Originally Posted by hotpot
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probably did not state well is that coaches that either in private lessons
or on this Forum should probably have a better opinion of Pool or 9 ball.
I know it is probably not the best place to state this opinion,on a Snooker Forum but Pool or
9 ball players do have some skill levels that should be respected.
The "pool player stance" comment I have heard by coaches on this Forum
and have heard before by snooker players in the Toronto area. The comment
just implies a poor stance that should be fixed, or that pool players have
a poor stance. As I suggest I would not be negative on a large portion
of cue players,pool/9 ball players, but that is just my opinion. And I am sure I will here different
I used to think that Pool/9 ball players were a joke, until I watched several
players who play daily at the local Billiard hall. The better one's also played
snooker when they were younger and now have switched probably
because there is more money in it then snooker at least in North America.
And that not many people play snooker anymore at least in Canada,
and not much at all in the U.S.