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Always catch right knuckle

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  • Always catch right knuckle

    Hi there, I'm a relative newcomer to snooker, i have been playing for a few months and I play once a week and my highest break is 27.
    Recently i have been catching the right knuckle every time i miss a shot. i seem to be striking left across the cue ball (i'm right-handed). no matter how i concentrate i can't seem to rectify it. the only way i have been able to straighten it up is to twist my wrist at a right-angle but this after a while becomes impractical because it just doesn't feel natural.
    the problem only seems to affect potting, I'm very happy with my safety play and seem able to strike the object ball well at safety play. this problem has crept into my play recently and seems to be getting worse.
    any ideas on how to fix it, initially i thought it might be my stance as my arm seems to cath my hip something when i'm lining up a shot.

  • #2
    Ufortunately you didn't say which knuckle was catching where, so I'll assume it's your right thumb catching your trousers or your hip either during the backswing or delivery.

    This is a simple thing to correct by twisting the back a bit more and bending the left leg just a touch more, which will swing the hips to the left a bit and clear the path for your grip hand.

    The other problem could be you have the cue running too far underneath your body, i.e. - inside the right nipple. This is not a very serious fault and can still be corrected by using the above method, however you should check your right elbow alignment over the cue, using either a mirror or else a friend to see how far out of alignment the elbow is. Under 2in or so is not serious, but over 3in says that you are not setting up correctly in your stance and you should review all the stance tips on here in the coaching string

    Terry Davidson
    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


    • #3
      didnt he mean catching the right knuckle (jaw) of the pocket
      sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


      • #4
        It looks like you're correct RG. We don't use the term 'knuckle' here in Canada but rather we use 'jaw'.

        And if that's the case then obviously the cue is not being delivered straight and he is likely hitting the left side of the cueball as he is coming through.

        You will need to go to a coach as we can't determine what problem you have without being able to see you in action. With a high run of 27 the for sure your cue is not being delivered straight but that could be caused by any number of things from stance, to grip, to backswing, to delivery to staying still on the shot plus a few others I haven't thought about.

        Terry Davidson
        IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


        • #5
          I went through a patch of missing to the right all the time. Turned out it was my hair was covering my left eye (which turns out to be dominant) and that seemed to be throwing me off.

          If you are missing to the right consistently you probably need to do some simple practice knocking in straight balls. Adjust by aiming to the left when they start going in keep knocking them in until your brain starts potting in the right spot without you adjusting. Just an idea!

          Are you sure your not putting unintentional side on?


          • #6
            Thanks for the advice everybody will try all the suggestions and let you know.
            Ps I wish i had enough hair to cover my left eye, sadly it deserted me long ago!

