Hello, This is my first question and i am hoping someone can help me out as i cannot find help for this anywhere on google or on the search function with this forum...
Basicly i have just started playing snooker in my own time (before i played once in a year on holiday in hemsby and sometimes pool in pub about 2 years ago).. Although i am having a lot of trouble with my back...
I am a 15 year old boy and when i bend down my lower back usally really Aches and it makes it very uncomfortable to play the game. Also i sometimes get my shoulder with my cueing arm (right now) aching as well.
At the moment i only play during sessions because i am watching the world championship nearly constantly (aspecially this weekend) although after half an hour its unbearable to play anymore (although my back hurts once i bend down just once but i push myself through the pain because i wanna play snooker, lol)...
I remember i had this trouble last summer when i was on holiday and its not really sorted itself out and i am not sure what to do to fix this problem. I am hoping my body will adjust itself if i just play snooker more but i want to know if anyone knows how i can make myself better or if its somthing that happens to everyone...
-Thanks for your time..
(sorry if i haven't made sense anywhere in this question. I have been up since half 10 watching snooker and i am really tired...thats really early for me as i stayed up all night )
Basicly i have just started playing snooker in my own time (before i played once in a year on holiday in hemsby and sometimes pool in pub about 2 years ago).. Although i am having a lot of trouble with my back...
I am a 15 year old boy and when i bend down my lower back usally really Aches and it makes it very uncomfortable to play the game. Also i sometimes get my shoulder with my cueing arm (right now) aching as well.
At the moment i only play during sessions because i am watching the world championship nearly constantly (aspecially this weekend) although after half an hour its unbearable to play anymore (although my back hurts once i bend down just once but i push myself through the pain because i wanna play snooker, lol)...
I remember i had this trouble last summer when i was on holiday and its not really sorted itself out and i am not sure what to do to fix this problem. I am hoping my body will adjust itself if i just play snooker more but i want to know if anyone knows how i can make myself better or if its somthing that happens to everyone...
-Thanks for your time..
(sorry if i haven't made sense anywhere in this question. I have been up since half 10 watching snooker and i am really tired...thats really early for me as i stayed up all night )