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  • Fustration...


    Why is it I can pot just bout anything one night and miss just about everything the next?

    Happened to sunday, I was playing, made a 33 and a 32 in the same frame, playing great. Night after, I was terrible

  • #2
    Sounds very famillliar this. I guess club players (me included) the world over ask themselves the same thing.....

    Is it not concentrating or not trying hard enough or trying too hard? Is it the back arm out of alignment, is it the alignement of the cue under the chin, is it the head in a different position in relation to the body, is the stance wrong, am i cueing across the ball, is my sighting out, is it my eyesight, is it too much cofee, not enough coffee etc etc

    It could drive someone mad trying to figure it out....

    In Jimmy White's coaching book he says frustrations with snooker has driven some people to suicide

    I can see how this 'cruel mistress' we call snooker could do that if you took it too seriously...
    Last edited by dannyd0g; 3 February 2009, 12:25 PM.
    "You can shove your snooker up your jacksie 'cos I aint playing no more!" Alex Higgins.


    • #3
      Who never asked yourself why this happens?

      I don't think you can improve your snooker skills without hard work. But you have to do it with pleasure.


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies.

        Im probably looking into this too much & over reacting. Im off to the club later, hoping I cue better


        • #5
          i always pot the hard ones and miss the easy ones, something to do with lack of concentration i suppose.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by 1lawyer
            Suicide that is taking it serious
            Seen a few people break cues, hit walls break hands on one occasion and a certain guy if I beat him heavy used to give me his cue and then go out and buy a new one. (I miss playing him.)

            But I aint seen anyone hang themselves yet.

            The solution is find the line of the shot imagine the ball going in and then walk into shot get down and play it. Dont move around when down on shot
            or try to correct things during a match. If you practice technique only in practice you will learn to keep it that way. Being hard on yourself only encourages the other guy and does your head in so where is the advantage in doing that?

            Everyone misses and everyone has an off day. Dont be afraid to miss, everyone does, stay down on each shot and learn to understand why you missed (ie hit to thick thin etc.,) eventually you will miss less.

            Snooker...a simple game for complicated people.
            Thanks for the great reply, makes alot of sense I wasn't too bad last night. In my local, its hard to keep maximum concentration with people drinking at the bar, music lpaying on the jukebox etc!


            • #7
              There was a big thread on this same subject running for a long time.

              14 pages of people feeling the same way, you might find interesting

              "You can shove your snooker up your jacksie 'cos I aint playing no more!" Alex Higgins.


              • #8
                Thanks again. Il have a flick through the thread.

                Last night, my confidence was boosted. I was playing pretty well and someone at the bar said to me ' have you had snooker lessons mate? youre pretty good to say youve taught yourself'

                That made me happy lol

