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cueball or object ball

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  • cueball or object ball

    hey, this as probably been asked a few times but couldn't find anything in the search.

    when striking the white do you keep your eyes fixed on the cueball or object ball. i've tried looking at the object ball but feel uncomfy as i'm not sure if i'm hitting the white where i want especially on backspin or the use of side.

    what are your thoughts on this?

  • #2
    I think your supposed to look at the cueball until the point you start your final backswing, then switch eyes to the object ball, but i too quite often just look at the cueball - especially on close range delicate type shots


    • #3
      Eye rhythm is usually a matter of personal choice and a player usually develops his own preference, as you've done by looking at the object ball on the delivery.

      Looking at the object ball at the time the cue hits the cueball is the preferred method of most good players, however there are a couple who look at the cueball at time of strike.

      If you feel you might not be striking the white in the correct place then try this method of eye rhythm, which is the most common I've found and also the one I use (with a little modification because of my age).

      Do your feathering with your eyes flicking back and forth between cueball and object ball and then stop the cue at the address position (tip about 1/4" to 1/8" from cueball). This is called the 'front pause' and is a good habit to develop and it's normally quite short, just to give your eyes time to focus on the spot on the cueball.

      Now, KEEPING YOUR EYES ON THE SPOT ON THE CUEBALL YOU WANT TO HIT start your backswing (DO NOT WATCH THE CUE, JUST THE SPOT ON THE CUEBALL). Somewhere near the end of your SLOW backswing or else at the rear pause swing your eyes to the object ball and then deliver the cue. This should give you a natural rear pause also and that is a good thing.

      Remember to take the time to 'lock' your eyes on the object ball. Too many players rush this aspect and as a result miss the pot.

      Terry Davidson
      IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


      • #4
        great reply, thanks Terry


        • #5
          just a thought on this, how come some pros like o'sullivan and higgins in general look at the cueball on the final follow through? is this the same effect as looking away when looking away and potting the balls, if the alignment is right then it will go in?


          • #6

            Your are mistaken. I have it from Ronnie's coach that he checks the cueball at the start of his delivery but moves his eyes to the object ball before striking. I believe most of the top players will be looking at the object ball at the time of strike but when they get there is an invidvidual thing, anywhere from the front pause to the start of the delivery

            Terry Davidson
            IBSF Master Coach & Examiner

