It's been ages since I played because of lockdown, but had a couple of games of pool while I was up North with a few lads on a 3 day fishing trip, and had a revelation!
I move the cue off line when I'm getting down on a shot!
Once I (eventually) worked this out I started being able to make some crazy shots, swerving the cue ball, making tight cuts, getting position and made a start on decent cue ball control.
I fully admit, I'm not a natural pool or snooker player, and I've always struggled with my game. But it made me think that maybe I've always been doing this a little, and though my game was improving before lockdown (particularly my pool game), it's probably something I did which was making a lot of shots go awry. Now I'm looking to get back into my regular snooker game, I'll be paying close attention to this.
I move the cue off line when I'm getting down on a shot!
Once I (eventually) worked this out I started being able to make some crazy shots, swerving the cue ball, making tight cuts, getting position and made a start on decent cue ball control.
I fully admit, I'm not a natural pool or snooker player, and I've always struggled with my game. But it made me think that maybe I've always been doing this a little, and though my game was improving before lockdown (particularly my pool game), it's probably something I did which was making a lot of shots go awry. Now I'm looking to get back into my regular snooker game, I'll be paying close attention to this.