...Alex Higgins once said the key to good match play snooker is to play to your strength's and also be aware of your opponents weakness.
I would be just as proud of keeping my head and playing 15 continuous safety shots as I would making a match wining break.
If your opponent is playing negative safety against you in a match then he clearly respects the fact that you can pot him off the table so stay calm and wait for the inevitable mistake to come.
Playing lesser players can make you lazy in that you stop taking the right shot on and you start going for everything like Roy says he does. It can be harder to keep focus and yet it can also loosen you up to the point that you feel you don't even have to try. After watching both ROS and Hendry even in exhibition totally destroy everyone (women and kids) without giving them a sniff I have to say that I now think this is important to develop the right attitude and understand you must give the game 100 per cent respect in any situation.
I would always consider a negative shot to tie up the green, yellow, blue, brown during a frame if I am playing a really really good player in a match and I have a lead. Why not?...1. you're making it harder for him to clear up if you mess up...2 It would thrash his head....3...He would do it to me too.
I would be just as proud of keeping my head and playing 15 continuous safety shots as I would making a match wining break.
If your opponent is playing negative safety against you in a match then he clearly respects the fact that you can pot him off the table so stay calm and wait for the inevitable mistake to come.
Playing lesser players can make you lazy in that you stop taking the right shot on and you start going for everything like Roy says he does. It can be harder to keep focus and yet it can also loosen you up to the point that you feel you don't even have to try. After watching both ROS and Hendry even in exhibition totally destroy everyone (women and kids) without giving them a sniff I have to say that I now think this is important to develop the right attitude and understand you must give the game 100 per cent respect in any situation.
I would always consider a negative shot to tie up the green, yellow, blue, brown during a frame if I am playing a really really good player in a match and I have a lead. Why not?...1. you're making it harder for him to clear up if you mess up...2 It would thrash his head....3...He would do it to me too.