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Pool practice ideas

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  • Pool practice ideas

    Hi there does anyone have any 8 ball pool practice tips? Or is it just along the same lines as snooker i.e. long pots etc.
    Did you put my "1" up ?

  • #2
    I would just practice like it was snooker, practice shots you know you have troubles with.

    One tip I got was, play a ghost opponent if you miss an easy one, then you have lost the game as odds on that if you missed it in a match they other player would clear up, and re-rack and start a new frame.

    Or find someone that is bit better then you, so you raise your game to play them, once you start beating them find someone better then them, and keep repeating that, you will notice you game improve.
    Last edited by JazzyJust; 11 February 2010, 12:52 AM.
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    • #3
      well there r certain drills u cld do. like, set up random balls in a 3X3 in the middle of the table. each ball about 12 inches apart, and try and pot all 9 of them, without touching a cushion. this is a drill taught to me by a friend of mine, whos top 10 in australia in pool. i gues theres also other ones, like, do the lineup, put the bals all randomly, and u hav to hit all the reds or all the yellows in first without touching a cushion, then pot the black too. so its like a potout but in a line. long pots arent that hard tho imo. i find its more dead balls on rails. theres also one where u can put 2 balls on each rail, or 2 balls about a feet down from each corner pocket and try n get on to ever ball and pot each ball. and u can do that same drill with the balls half an inch off the cushion, makes it tricky with the angle aswell. and i like to do one where i line up a line of balls along the blackball dot line, and i pot them all, but backspin back to behind the baulk line. that ones hard. u can set up about 6 to 8 balls.keep potting them for the corner pocket. sorta teaches u to hit it hard, or with screw, enough to backspin the length of the table, while being accurate. try n have it come off the back cushion but remain behind the baulk line area. also with things like doubles or cushion shots, i play them, but i practise doing them, and using different spins. like, i try and get the white ball in a spot on the table, while hitting a ball into the cushion to pot it. =] just some possible drills.


      • #4
        Hi bobnogg!n,

        Can you explain what you mean about the 3x3
        Did you put my "1" up ?


        • #5
          I think he means like this:
          . . .
          . . .
          . . .

          Mayb with or with out the middle ball


          • #6
            Originally Posted by rbp1991 View Post
            I think he means like this:
            . . .
            . . .
            . . .

            Mayb with or with out the middle ball

            I think you are right but with the middle ball used as he says 9 balls are used.

            Thanks for that.

            Did you put my "1" up ?


            • #7
              use the middle ball. teaches u to control the white in a tight space without bumping into other balls. and it makes it harder. u hav to play angled shots with control. =]


              • #8
                Originally Posted by BoBnoGG!n View Post
                use the middle ball. teaches u to control the white in a tight space without bumping into other balls. and it makes it harder. u hav to play angled shots with control. =]
                Sorry if this sounds a dumb question, but does it matter where you start with CB?

                . . .

                . . . 0 <- Here perhaps??

                . . .

                Did you put my "1" up ?


                • #9
                  start anywhere n everywhere. good practise to start at random different points


                  • #10
                    Get to the bar early always a good idea anyway,break the balls and try to clear the table without missing or with missing as few shots as possible.The most important part of winning any match is the clear up after forcing the opening. As if this is missed you will lose the majority of matches. Hence practicing clear ups are most important!. GOOD LUCK. :snooker:


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by inoffpat View Post
                      Get to the bar early always a good idea anyway,break the balls and try to clear the table without missing or with missing as few shots as possible.The most important part of winning any match is the clear up after forcing the opening. As if this is missed you will lose the majority of matches. Hence practicing clear ups are most important!. GOOD LUCK. :snooker:
                      OH YEH~! playing an actual game is ALWAYS the best way to practise haha


                      • #12
                        Agreed, but getting your potting arm loose before a match is of benefit, as playing an opponent can sometimes get bogged down in tactical play. A bit of both Would pobably be ideal.

