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Why can’t I cue straight?

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  • Why can’t I cue straight?

    Every Saturday morning I go for 2-3 frames at my local club with a friend of mine. We started about a month ago and it was the first time I’d had a cue in my hand for about 25 years or so.

    However, I’m becoming increasingly frustrated (to the point where it’s starting to lose its appeal) by the fact I can’t manage more than the occasional single pot.

    Now before I’m pictured as some hopeless case who doesn’t even know the basics, let me say I’ve always felt as though I took to the game pretty naturally. My stance, lining up, and approach all come instinctively, but when I delivery the cue I simply cannot push it through in a straight line. It feels like the distance between my bridge hand and cue ball is like a car on an icy road, and I would estimate a good 90% of my pot attempts are missed through unwanted side.

    Other than the obvious ‘practice practice practice’ is there anything I can do to help this problem? I feel like that beginner golfer waiting for the magic ‘click’ where everything suddenly makes sense and his swing comes easy.
    Last edited by Billy; Today, 06:00 PM.
    "Kryten, isn't it round about this time of year that your head goes back to the lab for retuning?"

  • #2
    Hi Billy,

    I feel like I'm in the same boat - started trying to play again about 18 months ago after 25+ years of not playing. More realistically, during the 25 years, I wasn't playing regularly and certainly didn't ever play on a full-size table. I also felt like things came fairly naturally to me, although I did also have a copy of Jack Karnehm's "Understanding Modern Snooker" on VHS. (Still have it somewhere, but now have nothing to play it on!)

    I feel like I'm waiting for something to click too, just to get back to something like how I used to play.

    Some things I have thought of that could be the issue for me:
    • My body is a different shape now, when compared to 25 years ago. Yes, I am fat! I'm not suggesting you are, but there may be some difference that is getting in the way of something.
    • My body also does not bend the way it used to. To really get down on a shot now, I have to bend my right knee, which I never did before. I think this helps sometimes, but I don't feel like I am consistent with the knee-bend yet, so I'm not consistent.
    • My eyesight has definitely changed as well. In my case, I don't think my prescription has changed that much, but I think I used to be very right-eye dominant. I think it is less so now - particularly for distance vision.
    My plan going forward will be to play pool next time I go to the club, to see if I can get a bit more consistent at that and then transfer it to the snooker table, and I'm also considering a coaching session at some point to see if there is anything they pick up on that I can then address and hopefully have that "click" moment!

    Good luck!


    • #3
      That sounds all too familiar, and let’s say yes, I’m carrying more weight than I was 25 years ago! I also sympathise with the stiffness. Getting my chin on the cue for a couple of hours usually results in a headache from the stress on my neck.

      All that said I’m not sure they’re the main problem. I remember playing all those years ago, and I was no better then at pushing the cue through straight, even with the suppleness of youth on my side.
      "Kryten, isn't it round about this time of year that your head goes back to the lab for retuning?"

