Originally Posted by Slh
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He's agressive, will go for alot of balls, kinda playing snooker with a pool mind. Regardless, he can still pot tons of balls. Its funny to see him jump around the table, talk to himself, the crowd, then talk to himself some more.
I'm pretty sure he'd be able to hang with the #10 to 20 players in snooker after playing snooker for 6 months or so. He's a quick learner with tremendous skill so he'd pick up the safety/tactical play fairly quickly.
White played pretty solid besides 2 shots or so in the middle of the match, yet found himself at 5-5 with Alex because well, he was playing Alex. That scratch in the final frame on a safety at the start of the frame seemed to have moved towards the pocket instead of hitting the rail as it was intended. Thats the feeling I got when I saw the white go past a side (on green side of the table) and down table, towards the green pocket. The white initially was aiming towards a few inches to the side rail of that green pocket and ended up dropping in clean. Alex did his magic with ball in the D, cutting a thin red in the black pocket and get perfect shape on the blue.
Last 3 frames especially were great snooker. Cant wait for the Final today.
As for the tables playing a bit loose or not, considering how slower the tables are compared to what the Pros use, I'm not sure there's even an advantage there, and that if the tables are indeed looser. I'll take a fast table (cushions/cloth) with tight pocket over a slow table (cloth/cushions) and looser pockets. Its still nice tables to play on, dont get me wrong tho.
The club I play at had 3 of its tables reclothed/new cushions last weekend. The pockets are a bit more tight then the 2 other tables, which have also cloth that has been put sicne about 9 months and began to slow down, compared to what it was initially.
I can tell you its easy to play the 3 new tables. You dont have to force anything and you can go for a red from distance at the start of tjhe game and still bring the white back behind baulk colors easily. Its also very easy to open the pack from blue or black, getting the reds nicely spread without having to hammer the white into the reds.
A table table, that is also perfectly levelled (or almost) is a charm to play, even with tighter pockets.