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the screw shot

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  • the screw shot

    Right well i know basically how to do a screw shot and i can do it quite well but for a period a few weeks ago i couldn't do any screw shots and kept jumping the ball this lasted for two ks and really killed my confidence.

    so when i do screw shots i started hitting the ball higher up to avoid jumping the ball.

    is it possible to hit the white ball right at the bottom for screw without the ball jumping and how is this done?

    here is a diagram that hopfuly explains it a little better.

    Last edited by Malachi-b; 31 July 2009, 02:06 PM.
    Age:17 full time snooker player hoping to get somewhere in the future!

  • #2
    It is, but there a few things you need to do. First, is chalk your tip - that should be a given. Second, is a solid cue action.

    In saying that, you don't really need to hit the absolute bottom of the ball to screw, hitting the cue ball a tip below centre with a solid cue action, follow through and keeping your body still will get all the action you need.

    Also, with you saying that you have been jumping the cue ball a lot of late, it could be a combination of lack of chalk on the tip as well as angling/digging the cue into the cue ball.


    • #3
      I remember going through a similar thing in the early days of my game. What I would say to you is that you would be wrong in thinking you have to hit the extreme bottom of the white to acheive a good amount of screw. Try aiming a little higher on the white and deliver a good smooth stroke. Also it is key to practise your timing on this shot, people have the tendancy to hit this shot too hard.

      The timing and delivery of the cue is key in my book.



      • #4
        talking of deep screw shots, Here is one of my videos:

        My deep screw shot


        • #5
          This is not out of textbook or coach's manual but I thought you would enjoy.
          My deep screw shot


          • #6
            When I went through a period of jumping the white when screwing, it was because of one particular fault, that, to be honest, I think a lot of people do.
            The tendency is (for some people), when applying screw, to unintentionally close the grip hand slightly, or to 'squeeze' the cue when delivering (sometimes the wrist is unintentionally turned inwards in the same movement).
            This has the effect of lifting the cue at the butt end a couple of centimetres, which in turn lowers the tip of the cue by a few millimetres,making it too low, causing a miscue.
            Whilst addressing the cueball a bit higher would adjust for this, it's obviously better to adress the problem at the source.
            This may or may not be your problem, malachi-b, but I thought I'd mention it.
            Two other factors which seem to greatly improve my cue-power, which are often not mentioned, are to keep the head perfectly still, and to press down very firmly with the bridge hand (which seems to loosen the gripping arm). After that, it's all about timing.
            good luck
            Last edited by cantpotforshíte; 1 August 2009, 09:18 AM.


            • #7
              i had the same problem but im now working on it. my problem was that for some reason id pull back too far and ended up slowing down as i pushed through the ball causing a jerky like push through.

              now im just hitting at a constant velocity through the ball and getting through it much better it now.


              • #8
                For those of you interested in learning how to screw a ball, join TheSnookerGym Bronze site (it's free) and there's a webinar on there called 'How to Screw Like a Pro' and Nic Barrow takes you through all the fundamentals.

                For those not interested in joining, the secret for screwing a ball is loose grip, head still, hit the cueball one tip width off the cloth and follow through to your chest. Keep the cue as level as possible by dropping your elbow near the end of the delivery. Also, head still at the end of the delivery with cue extended (if possible). Rhythm is everything so keep it SMOOTH!

                See if you can find a shot of Stephen Lee doing a deep screw and try and copy that.

                Terry Davidson
                IBSF Master Coach & Examiner

