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Practise routines

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  • Practise routines


    I am trying to get into a routine of going to snooker *at least* once per week by myself to practise and once per week with a friend to have a few frames.

    Can anybody suggest practise rountines? I'd ideally love a book I could take with me that suggests routines and what I should be achieving by each.

    I know it sounds like "practise" should be easy however being "new" to the game it is sometimes hard to know what I should be doing that will have the most influence on improving my game.

    Last week I spent 3 hours doing:
    -Running the cue over the baulk line to check I was cueing straight
    -Hitting the ball up and down the colours dots, to ensure I was cueing straight
    -Putting an object ball near next to the blue spot and the cue ball the other side of the blue spot (To the balls are parallel with the baulk line and in line with the blue spot). I then put top on, to check I could pot the object and get the cue ball to follow through
    -Put object balls over each pocket so they simply needed tapping in and checking I could pot all 6 without any errors (Eg, fouling not potting) - It took me a few tries (That's how poor I am) but I got there in the end

    I also had a quick play seeing how the ball reacts to various degress of side, as in a game I never dare play them as I don't know "what" the ball will do, nor quite "how" to do it.

    If there is a particular book on this subject I'd be very happy to hear recommendations as I have a £10 Amazon voucher waiting here to pay for a book/something (Hopefully!) that might be able to improve my game.


  • #2
    I think there are already enough practice routines to be found on this board.
    But one thing I strongly recommend is:

    Once you collected all the routines you want, make a catalogue of them (with
    points for each routine) and a "scorecard". Repeat the routines in each
    session in the same order and note how many points you scored. That will
    help you keeping track of your progress and you will be able to spot your
    weaknesses better, too.



    • #3

      Since my original post I have noticed two items that may be of use to me:

      "Just One Frame... Your Key to Playing Better Snooker" - Looks very nice and is available on Amazon which means I can use my voucher.

      Various bits and bobs on the Snooker Gym site... This seems quite expensive and the site is very difficult to navigate. It appears that the best book on there is "Perfect Practise Routines".

      Does anybody have any opinions on either of these (For a beginner at snooker [Currently still practising on consistantly potting, let alone positional play just yet!]).



      • #4
        Have you had the opportunity to look at Fergal O'Briens website. He has some very good practice routines which in my opinion can be used by beginners or experienced players.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by Johnnycash View Post
          Have you had the opportunity to look at Fergal O'Briens website. He has some very good practice routines which in my opinion can be used by beginners or experienced players.
          Johnnycash... Thanks for that link!

          Those are awesome drills... do you know if you replace missed balls and start all over... or if by accident nudge a red or so out of routine position you replace them before carrying on or leave them as random "other" pots?




          • #6
            I recommend the practice routines book at You can't find better coaching books in my opinion.


            • #7
              Originally Posted by bongo View Post
              I recommend the practice routines book at You can't find better coaching books in my opinion.
              Just ordered that for £4.90 for the PDF eBook. I have arranged for it to be printed and bound at my University print shop tomorrow for £6.10... In total then £11.00 for what is on the website (PDF eBook plus printed copy) for £26.95... Seemed like a good deal.

              Generally, though, I am not impressed with that site - Hopefully his material is good (Certainly alot of good comments) but ANY site which offers items at one price then jumping through circles offers it for much less in my opinion is a bit of a "con" (Especially for those that see it and think "Great!" an purchase immediately [The most genuine customers!] only to be getting ripped off). Infact, the whole site feels a bit like one of those "pyramid" scheme sites, or even some kind of QVC hard sell "1000% money back" etc etc. Seriously, I didn't mind spending £4.90 there but I wouldn't feel comfortable spending more.

              I will give more feedback on the actual document once it is printed and I have managed to use it as at the moment I've only opened it to check it is there (I don't intend to read it on the PC much!). It feels a little bit "advertisement" style (Not very professional front cover, for example), with huge text and large diagrams... Watermarks *everywhere*, etc.

              All of this being said, if it does the job, I'm happy!

              Meanwhile, I intend to print the ones linked by Johnnycash too... Also look fantastic!

              Does anybody else have any other recommendations for other books? I still have my £10 Amazon voucher waiting to be spent, heh!

              At the moment my eye is on "Just One Frame... Your Key to Playing Better Snooker" (Looks very professional, and a nice package with good feedback) but any other recommendations would be nice!



              • #8
                I disagree with what you said there. I have spent £200 there for the DVD series and I can say that they are the best DVD series for snooker coaching on the market, that's is my opinion.

                You say that the books don't look very professional. Why don't you think they're professional? Where are the huge texts and large diagrams?

                What do you mean by 'jumping through circles'? Where did you pay only £4.90 for it? I can only see £14.70.


                • #9
                  Thanks for the reply. As it goes I believe anybody reading this thread for information SHOULD credit your opinion somewhat more than mine - I have only very recently begun playing snooker and am incredibly poor (Hence the need to improve). With this in mind, however, I hope you do not take offence to my comments. If anything, I believe it is important that the site comes across well to a "non-snooker" player... As somebody new to the sport is equally (If not more) likely to purchase from such a website.

                  I suggest not very professional in the sense that (If you have the document) see the front page... I wouldn't expect to pick that up if it was on a shelf (Say in a library somewhere). Certainly we are taught not to judge a book by a cover, and I attempt to refrain some doing so (Despite it being difficult)... This is certainly clear considering I haven’t even "used" the book yet. My comments were based purely on a quick flick through. It is certainly, however, a matter of tastes. I cannot find the worlds that describe more precisely my thoughts, but perhaps "home-made"? The website itself is another example... It is not as "slick" as many websites we are used to today (Again, "Don't judge a book by its cover" comes to mind).

                  Regarding the "jumping through circles" you have illustrated my point perfectly - Imagine that you were purchasing the practise routines book. You would find it and decide whether to pay the price of £14.70. However somebody that keeps clicking around the site comes across this "One Time Only" offer that offers the book for only £4.90 (See below for the link). Now I find this bad on two counts: 1) It is incredibly unfortunate that genuine customers, possibly recommended by credible individuals, by the book on face value... Spending more than necessary. If the item is freely available for that price, why not make it easy? This system is rewarding those who research a little more, but isn't that underhanded to those either without the time or know how? 2) I believe constantly referring to something, as a "One Time Offer" that you'll never have the chance of again is INCREDIBLY bad practise if it is not true. I was discussing this with a friend who said if his mother wanted something and read they have to "buy now or never" they would quickly hit the buy button. Why, though, when accessing the site as often as you want is easily repeatable? It seems again, rather under-handed.

                  As it goes, I did save (Before my purchase) a link to every "One Time Offer" that I was offered as I browsed the site (Coincidently the DVD series you mention was available for approximately £120 if I remember correctly - I believe I was showed this screen AFTER purchasing the eBook for £4.90). The only link that I now have available is here:


                  Other pages exist, such as membership reductions:


                  Again, this labels itself as "One Time Offer" (Even notice the 30 minute counter in the top left) however it is perfectly legitimate to access this page again and again.

                  Please don't misunderstand me - The guy (Nic Barrow) may be excellent, and many people rave about his works... No doubt I'll be the same once I get to have a thorough read of my book. However, surely you can at least appreciate from my point of view, that these practises do not seem normal, of your average run of the mill business? I'm obviously not too "turned away" by the idea, or I wouldn't have purchased the eBook, as I did, however I think it is important to know exactly what you are getting involved with, what you are paying for and it's relative value.

                  I look forward to hearing from you, on what seems a genuinely interesting point.

                  Beyond this, putting this topic back on track, I'd love to hear any more book recommendations!!



                  • #10
                    Very, very good point there, very fair.

                    I do feel that if there was one part of The Snooker Gym that I didn't like it is the crazy adverts. Of course, I mean for snooker that is as not as crazy as some on TV! I don't think it is fair for people to be put under this as the timer and 'One Time Offer' etc. It is great that he is so excited about his products but I am a bronze (and silver) member of The Snooker Gym and I didn't get the link to that page, and we can look at it even AFTER we shut it down!


                    • #11
                      hi im around your level i think i have your problem too tried the line up and others suggested but just seem too hard if your ok playing top stun and screw with the blue in the middle pocket as i am now just break the reds up put the colours back on thieir spots and just see the highest break you can do routines are good but the prob is for me i pot the first leave myself in a bad position then have to set up again the only one i am doin apart from free play as i said is potting the black re spotting it potting again etc


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by cm59 View Post
                        hi im around your level i think i have your problem too tried the line up and others suggested but just seem too hard if your ok playing top stun and screw with the blue in the middle pocket as i am now just break the reds up put the colours back on thieir spots and just see the highest break you can do routines are good but the prob is for me i pot the first leave myself in a bad position then have to set up again the only one i am doin apart from free play as i said is potting the black re spotting it potting again etc
                        Maybe you are making the pratice too difficult for you. Different to most people's opinions it should not be too difficult. By that I mean that it isn't easy, but it is making you learn through mistakes, the best difficulty level to get you into the improvement zone. That is far better than doing something that will make you lose confidence. Make it difficult, but so that you know WHY you make the mistakes.



                        • #13
                          cheers mate good advice think im gonna stick with the free play for a bit and realy work on my positioning using the three standard shots


                          • #14
                            The only advise that I can give (Considering I'm the one that started this thread it isn't worth too much!!) is to try and find a partner to go with.

                            I go with a friend who is significantly better than me, but not so much so that I feel completely out played. He still has alot to learn but as we play together he learns as do I and always stays one or two levels above my play. This keeps me constantly striving to win a frame against him.

                            I spent 3 hours solid in the snooker hall the other day doing the activities I mentioned earlier and the next time I played my friend I posed a better challenge than before.

                            I have never really tried routines requiring so much skill and even now my actual potting percentage is poor however I am going to take my practise routine sheets with me next time and, as suggested on here, keep a record of how well or poorly I do. Even if I only get two balls in succession maybe I can aim for 3 the next time? If I keep doing that... Well, just maybe I'll have a chance in game Heh.

                            Good luck with your game; I'd be very interested in keeping up to date with how your game is progressing. We seem to be in a very similar position and I'd like to see how we both improve with some effort!


                            • #15
                              yeah cool ill let you know im playin about 9 hours a week at the mo want to get to a half decent level been playing for three weeks where aboutrs u from mate?

