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Using the rest

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  • Using the rest

    Hi have searched the forum high and wide but can't seem to find any threads on using the rest!
    i've always struggled with it and was wondering if there is anyone who could give me some basic pointers? Can never decide what angle to have between my elbow and wrist, more vertical like a dart throwing action, perfectly horizontal or somewhere in between? Square stance or more of a side on stance? Then thers the grip, 4 fingers 2 fingers or 1 finger round the butt? I also struggle with the sighting and have also had a couple of chin bashing experiences from the butt of my cue lol! I'm cueing quite well at the minute and making 50 breaks but as soon as i need the rest i know its going to be a lottery! i've started playing a few shots left handed and i'm quite comfortable with it, certainly better than i am with the rest but no matter which hand, there are some shots you just cant reach!
    Any help would be much appreciated!

  • #2
    You should stand to the side of the rest and put your weight on your left elbow (I assume you're right-handed) with the rest on the bed of the table held there with your left hand.

    The grip on the cue should be 2 fingers (some use 1 finger which is OK but 2 fingers give more security). The right elbow should be up a bit but not necessarily having the right forearm parallel to the bed of the table but at a slight angle, whatever is most comfortable for you.

    You should use the same cue action, with a little feathering, definitely a front pause, and definitely moving your eyes to the object ball (most players tend to look at the cueball when using the rest to ensure they hit it).

    Last tip, you must be completely stable with no body movement whatsoever

    Terry Davidson
    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


    • #3
      Thankyou terry thats brilliant advice, just putting the weight on the left elbow, never done that before, makes so much sense! thankyou for your help!


      • #4
        I find that keeping my wrist quite stiff beneficial.


        • #5
          Remember to be comfortable and cue through the white ball! I see many players who don't employ proper stroke and will just stab at the cue ball because they are not used to cueing with a rest. And I recommend you always use the cross rest because some venues may use the pool "knuckle" rest, whose knuckles may be too big for some snooker cues, so the cue has a tendency to shift.


          • #6
            I'm not fond of the rest myself... but I always try and stroke-through properly.
            Dark side of the moon


            • #7
              Great advice from Terry, but I would add that you always use the low X of the rest, even when applying top, and keep the follow through as short as possible to avoid putting the shoulder into the shot.


              • #8
                Hi, Terry,It seems that you can be a good coach.
                I am new to the snooker forum and looking for a good coach too (London). Do you know any coaching routine with the rest, i am stragling with dip scrue back shots with the rest, and more often i missing this shots because i did not hitting the cue ball in the middle or under screw. Thanks for your help in advance.


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
                  Great advice from Terry, but I would add that you always use the low X of the rest, even when applying top, and keep the follow through as short as possible to avoid putting the shoulder into the shot.
                  i disagree with this.

                  You should follow through until your arm is totally straight this is so you dont just poke the ball and you actually follow through going through until your arm is straight is advised by nic barrow.

                  also you should keep the same stance you have on your normal shots with the cue around a bridge in size away from the chin. the cue should be just below your head.
                  your arm should also be turned to the side so that it is parallel to the bed of the table.

                  you should then form a V grip on the cue using the first two fingers and the thumb and keep it loose not too loose just like you normally cue. and keep you left arm firm on the rest so it dont move.

                  i hope that helps

                  Age:17 full time snooker player hoping to get somewhere in the future!


                  • #10
                    Allready good advice here, but I feel encouraged to add something. First of all, how much practise time you give the rest? Many players complain they have problems with it, and then admit it plays no part in their practise

                    Just set some straight pots around the blue-pink area and working on them for 5 minutes could help. Also try to cue with the rest along the baulk-line to make sure you're cueing straight inspite of the equipment.

                    A bit training should give one the positive attitude, so as not to be cursing themselves in advance for having pick up the rest:snooker:
                    Ten reds and not a colour...


                    • #11
                      Hi Alex, getting off subject, I notice your a xmas baby the same as me. well come to the club


                      • #12

                        First of all you said 'when you try a deep screw with the rest' and my advice to you would be unless you are in the 100-break class of player DO NOT BE AMBITIOUS WITH THE REST. Keep It Stupid Simple.

                        And also, both malachi and miscueinh are absolutely correct and you should follow their advice.

                        If you still want instructions and examples with the rest I'm afraid you will have to purchase Nic Barrow's 10 DVD coaching set as he has a complete tutorial in there on using the rest, spider, swan, half-butt, etc.

                        Terry Davidson
                        IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                        • #13
                          i will be posting numerous videos on youtube soon, explaining alignment, sighting, stance, bridge hand, pause follow through, the "V" and the rest also.

                          keep a look out on the forum, there will be something in there for everyone to help their game.

                          thanks lee


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by lee brett View Post
                            i will be posting numerous videos on youtube soon, explaining alignment, sighting, stance, bridge hand, pause follow through, the "V" and the rest also.

                            keep a look out on the forum, there will be something in there for everyone to help their game.

                            thanks lee
                            Very kind of you - look forward to having a look, thanks


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by lee brett View Post
                              i will be posting numerous videos on youtube soon, explaining alignment, sighting, stance, bridge hand, pause follow through, the "V" and the rest also.

                              keep a look out on the forum, there will be something in there for everyone to help their game.

                              thanks lee
                              Which section you going to post this in? I'm looking forward to seeing these!
                              Dark side of the moon

