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question about aiming / potting

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  • question about aiming / potting

    hi everyone. i've started snooker about half a year ago and i really really love snooker i have to say. i've been playing it at least 4 times a week since then and I really want to step up my game. i've never actually had any lessons or anything basically I just learnt it myself by watching videos online or even just from friends. My problem is inconsistency of my game. Sometimes I can do really good sometimes I can do really bad and I really want to improve on that.

    Getting back to the basic parts I actually want to have some tips on how i approach a cue ball and aim on my target so I can get an accurate shot. Even for straight shots I'd love to know. Sometimes I have problem with my straight shots know and I definitely know thats a huge problem cos if I can't do proper straight shots how am i gonna do shots with angles?

    So I was hoping someone could give me a tip on the steps i can take to shoot or pot a ball with precise aiming.

    What I do now is pretty much just look at the red and try to imagine the line between the red ball and the pocket and then the contact point of the red ball where my cue ball should strike at.

    And when i cue my cue ball i look back and forth on the red and cue ball to ball to make sure i'm hitting the right spot.

    For the cue ball I make sure or try my best to make sure when i strike it i hit the center of it.

    thanks : )

  • #2
    try watching jack karnhams snooker on youtube its good for beginners as it shows you how to walk into the shot and how to aim and cue straight.


    • #3
      It's not easy to play these straight shots when you are finding them difficult. They can look easy but they arn't always. I'd advise to see a coach as what you may thing is a problem may be because of something else. For example, your bridge hand may be faulty, it moves as you strike the cue ball and that moves the cue off the line as you play and you miss the pot with the cue not being on the correct line. You may not know it's because of your bridge, you may think it's because of your aiming.

      It is always difficult to teach over the internet, and indeed through books. It is just to point the player in the right direction. If you get lessions from a good coach then that should help you a lot.


      • #4
        im in hong kong not sure where i can find a coach here : < im interested in learning tho. really love this game


        • #5
          Originally Posted by djgc View Post
          im in hong kong not sure where i can find a coach here : < im interested in learning tho. really love this game
          Even learning from good experienced players will help, not always a proper 'coach' is necessary.


          • #6
            Sorry, I somehow posted in the wrong thread!

