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when to split?

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  • when to split?

    Hi all,

    I seem to be always losing position around the black spot. Not by much but even 2 mm is to much if you can't hit the intended ball. Anyway to my question, if you've cleared all the open reds and have only one more option before having to open the the pack, should I open the pack when the opportunity arises or should I play the open red? I know that is not straight forward, or I would always be doing the right thing. But I'm sick to death of playing on the one open red, near the pack just missing perfect position by mm's. on the other hand, trying to split the reds and getting nowt when the open red was there, is also not exactly rewarding!

    Good tips required!

    Com'on you 147 club members give me a few tips! Also how the hell do I get enough spin on the cue ball so it pushes through the reds after contact? Hitting them full force often leads to nowt, with the white sticking to the pack!


    Quote : It took me eight hours a day for 16 years to become an overnight sensation! Cliff Thorburn

  • #2
    I'm certainly not a 147 club member, but I'll give my 2 cents worth.

    The best time to go into the pack for me is whenever you can do it and almost certainly leave the next ball on. (Like for instance if a red or colour is over or near the pocket, so as long as you don't snooker yourself, you're guaranteed position.)
    And positions like this are well worth looking out for even if you have 10 loose reds and just 5 tied up. If you can see a risk free opportunity to develop balls, do it.


    • #3
      Very true,

      but a pound to a penny if you can snooker yourself and leave absolutely nothing, I'll find that spot even if the odds are 1000/1

      I also rather split from the blue, as when splitting from the black I always seem to leave myself stuck in the reds or on the top cushion. I'm definitely getting the screw on the ball, but it's not doing what I expect it to do!
      Quote : It took me eight hours a day for 16 years to become an overnight sensation! Cliff Thorburn


      • #4
        Try a little siding on the cueball when screwing or stunning into the pack from the black. I know this makes the pot more difficult but it will make the cueball 'spin off' (hopefully) the first red you contact as long as you don't make contact full ball.

        Also, as has been said, take the first opportunity you can if the situation presents itself where even if you do stick on the pack you will still have a good chance of having another red into one of the top pockets.

        And always remember, what you see on TV with the pros and the #10 cloths is not what you'll get on a club table with WoE 6811, even if it has been blocked and ironed. I have a 6811 on my table which is as fast as I can get it and the balls just don't react like the #10 or Hainsworth Super Fine Match cloth (if that's what it's called).

        As soon as the Canadians are over next month I will be putting #10 on my table and I'll see how I do with that

        Terry Davidson
        IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


        • #5
          Thanks Terry,

          your insight is always welcome in my threads. As I mentioned, when I split the pack, I always seem to stick or land back on the cushion. It also happens that I miss the black leaving my opponent with a great chance. I don't seem to have a lot of luck on the split, but how can one calculate that, that the chances are in my favor?

          Obviously potting the object ball is the first line of defense in this situation, as then I can at least play a good safety shot.

          Having said that I rather like clearing up the loose ones and then splitting the pack, I just seem to have a knack of over playing my position by about 5mm, just enough for me not to be able to pot the last of the open reds!

          Practice makes perfect I suppose, I believe it could be tension, me having to get absolutely perfect position!


          Quote : It took me eight hours a day for 16 years to become an overnight sensation! Cliff Thorburn

