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Tip Bedding

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  • Tip Bedding

    So my new tip has been put on and shaped. How long does the "bed in" process take? Ive been playing as many gentle shots as poss and no deep screws ect.


  • #2
    Don't be tentative with the new tip. Play some power shots & screw shots, afterall this is when you need to know if it will stay on, you don't want it coming off in the middle of a deciding frame.
    An easy way to bed it in is to tap the tip with a ball, this is like playing dozens of shots in a few minutes. What type of tip do you use?


    • #3
      What kind of tip is it? The idea is to use a tip that you can immediately play with almost as you did with the old one.

      I personally found this perfect equation using Mike Wooldridge single layer "supertip". Prior to that I used Talisman pro tips they were pretty good but there was something missing. A couple of years back I used Elks/BD and after fitting them, I used to gently tap on the tip using a cueball for about 100 times, then I reshape it, burnish the sides and off I go.

      Like I said, whatever your choice is, the idea is to have a tip that you can play confidently and consistently with as soon as you fit it.

      Good luck :snooker:
      Give'em hell, Mark :snooker:


      • #4
        I put a blue diamond tip on. Ive never tried these, so i thought id give it a blast. Probably not the best choice, but see what happens!


        • #5
          The talisman soft is still quite hard compared to BD's. I've just started using one with a new cue and am loving it. Gives more feel to the softer shots and my tight intricate play has improved.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by Boxy View Post
            I put a blue diamond tip on. Ive never tried these, so i thought id give it a blast. Probably not the best choice, but see what happens!
            Have used BD for many years, 2 days ago I put an Elk on, am so pleased with it I may never use BD again.


            • #7
              Hi all i was about to post a thread on tips and noticed this, hope it's the right place to post. i've used blue diamonds, elks, buffalo diamonds and talisman pro softs, of all these the talisman work best for me, but a close second would be the buffalo diamond, both are hard tips but i found that i had issues with the buffalo diamonds in that they were good when first put on, but after an evenings playing it wouldn't hold the chalk all that well, so i had to roughen it up a little then all would be well for a short time then i would have to repeat over and over. Whilst the taliman tip needed very little maintenance. Are there any thoughts on the chalk i use (green triangle). I've only picked a a cue again in the last 3 years, so don't take my experiences too seriously, i'm learning all over again. Look forward to your comments.


              • #8
                until recently i used a 6.5 mill tip, with an elk. then last summer tried the talisman medium. as much as i tried i found the chalk never seemed to stay on. i changed cue and use a 8 mill tip, i sent off to green biaze and he sent me 2 different type of tips. a le pro and an unbranded hard tip. the unbranded is excellent, have tried the le pro on an old snooker cue and i like that also. never see me going back to elk or diamond. am sticking a le pro on me breaking cue this week.


                • #9
                  Just get an old cue ball, not a new one as it can get marks on it which you can't get out, and hit it against the top of the tip with the ball in your hand to bed it in. It is the same as playing about 5 shots a second if you do it quickly!


                  • #10
                    Thanks As i was sat reading the replies & waiting for my turn on the table last night, i did what you said and tapped my tip with a cue ball! Im alittle more confident now and began to hit the balls firmer.

