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Solo Practice - Frames

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  • Solo Practice - Frames

    I've started setting the balls and breaking off as in a normal frame.

    From the break off or within a few safety shots I'll have a long pot and chance to get on black, blue or baulk colours then compile a break.

    I think this might be a good way to practice when working alone, as your dealing with situations that are likely to happen in a frame when break building. IE most of the reds still in the bunch, pink tied up black possibly blocked to one or more pockets.

    Has anyone practiced this way in solo play then found a marked improvement in their game?

    I feel fancy line-ups and other things may be good for working certain shots but once you have that routine down you need to string a variety of shots together in a real break.

  • #2
    I agree that a player should try and duplicate in practice what he will encounter in real frames. I do what you are doing, but not right at the start unless I have a tournament coming up where I'm not allowed to warm up.

    Under normal conditions I start with shooting the spots about 10 times, then I line up 13 balls across the blue spot and pot those dead-in from the baulk line to either top pocket and then I do the line-up until I get 2 tons and then I revert to a normal frame.

    These are all just warm-up exercises to get the cue arm going smoothly but also letting me know if I'm cueing straight or if there's a problem.

    Terry Davidson
    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


    • #3
      i also play frames solo, but most of the times i get frustrated because i rush shots and miss easy ones.

      then i start puting all the colours on their spot and four reds scattered arond the black spot i play red, black or pink, red, etc. that way i build breaks in the 20ths. and play diferent types of shots. stun,screw, run thru, etc. with a few balls and colours. that way you get used to play delicate shots around the black that is the foundation of breakbuilding. i notice that i play more careful when doing this type of practice, mostly playing close and medium range shots.

      the problem i found is when i start potting well, i get too confident and start rushing the shots, i take some shots for granted and then miss them. so, try to play every shot with extreme care, even the easiest shots.

      i hope this help many snooker players like myself

      Originally posted at Http://

