necessarily for the players, and all too often is definitely not in the players or snookers best interests.
This can be seen in recent years all the way through snooker top to bottom.
Grass roots snooker however always gets the brunt as they are left virtually to their own devices and as such struggle to provide any sort of organisation.
Bearing in mind that grass roots make up 95%+ of all snooker players just shows what a joke the system really is.
The thing the governing bodies must realize is most of the greatly needed revenue is also in the pockets of those 95%+ players........
On the direct subject of the Auld Enemy clash why doesn't Scotland seem to have a coherent ranking system, and if they do why wasn't it used to produce a team, are they telling us there isn't enough players in Scotland to produce team, I am sure the Scottish players would laugh at that one.
It doesn't matter if the team is made up of players ranked 100 -300 if the players 1-99 have been offered (and rejected) a place in the team, at the end of the day it’s not about who wins its about participation and as such experience for the kids that do play, yes of course it’s also nice to win....
My beef is totally about organization and aces in places, those aces in places should have 1 goal, the promotion and improvement of Amateur Snooker at all levels within their sphere of influence and all levels means from local club through to junior tour & national team level. Where there sphere of influence overlaps with another’s then to liaise fairly and openly with that person to ensure the continued development of the player(s) concerned.
This is the only way petty bickering and downright harmful obstructions can be eradicated from the amateur game....
I think a major step forward (but will never happen) is the formation of a UK governing body with members elected from all the home countries, we would I believe at least get some coherant policies and some worthwhile leadership into the amateur game.
ok I'll shut up now...!
I didn't imply that at all, what I am saying and have said for a good number of years is there is no cross border cooperation and often no cooperation between competing factions within those borders, there are far too many "I'm the boss" type of people in positions that matter and those people won't embrace changes that are needed. This is also very evident down nationalistic lines, one up manship if you prefer that term.
The is also far too much old school dealing done where the benefit is not necessarily for the players, and all too often is definitely not in the players or snookers best interests.
This can be seen in recent years all the way through snooker top to bottom.
Grass roots snooker however always gets the brunt as they are left virtually to their own devices and as such struggle to provide any sort of organisation.
Bearing in mind that grass roots make up 95%+ of all snooker players just shows what a joke the system really is.
The thing the governing bodies must realize is most of the greatly needed revenue is also in the pockets of those 95%+ players........
On the direct subject of the Auld Enemy clash why doesn't Scotland seem to have a coherent ranking system, and if they do why wasn't it used to produce a team, are they telling us there isn't enough players in Scotland to produce team, I am sure the Scottish players would laugh at that one.
It doesn't matter if the team is made up of players ranked 100 -300 if the players 1-99 have been offered (and rejected) a place in the team, at the end of the day it’s not about who wins its about participation and as such experience for the kids that do play, yes of course it’s also nice to win....
My beef is totally about organization and aces in places, those aces in places should have 1 goal, the promotion and improvement of Amateur Snooker at all levels within their sphere of influence and all levels means from local club through to junior tour & national team level. Where there sphere of influence overlaps with another’s then to liaise fairly and openly with that person to ensure the continued development of the player(s) concerned.
This is the only way petty bickering and downright harmful obstructions can be eradicated from the amateur game....
I think a major step forward (but will never happen) is the formation of a UK governing body with members elected from all the home countries, we would I believe at least get some coherant policies and some worthwhile leadership into the amateur game.
ok I'll shut up now...!