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  • Stuck!

    I've been playing snooker now for 16 months, my highest break is 41.
    I just can't seem to get any better, I'll play well 1 day then the next I'm missing everything, it's so frustrating!!
    Any advice?

  • #2
    try having some lessons or play against someone whos better than you or maybe you have just got as good as your going to get. dont want to sound funny but some people get to a point and never pass it. the key is imo is the right sort of practice not just going to play and knocking balls all over the place you could do that all day and never get any better you have to practice correctly and some lessons with a pro will show you how to do that.


    • #3
      I play a guy who knocks in 100+ breaks but he just seems to destroy me and well I just give up


      • #4
        Better technique is probably the way to aid consistency - If you're reapeating the same muscle movements exactly on each shot in theory you should always get the same results.

        Flawless technique is a sound base for anything. After that it's about application of knowledge and individual zones of optimal functioning (getting in "the zone").

        And of course practice practice practice.

        That said my best break is somewhere in the 30's


        • #5
          I've been told my cue action is pretty good, can get decent reaction from the white.
          I was on 20+ break yesterday couple of yellows, browns and blues then just fell to bits! Didn't have a clue what red to go for or how to get position basically made a complete arse of it


          • #6
            16 months isnt realy a long time in snooker it takes years of practice try giving it a bit longer


            • #7
              Don't think I'd ever give it up, it's just bugging me that I've gotten stuck.
              Keep trying to play other people but not many will help me where I'm going wrong plus they don't like been beaten by a woman.


              • #8
                I'm stuck at your level(highest break is 49), I'm 28 and play about once every 2 months but I play for enjoyment not to improve a great deal, although it would be nice to get century breaks I don't think I have the means to become that good.

                If you are looking to improve I would consider coaching and more practice. If you are lucky enough to have the space to set up a table I would consider that.


                • #9
                  I have access to tables pretty much 24/7 but I'm not to keen playing on my own, I just end up trying to pot everything but not playing position.


                  • #10
                    Try some hard practise routines.. maybe it helps to built your game.


                    • #11
                      Where are you based?

                      Tim Dunkley (World Snooker coach)


                      • #12
                        i had the same problem.. stucking with ~40 breaks even when the balls was spread.

                        if you want to bring your game to a new level, you should consider looking for a coach (like i did)


                        • #13
                          Learn to walk before you can run and do not get downhearted when your mate knocks in a century - Watch and learn. Things will gradually get better, if you put the time in.


                          • #14
                            Sound like you may need a little help with your shot selectios aswell as your technique . If your playing partner is a ton breaker then surely he can help you to some degree , ask him if he can see where your basics can be improved , and if your taking the wrong shots .


                            • #15
                              41 isn't a bad break after only 16 months! Ton breaks don't come easily. I suspect you are putting too much pressure on yourself to try and get a bigger break. If you keep playing it will come. I would seek some guidance from a coach, if only to confirm that your stance/cue action is as good as it can be.
                              Finally, don't look on practising alone as a bad thing. It's a good thing. For confidence building I can't recommend the line up highly enough. That's where you put the colours on their spots, 1 red just south of the blue, 1 red just north of the black and all the other reds between the blue and black. Then just pot red, colour, red colour. Try not to touch any other ball than the one you are potting. It teaches finer control of the white and it teaches you what is pottable and what isn't.
                              I'm quite happy practising on my own. Maybe you could be too if you build a bit more potting and break building confidence.

