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smooth cue

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  • smooth cue

    whats the best way to get an ultra smooth cue
    ive been playing during this heatwave and find the cue will
    just not run smooth across my bridge.i would like to get the cue as smooth as the proverbial babys bottom so any info would be well appreciated.

  • #2
    wipe the cue from top to bottom with a damp towel and dry afterwards, than wash your hands dry them and enjoy playing.

    had the same problem, is a bit still there but after doing this procedere recently it's ok


    • #3
      i have always struggled playing pool, my hands always seem to clam up very quickly. tried this at a tourney yesterday
      didnt help because i was awful, however, first time my cue aint been drenched because of my hands.


      • #4
        thanks will try some of that


        • #5
          Originally Posted by Snookeraddict147 View Post
          wipe the cue from top to bottom with a damp towel and dry afterwards, than wash your hands dry them and enjoy playing.

          had the same problem, is a bit still there but after doing this procedere recently it's ok
          Agree to snookerraddict147. And from time to time, I will use baby soap with warm water, on damp towel, to wipe the cueing area on the shaft, and immediately wipe dry with clean cotton cloth, then leave to dry at least 1-2 hours before going to the Club. But your cue needed to be 'oiled' every few months time to feed the wood too
          It's in the Shaft


          • #6

            i bought a proper snooker cue cloth to solve this problem, and it made only a slight different when i was cueing. What you want is one of those old white kitchen rags - they are unbleivbley good for making a smooth cue, esspecialy compared to the cue cloth i bought.

            Bad side of using the rag is that it doesnt exactly look good (:P) and the effect doesnt last long for some reason, but just keep wiping the cue frequently and you should have an ulta smooth cue to play with

