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I have a silly question???

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  • I have a silly question???

    My top break is 100+.

    Recently in my league matches I have had a break of 34 or more in each of my last 3 games.

    I don't practice anymore. I sometimes go to my local club on saturday morning and have game with the youngsters who are coached at the club to help them.

    Other than that I just have a league game each week.

    Anyway my silly question - I feel embarrassed when I'm on a big break and people start to watch. Recently in my doubles match I was on a break of 44 and there were around 7 reds packed together with colours all on their spots. I had the perfect angle on the black to pot it and open the cluster but I miscued and the black went in but the white jumped off the table.. In some ways I was glad the break ended because if the black went in and the reds split I could have had a 80-90 break but I would have felt embarrassed by the attention.

    Does that sound silly??????????

  • #2
    No, not at all.

    My main games are straight pool and 9-ball. Whenever I'm playing well or is on a high break, the best way to make me miss is talking loudly about how good I'm playing.

    In fact, sometimes I just see two people watching a bit of me playing, and I start imagine how they are judging my game and that can make me miss shots. Silly, I know, but I know all too well what you mean.

    It's a matter of being used to practice with other people sometimes watching I guess. I don't practise much at all either, so maybe that's the case.


    • #3
      it works both ways though - sometimes i play better when people are watching and talking about the game because i focus more on each shot!


      • #4
        Originally Posted by ADR147
        it works both ways though - sometimes i play better when people are watching and talking about the game because i focus more on each shot!
        Yes i'm a bit the same, although in practice by myself I play just as well, I play better playing in front of people as it focuses me more than I do with a mate. My brother is the opposite in front of people hes crap.
        Its not a silly question as it definately affects some people. All I can say is don't feel shy and do your best!
        'I'm nuts,' - Ronnie O'Sullivan


        • #5
          I find my concentration and play gets better when people are watching, as generally i'm the person who's better under pressure. Also, it's much more satisfying if you do make a high break, and people are watching, it gives you a great confidence boost.

          However I can see that it would put some people off, though personally I find it gives me more of a challenge.


          • #6
            Sometimes I relish practicing in an empty club but other times I lose motivation if its empty and there is no-on to see me slamming 'em in!

            I don't mind it when the snooker room is packed and I play well when I know I'm being watched. Except women. I don't know whey but when a female is watching me I feel self conscious and start to go clammy. Its made even worse if they are hot


            • #7
              I like being watched while playing in the pool league. It makes me play more seriously. I remember once while i played against a good player, i heard behind my back people saying how good i'm cueing. It gave me a huge confidence boost and i won 8:2. On another occasion the guy i played against was constantly sending SMS while i was on turn and he wasn't watching at all. That made me so nervous that i started missing the easiest of balls.


              • #8

                A mate of mine use to turn into the best player in the world when he noticed a nice looking girl watching him.
                I got self consious when girls watched me.
                I also struggled when my wife was present as I always felt the need to impress her.

