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Breaking down at key times...

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  • Breaking down at key times...

    Hi Guys,

    Just wondered if anyone has any helpful tips or advice for my situation...

    I have a highest break of 77 that i got 2 years ago, then i went through patches of not playing for few months etc, coming back and gettin a 40 odd and being really pleased with myself.
    i have been playing more recently, and i am gettin at least 1 40+ break a week.
    I have had 7 breaks over 50 in the last 5 weeks (see signature) and every time except 1, i have broken down on key shots, simple shots!
    even when i get a 40 going and realise what a massive chance i have, i suddenly turn into a crap player, lose easy position or miss easy balls.
    far short of snapping my JP cue in half, or breakin my hand punchin the table, i need to find a way to iron this out of my game and start building on my skills.
    any tips or advice u guys have for me would be appreciated
    Highest Match Break - 77
    Highest Practice Break - 101, 106, 111
    Highest Breaks of 2010 - 76-65-62-61-60-60-59-57

  • #2
    Hello mate. It's an age old problem isn't it? I have very much the same trouble and the advice I have been given is to "try" and blank out the amount you have already scored and in a way to start the break again in your mind. Even if that means stepping away from the table for a sip of a drink or to wipe down your cue, then come back as if it's the start of a new visit! Must admit like most things with snooker it is much harder to do than say!!
    Not sure if this helps at all, but good look anyway.


    • #3
      Hi m8,
      This Normally happens to People when they are Involved in Tournament or League Match etc as I have played some Unreal Guys in Practice but cannot take it onto Higher Level.

      If your just Practicing and Breaking down alot try and Take as Much Time between the shots as you did at the Start of the Break never change your Speed of how you Play.

      I have noticed alot of Players Rush if on for Big Break or around the Balls then Miss a Sitter!....As its all about Timing the shot right.

      The Advice I would give you is Never Think about What Break is on Here! Unless your in Tournament where there is High Break Prize.

      Try and take every shot as its your Last if you Miss, This Helped me no end as at some stage you will Play Somebody who will Punish your Mistakes and you won't get back to the table.



      • #4
        I am guilty of changing speed also...
        Missed a dead straight black on 59 in a lg match on Sunday cos i took it for granted, was perfect on next red...
        Missed a dead straight red on 61 cos i took it for granted, was perfect on next black...
        little mistakes are costing me really good chances
        Highest Match Break - 77
        Highest Practice Break - 101, 106, 111
        Highest Breaks of 2010 - 76-65-62-61-60-60-59-57


        • #5
          ive had quite a lot of centuries now,but what i used to do was try to embrace the nervousness,accept thats what happens when youre into the unknown.above all dont miss the pot,if you get the pot but miss the position its alot easier to live with.


          • #6
            i bet when you get towards your 40 break everything slows down and looks ten times harder. you need to keep the rythem up keep the same tempo all the way through the break without thinking or caring the less u care the easier it will get and before u know it all the balls will disappear


            • #7
              On these occasions, although the problem is a mental one the actual reason for the miss is normally not delivering the cue straight.

              This is a direct result of 'rushing' the shot (normally) and the tips about keeping your timing consistent are valid.

              One other point, and this is from a number of top coaches, but I first heard about it when reviewing Del Hill's stuff, (so credit to Del).

              Just like a golf pro will tell you, 'get one swing thought and stick with it', or as Del says, every player needs a 'dummy' (baby soother).

              In my case, because the problem comes out as a technique problem and is normally some upper body movement, my swing thought is just one thing.

              On BOTH the SLOW backswing and delivery my thought is 'keep your chin on the cue' (or in other words absolutely no upper body movment. This has worked for me time and again under all pressure situations and certainly helps me to deliver the cue straight during those pressure shots

              Terry Davidson
              IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


              • #8
                As Terry said above, keeping your head still and a slow/deliberate backswing is essential. Relaxing, and focussing 100% on keeping your eyes on the object ball are also important. Lastly, position is always secondary, concentrate on the pot.
                I often use large words I don't really understand in an attempt to appear more photosynthesis.


                • #9
                  A good paractice for this is to put all the colours on the spots then spread the reds all over the table (none on cushions) then just aim to score as many as you can. If you miss put all the balls back up. You should start making high breaks and this will help with the nerves and help concentration. It does work!
                  " For those of you in black & white, the blue is behind the yellow"


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by whufcarl View Post
                    Hi Guys,

                    Just wondered if anyone has any helpful tips or advice for my situation...

                    I have a highest break of 77 that i got 2 years ago, then i went through patches of not playing for few months etc, coming back and gettin a 40 odd and being really pleased with myself.
                    i have been playing more recently, and i am gettin at least 1 40+ break a week.
                    I have had 7 breaks over 50 in the last 5 weeks (see signature) and every time except 1, i have broken down on key shots, simple shots!
                    even when i get a 40 going and realise what a massive chance i have, i suddenly turn into a crap player, lose easy position or miss easy balls.
                    far short of snapping my JP cue in half, or breakin my hand punchin the table, i need to find a way to iron this out of my game and start building on my skills.
                    any tips or advice u guys have for me would be appreciated
                    Wow, I have nearly the same situation happening to me!!!!

                    Highest break - 72
                    Highest break 2010 - 33, 25, 42, 52
                    Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
                    My Snooker Blog:

