Hi guys just want your opinion on how bent your bridge arm should be, I taught myself how to play snooker by reading the Joe Davis snooker bible, and I used to push my bridge arm out straight, till you got this certain tension/feel as he states in his book. I played this way for years and had limited success, until I bent my bridge arm and my game was much better. This was 20 years ago. I came back to the game and started playing with my arm bent. Today I played Jamie walker (ranked 68 on the pios circuit) He gave me a right kicking. I was feeling pretty low after this. He then proceeded to say that I had too much over hang on my bridge hand, because my arm was bent too much. When he went I practice pushing my arm out straight, I found it uncomfortable at first but was surprised at how well I potted.
I thought that the Joe Davis technique was dated and that the trend today is to play with your arm slightly bent. What I want to know I how do you know how much bend is too much?
I thought that the Joe Davis technique was dated and that the trend today is to play with your arm slightly bent. What I want to know I how do you know how much bend is too much?