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why the cue goes offline when down

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  • #46
    Originally Posted by snookerror View Post

    you did not even reply to me, and i never disagreed to anyone
    others are atleast trying to help me, while its your first post and already laughing without even reading my or others posts
    I have read your posts and the replies given but stopped after the word chin got mentioned for the 100th time .
    As Mikee points out , your claim of making the breaks you do are incorrect given the info you have supplied . Nothing adds up so I declined from answering.

    Im not laughing at you personally just the manner of your posts and replies.
    It’s a forum where everybody is entitled to their opinion. 😉


    • #47
      Originally Posted by Starsky View Post

      I have read your posts and the replies given but stopped after the word chin got mentioned for the 100th time .
      As Mikee points out , your claim of making the breaks you do are incorrect given the info you have supplied . Nothing adds up so I declined from answering.

      Im not laughing at you personally just the manner of your posts and replies.
      It’s a forum where everybody is entitled to their opinion. 😉

      you did not read a single post of mine, i never said i practice 6 hours a blue, so that shows u never read it properly

      i said i been practicing for 6 hours for long time and i see no improvement bcaz other part of the game is good and only have aiming issue. some say change your stance, the other say walk in properly. well i am not a beginner and i have mentioned that i walk in properly and have solid stance and i have 0 head movement , and cue is bang on line of aim. but again other says maybe its your cueing

      i already said things are already looking bad at address position even before cueing, so cueing has nothing to do at this stage

      i already said that when i play like i always do the centre of cueball does not look center to me and it always look that i am putting left hand side. while the cue is bang online. but most are telling me that walk in properly which does not make sense does it ?

      so you are telling me that you stopped reading because i mentioned chin position. then you tell me how can someone make more than 20 breaks if he cannot see a dead centre , centre???
      ofcourse i do make 20 or more but its very rare because i have issue with my game and yes i still practice for 6 hours but its a bad practice because if you have an issue with game all those practice is useless


      • #48
        Originally Posted by mikee View Post
        Starsky , I was thinking this doesn’t make any sense ,no one that plays the game and has knocked a ton in before can practice for six hours and can’t make a twenty break anymore ,total bollox .

        i said i been practicing for 6 hours for long time and i see no improvement bcaz other part of the game is good and only have aiming issue. some say change your stance, the other say walk in properly. well i am not a beginner and i have mentioned that i walk in properly and have solid stance and i have 0 head movement , and cue is bang on line of aim. but again other says maybe its your cueing

        i already said things are already looking bad at address position even before cueing, so cueing has nothing to do at this stage

        i already said that when i play like i always do the centre of cueball does not look center to me and it always look that i am putting left hand side. while the cue is bang online. but most are telling me that walk in properly which does not make sense does it ?

        you tell me how can someone make more than 20 breaks if he cannot see a dead centre , centre???
        ofcourse i do make 20 or more but its very rare because i have issue with my game and yes i still practice for 6 hours but its a bad practice because if you have an issue with game all those practice is useless


        • #49
          Originally Posted by snookerror View Post

          today i found something new, well i spent 6 hours just lining up straight shot and kept moving my head for 6 hours until i finally found something.
          My apologies , I misread it . Instead you spent 6 hours lining up a straight shot and moved your head about for six hours as well .

          I’ve heard of ‘giving your head a wobble’ but this takes it a bit too far..🙂

          Im not going to get involved in telling you what’s right or wrong with your technique . If you are legit and want to work out what you think is wrong with your game then I suggest you get a coach for at least one lesson.

          Last edited by Starsky; 24 October 2022, 01:00 PM.


          • #50
            Originally Posted by snookerror View Post

            you said i dont listen, but this part that you are mention above,

            this is how i am currently playing
            i point my cue tip towards cueball while standing, and while looking at the cueball i put my right leg, then as i am about or as i plant my left leg i look at the object ball and get down.
            then i do a front pause to make sure things looks online, but this is where things dont look online to me, although the feet, the cue, the head nothing has moved while walking in. but things never look online once i am down. but if i only just lift my head abit alittle bit to lose chin contact with the cue then things look good.

            only if things look online, this is how i proceed next, i do feature , and switch my eyes between cueball and object balls, then i make sure i am aiming at the right spot on cueball and i slowly pull the cue back and switch my eyes on object ball and a slight back pause and follow through

            now! where is the part the you said i never listen to you???
            thank you
            So you already do exactly what I suggested, I knew this was coming, go away and bother some other website, you're simply looking for attention and will no longer get mine as I have blocked you.
            Speak up, you've got to speak up against the madness, you've got speak your mind if you dare
            but don't try to get yourself elected, for if you do you'll have to cut your hair


            • #51
              Originally Posted by vmax View Post

              So you already do exactly what I suggested, I knew this was coming, go away and bother some other website, you're simply looking for attention and will no longer get mine as I have blocked you.
              that so awful of you, disgusting. why you are crying because i told you that i have no problem walking in and the problem is else where. but you keep suggesting that i do not walk in properly. mate i have been playing for 10 years. by the i do not care if you have blocked me. if you cannot help others better keep your mouth shut and do not even reply . stop pretending and forcing someone to change an area of the game where there is no problem.

              you knew it was coming? i have been telling from the start that there is no problem with my walking in and been playing this game for 10 years and the problem is else where, but instead of helping others you just pretend that you know everything. mate people like you deserve not to be professional, no matter even if you make 147 or 100 which i doubt . thanks god that people like you never can become professional by having this type of attitude

              good luck spending your entire life at this forum and arguing with people, i am leaving this forum anyway. cannot tolerate bad manner people like you
              shame on you on


              • #52
                Originally Posted by Starsky View Post

                My apologies , I misread it . Instead you spent 6 hours lining up a straight shot and moved your head about for six hours as well .

                I’ve heard of ‘giving your head a wobble’ but this takes it a bit too far..🙂

                Im not going to get involved in telling you what’s right or wrong with your technique . If you are legit and want to work out what you think is wrong with your game then I suggest you get a coach for at least one lesson.

                well i am leaving this forum and whoever makes others unhappy they one day will have to pay the price

                helpless people are here, instead of giving tips . they just laugh , blocking me because i told them that i have no problem with walking in like vMax

                my cue is bang online and there is no problem with walking in until address position and this guy says you are not walking in properly. you cannot be a coach even vMax and i feel sorry for the rest of you who just asked me to quit this game and started laughing at me

                you do not know nothing about ones life
                i have depression, anxiety and just have come from hospital and i have been told to carry on with my game and that is how i can survive from suicide.
                instead of helping others , you people are laughing, making fun of others , how about just think for 1 second properly and be nice and try your best to help others

                so pathetic people here
                shame on all of you


                • #53
                  Originally Posted by snookerror View Post

                  well i am leaving this forum and whoever makes others unhappy they one day will have to pay the price

                  helpless people are here, instead of giving tips . they just laugh , blocking me because i told them that i have no problem with walking in like vMax

                  my cue is bang online and there is no problem with walking in until address position and this guy says you are not walking in properly. you cannot be a coach even vMax and i feel sorry for the rest of you who just asked me to quit this game and started laughing at me

                  you do not know nothing about ones life
                  i have depression, anxiety and just have come from hospital and i have been told to carry on with my game and that is how i can survive from suicide.
                  instead of helping others , you people are laughing, making fun of others , how about just think for 1 second properly and be nice and try your best to help others

                  so pathetic people here
                  shame on all of you

                  Regardless whether your legit or not the fact you come on here and try to make people feel guilty by mentioning you have stress and anxiety issues is not on.

                  Tbh , legit or not this forum probably isn’t the place for you anyway .

                  Good luck in your snooker wherever that maybe ..

                  Last edited by Starsky; 24 October 2022, 06:05 PM.


                  • #54
                    Use Steve Davis "line on book" , or the SightRight, to fix your vision.
                    Use Chris Henry light plastic ball to fix your centre hitting.
                    Adjust your left foot angle to fix your elbow on the straight line to the cue tip and the centre of the cue ball.

                    Or, forget all of the above, just play the straight up and down the blue spot until you feel good...your body and brain will fix the problem itself. Negative * negative = positive, Judd Trump style.


                    • #55
                      I switched to left hand because of elbow displaced.(Couldn't cue straight and follow through with right hand) Every thing was going right but I noticed that when I hit a mid range to long straight balls I finish slightly right side of the object ball and I lost position or miss the ball.(when the table is to the left to me) But the terrible thing is that when the table is to the right, for the same kind of shot the opposite thing happens, I hit slightly to the left side of the object ball. And this is consistent. I thought it was because of my body wanted to take the table's support to stay still. I have tried many ways to correct but couldn't finds out. so plz could you help me?


                      • #56
                        I used to do the same, apparently it's very common. To fix it I tried extra hard to make sure I was square to the shot and line and the tip was in the centre of the cue ball. I think the angle of the table kind of running away from you can kind of muddle perceptions a wee bit.
                        This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!

