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Getting fed up of League Snooker in my area.

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  • #46
    Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
    Someone once told me about a ladder system, where you could challenge anyone up to three places above you ,once a month or so, and that's how you moved up or down the ladder( I can't really remember ) has anyone ever played in this or know the right rules to how it would work, cheers.
    You can make your own rules up: there are certainly lots of variations I've heard about.

    To start the ladder you can either randomly draw the subscribed names, or order them according to some pre-determined ranking system (eg last season's averages). Quite often there would be a sum payable to enter the ladder, and a small amount paid into a pot for each challenge, with a preferably predetermined method of paying out to the top X players at the end of the set period.

    You can vary the rules with regard to how many places above you you can challenge (usually two or three), how frequently (once a month seems too infrequent) one can challenge (needn't necessarily be a limit).

    If the lower ranked player is successful then he would immediately mnove up the ladder to a position just above the player challenged. Only the lower ranked player can make a challenge. The #1 ranked player is safe unless a lower ranked player challenges and beats him.

    There may need to be rules as to how long the challenged player has to play a match against the challenger, otherwise they could just decline in order to protect their position, and indeed the order in which challenges must be played, if a player is challenged by more than one other.

    If you've got a lot of regular attendees at a club this can work well, but if the players are awkward to get hold of and don't show up very often it can be a nightmare!
    Duplicate of banned account deleted


    • #47
      Thanks Londonlad, I thought once a month in my head because if you can challenge three spots above that gives you three challenges a month( 1, 2 and 3), good point about time limits on playing matches, if they start no showing well they will just drop down the ladder I suppose . I'm not clear on the number one, how to limit the challenges on them that could be tricky but I fancy trying this at the club, I think it might just work.
      Thought of something else. Do you play say four or six frames to enable a draw and both players stay where they are or do you think it's a must win situation so five or seven?
      Last edited by itsnoteasy; 18 December 2015, 06:13 PM.
      This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


      • #48
        I've only ever seen it where it was a Bo3/5/7 so a result is guaranteed, but I guess an even number could work too. However, a few draws in a row might deter someone from wanting to play more.

        Yes, there must be a limit on the number of challenges anyone can accept within a given time. I guess if a challenge has been arranged then that player can accept no more challenges until the first arranged one takes place. I think we also had a maximum number of times you could challenge the same player within a given time frame... ie so that you can't immediately rechallenge as soon as you lose.
        Duplicate of banned account deleted


        • #49
          Some good points there Londonlad, if you can think of anything else please add it on,as the clearer I have the rules in my head the easier it will be as I'm definitely going to try and get this off the ground in the club ,I rekon there are enough keen players and the ones that stop playing won't ruin it like they did the individual league.
          I'm thinking maybe once you have played the number one you can't play him again untill you have accepted a challenge from someone else ,kind of forcing the top players to accept challenges from below them.
          This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


          • #50
            Something like this might do as a start; I have put it in a word document also to print as a template.

            Date: ??/??/2016

            Snooker Challenge Ladder

            Organiser: ???? (name) - Contact on xxxx (tel) in case of any queries or match problems

            What is the ladder?

            'The Snooker Challenge Ladder' is a league designed to help players improve their snooker skills and meet different players on a regular basis and enjoy the game. It is open to all club members from beginners to the highly skilled.
            Ladder Rules:

            1. All matches shall follow the 'WPBSA Rules of Snooker.'

            2. A player may challenge any player who is no more than 3 rungs above the challenger on the snooker ladder. To issue a challenge, the challenger should contact the player via e-mail or phone. If the challenged player does not have a match currently scheduled, he/she should accept the challenge. The match should preferably be played within 7 days, but if the challenged player cannot setup a match within 10 days, he/she forfeits the match. Both players should make every effort to schedule the match, keeping in mind that everyone has a busy schedule.

            3. The scheduled match should be played even if there is movement within the ladder between the time the match was scheduled and the time it is played.

            4. A challenged player will not be required to play more than one match per week.
            * If a second challenge occurs within the same week, the challenged player may refuse the challenge until the next week.

            5. It is mandatory to play a minimum of one match per week (as a challenger or challenged). Failure to do so will yield a loss of one place in the ranking.

            6. If the lower-ranked player beats the higher ranked, then the lower-ranked player moves up to the higher-ranked player's position on the ladder. The higher-ranked player and everyone below he/she then moves down one rung to fill the space. One of the players should complete the challenge report soon after the match so the ladder can be updated and kept current.
            Your submission of the match result will be displayed on the ????????.

            7. Matches should be the best of ???? frames.

            8. New players who join the ladder may issue two "free" challenges against anyone on the ladder except the top three players. If both of these matches are lost, he/she must join the ladder at the bottom rung. Or the player may elect to simply join the ladder at the bottom rung without any challenges.
            Contact (name) for more information on 00000 000000 (tel) or xxxx@xxxxxxxxx (email)

            9. The names may be split into more than one division if there are sufficient names where the top xx names will go into a play off to determine the overall winner.

            10. Have fun!

            Snooker Challenge Ladder Entry

            Entry fee: £??.?? Prizes: ???? (entry fees to be paid to ??????)
            Entry Closing Date: ???? Draw Date: ????
            Ladder start date: ???? Ladder Finish Date: ???? Handicaps: Yes / No

            ******** Only enter if you are available for matches at least once a week ********

            Name Contact Number Paid (yes / No)
            Snooker Crazy - Cues and Equipment Sales Website
            Snooker Crazy - Facebook Page
            Snooker Crazy - You Tube Channel


            • #51
              Thanks Shokerz, I have screen grabbed this on the iPad , once the snooker season is over I am going to try and drum up some interest in it, only thing I would add is a small challenge fee, (only the person challenging pays it ) I thought of making it really cheep to enter say a fiver but its two pound a challenge, something like that, if there are twenty or so entrants it would soon mount up.
              This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


              • #52
                Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                Thanks Shokerz, I have screen grabbed this on the iPad , once the snooker season is over I am going to try and drum up some interest in it, only thing I would add is a small challenge fee, (only the person challenging pays it ) I thought of making it really cheep to enter say a fiver but its two pound a challenge, something like that, if there are twenty or so entrants it would soon mount up.
                Yeah not a bad call that, like the sound of a challenge fee. If you want the actual 'Word' document then pm your email address to save you changing it all about,
                Snooker Crazy - Cues and Equipment Sales Website
                Snooker Crazy - Facebook Page
                Snooker Crazy - You Tube Channel


                • #53
                  Originally Posted by inevermissblue View Post
                  Hi all, just want to have a rant to let off some steam, and hopefully gather other peoples opinions as to a solution.
                  I play in Stoke-On-Trents ONLY! Snooker league. This is a Private Snooker League consisting of all the old CIU's, Working Mens, Bowling Clubs etc...
                  I was recently invited to play in a Cup match in an out of area league, and the experience has left me numb! It has given me a glimpse of something refreshing and simple. The attitutes of the people i saw were that of people who just love the game for what it is! No egos, no pride, just very very enthusiastic. I can appreciate that its not fair to compare those areas to ours, because their league covers a much greater catchment area. Although it does show the difference in attitudes, that i saw with my own eyes!!!
                  So my question is! What can be done to re-ignite interest in our area??? both in attitudes and popularity? We once had 4 or 5 different leagues, but now down to just 1!!! We need help, before it is gone forever!
                  Hi I don't know your area but I have heavy involvement in running snooker leagues one with 6 divisions and 96 teams and another one where the catchment area is much smaller but has around 36 teams, these leagues get the same amount of entries each year and it is quite simple to attract interest even with so many clubs shutting down, the first thing that is a must nowadays is a good website without this you cannot run a good league, good competitions in addition to the main league are also imperative so that if you are playing in a team that does not do so well you can still compete as an individual in various competitions (3 man comp, doubles comp. individual comp, handicap doubles, handicap individuals, over 40s, under 21s etc) Also try and pay out good cash prizes for winners and runners up in the league, cup, and all the competitions as money talks these days to get players interested! Also try and have a good end of season presentation night for trophies and cash prizes to be distributed at, these are the main things needed to have a good league and maintain it. You also need a small committee of enthusiastic nature to help run the league during the season and deal with any problems as quickly as possible with a good set of league rules agreed at an AGM. A league I recently took over was dwindling in numbers had no website and not many 'top' players were playing in it anymore in one season using this sort of format for running a league I had a 25 percent increase in teams and a 300 percent increase in competition entries!


                  • #54
                    Originally Posted by tommo146 View Post
                    Hi I don't know your area but I have heavy involvement in running snooker leagues one with 6 divisions and 96 teams and another one where the catchment area is much smaller but has around 36 teams, these leagues get the same amount of entries each year and it is quite simple to attract interest even with so many clubs shutting down, the first thing that is a must nowadays is a good website without this you cannot run a good league, good competitions in addition to the main league are also imperative so that if you are playing in a team that does not do so well you can still compete as an individual in various competitions (3 man comp, doubles comp. individual comp, handicap doubles, handicap individuals, over 40s, under 21s etc) Also try and pay out good cash prizes for winners and runners up in the league, cup, and all the competitions as money talks these days to get players interested! Also try and have a good end of season presentation night for trophies and cash prizes to be distributed at, these are the main things needed to have a good league and maintain it. You also need a small committee of enthusiastic nature to help run the league during the season and deal with any problems as quickly as possible with a good set of league rules agreed at an AGM. A league I recently took over was dwindling in numbers had no website and not many 'top' players were playing in it anymore in one season using this sort of format for running a league I had a 25 percent increase in teams and a 300 percent increase in competition entries!
                    We need you to come and resurrect the Sheffield winter league, I've only been playing in it for 3 years and in that time the league has shrunk from 6 divisions to 4 now.
                    I have been told there were over 12 divisions 10-15 years ago. Most of the players nowadays are over 30. Not enough youngsters are playing .
                    Last edited by alabadi; 30 December 2015, 04:50 PM.


                    • #55
                      Originally Posted by alabadi View Post
                      We need you to come and resurrect the Sheffield winter league, I've only been playing in it for 3 years and in that time the league has shrunk from 6 divisions to 4 now.
                      I have been told there were over 12 divisions 10-15 years ago. Most of the players nowadays are over 30. Not enough youngsters are playing .
                      it is a sad fact that young players are not participating anymore as they used to and you are right this has dwindled, I have looked at your website and who ever is administrator of your league has not made enough use of the league republic site it is only as good as you make it take a look at two leagues I am involved with you will see what I mean at and look at how we have enhanced the website for these leagues and the competitions that run during the season these might give you some ideas.


                      • #56
                        Also a bit of advice NEVER use handicaps in the week to week league only have handicaps in competition matches, leagues lose their credibility when you have a handicap system in place for league play this is probably why league is dwindling aswel this happened in a league not too far from me they introduced handicaps in league play and it dwindled to hardly any teams In only a few years


                        • #57
                          we have a handicap system in the league, because we have players who have played in division A and now play in C or D. these players are just too good and it becomes unfair on the other players.
                          i guess the handicap levels things out a bit.


                          • #58
                            Originally Posted by alabadi View Post
                            we have a handicap system in the league, because we have players who have played in division A and now play in C or D. these players are just too good and it becomes unfair on the other players.
                            i guess the handicap levels things out a bit.
                            That is where your league has gone wrong we do not allow someone from the top division to drop to the lower divisions if they are too good .....they have to stay in the division which is their standard we wouldn't allow a regular century break maker to play in the bottom division think people running your league have got that fundamentally wrong and probably why teams dropping out and players losing interest don't matter getting a handicap if your playing someone who is just that much better in the league !!


                            • #59
                              In Notts, the Monday night league is played off scratch but for some crazy reason the Monday league cup is handicapped!!!! Tuesday night is all handicapped. Gives teams the options on which night to enter. 2 divisions on both nights with around 8 teams per division. Division 2 teams can only play a max of 2 scratch players. 99% of the teams enter both. All single leagues off scratch & there's even a few long season tournaments that are just for players off a 14 + handicap. Couple of 1 day comps too throughout the year. Personally I think all that's too much & it needs streamlining. Some comps only got 3 entries (Notts under 18's for example). Notts Amateur & Notts Masters attracts a lot of entries.
                              A good website makes the world of difference too. We luckily have a fantastic one ( It's straight forward & easy to find things but the NBSA will be going through a big change soon due to some of the committee stepping down after several years of service for which the members are truly grateful for. Our big problem now is finding people to fill their shoes. That's one tough job finding people with a passion for the game & the knowledge on how to run & organise leagues/comps etc etc as well as having the technical skills using the software. Not really sure what's going to happen but it'll be a shame if it all goes pear shaped


                              • #60
                                Originally Posted by Tony Morgan View Post
                                In Notts, the Monday night league is played off scratch but for some crazy reason the Monday league cup is handicapped!!!! Tuesday night is all handicapped. Gives teams the options on which night to enter. 2 divisions on both nights with around 8 teams per division. Division 2 teams can only play a max of 2 scratch players. 99% of the teams enter both. All single leagues off scratch & there's even a few long season tournaments that are just for players off a 14 + handicap. Couple of 1 day comps too throughout the year. Personally I think all that's too much & it needs streamlining. Some comps only got 3 entries (Notts under 18's for example). Notts Amateur & Notts Masters attracts a lot of entries.
                                A good website makes the world of difference too. We luckily have a fantastic one ( It's straight forward & easy to find things but the NBSA will be going through a big change soon due to some of the committee stepping down after several years of service for which the members are truly grateful for. Our big problem now is finding people to fill their shoes. That's one tough job finding people with a passion for the game & the knowledge on how to run & organise leagues/comps etc etc as well as having the technical skills using the software. Not really sure what's going to happen but it'll be a shame if it all goes pear shaped
                                Hi Tony
                                Superb website mate.
                                I noticed you guys have a handicap system in place for some of the comps. Do you have any rules or words around how to start a handicap system, obviously if it starts wrong then it creates lots of problems.
                                Would like to do a few comps for the lesser players with handicaps to see if it draws a few more in but a little uncertain how to make a start!
                                Once again, great website.
                                Snooker Crazy - Cues and Equipment Sales Website
                                Snooker Crazy - Facebook Page
                                Snooker Crazy - You Tube Channel

