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Video of me practicing

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  • Video of me practicing

    Would just like some of your thoughts on my cue action. Bin playing 3 years, highest break in a match 113 and I'd like to turn professional. I'd just like to know whether you think thats a legitimate goal. Sorry about the camera angle btw, this was initially a test for my new iphone's video recording.

  • #2
    where is the vid
    Originally posted at Http://


    • #3
      hehe i know that face from Leeds yesterday, any-ways i am no coach so can't help you there but you must have played 15/20 shots with no chalk lol, so try and get into a habit even in practice to chalk your cue and if turning pro is your desire then go for it full hog
      Hours of practice and maybe see a coach to point you in the right direction mate

      Good luck!!


      • #4
        Originally Posted by MasterBreak147 View Post
        hehe i know that face from Leeds yesterday, any-ways i am no coach so can't help you there but you must have played 15/20 shots with no chalk lol, so try and get into a habit even in practice to chalk your cue and if turning pro is your desire then go for it full hog
        Hours of practice and maybe see a coach to point you in the right direction mate

        Good luck!!
        Thanks mate, and lol yh I was at the northern yesterday. Were you there for the world open or are you a local? btw I think I chalk quite regularly, just its not shown in the video because of the angle.


        • #5
          Try chalking after every shot or every other shot and prevent any miss cue's, yes i was there for the world open and Saturday for the pro-am
          I lost to Andy Lee in last sixteen 3-2 and i am local ish lol


          • #6
            Just a shameless bump :snooker:


            • #7

              Just noticed your video and have a couple of comments:

              1. Just at the start of your delivery your head is moving down and to the right on all but the lowest power shots. You HAVE to stop this as it means you are pushing your body into the shot and need perfect coordination to get back to the address position at the precise moment you strike the cueball. It's much better to rely on no movement rather than precise coordination as on some days that coordination might not be exact. Imagine you have a glass of water on your head that is full to the brim and you have to play a medium-power shot without spilling any. Also, you may have adjusted your aiming for this slight glitch so you might take a small step backwards for a short period while you work on conquering it.

              2. You play pretty fast with not a lot of feathering going on, which is not a terrible thing as it might be your natural rhythm, but on the 2 blacks you missed there was almost no front pause which was there on all the other shots. I suspect this is because you unconciously felt you might miss them and therefore rushed the shots. They were both 1/4-ball blacks. Try and keep the same rhythm on ALL shots, no matter what the degree of difficulty.

              3. Although the line-up presents mostly easy pots and positional play and is not a good representation of your skills, you certainly have a good technique and should be entering the tournaments open to amateurs so you can play really good opponents under tense match conditions and also not only gain some good match practice but also be able to rate yourself against a professional standard player. I hope you can afford to do that.

              4. As for your professional appear to be young enough to get the experience and match toughness but it takes a hard graft effort to raise your game by those extra 21 points per frame you will need to compete at the pro level. I think if you keep at it and practice and play in tough matches you can get there.

              5. One other point...take your individual practice sessions very seriously and CONCENTRATE ON EVERY POT just like in a match and also stay down longer on the shot once you deliver the cue.

              Hope this is of a little help.

              Terry Davidson
              IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


              • #8
                Nice video mate. Not bad knocking a 113 in a match after only 3 years. A few technical tweaks to work on as pointed out by Terry but there's also no substitute for a natural eye for the game! I've played the game 5 times longer than that and cant get anywhere near that break. Stick with it.


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post

                  Just noticed your video and have a couple of comments:

                  1. Just at the start of your delivery your head is moving down and to the right on all but the lowest power shots. You HAVE to stop this as it means you are pushing your body into the shot and need perfect coordination to get back to the address position at the precise moment you strike the cueball. It's much better to rely on no movement rather than precise coordination as on some days that coordination might not be exact. Imagine you have a glass of water on your head that is full to the brim and you have to play a medium-power shot without spilling any. Also, you may have adjusted your aiming for this slight glitch so you might take a small step backwards for a short period while you work on conquering it.

                  2. You play pretty fast with not a lot of feathering going on, which is not a terrible thing as it might be your natural rhythm, but on the 2 blacks you missed there was almost no front pause which was there on all the other shots. I suspect this is because you unconciously felt you might miss them and therefore rushed the shots. They were both 1/4-ball blacks. Try and keep the same rhythm on ALL shots, no matter what the degree of difficulty.

                  3. Although the line-up presents mostly easy pots and positional play and is not a good representation of your skills, you certainly have a good technique and should be entering the tournaments open to amateurs so you can play really good opponents under tense match conditions and also not only gain some good match practice but also be able to rate yourself against a professional standard player. I hope you can afford to do that.

                  4. As for your professional appear to be young enough to get the experience and match toughness but it takes a hard graft effort to raise your game by those extra 21 points per frame you will need to compete at the pro level. I think if you keep at it and practice and play in tough matches you can get there.

                  5. One other point...take your individual practice sessions very seriously and CONCENTRATE ON EVERY POT just like in a match and also stay down longer on the shot once you deliver the cue.

                  Hope this is of a little help.

                  Thanks Terry, I wasn't playing at all well yesterday and then I remembered what you said about moving my head down and it really helped - potted 13 out of 14 long straight blues :snooker: I think I used to move my head upwards a lot and to compensate started moving down. I hadn't even realised until you said. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that your good work round here does not go unnoticed


                  • #10
                    yea, terry's advice always useful and help a lot of people including me...
                    by reading his post, i always gain something....


                    • #11
                      Wow thats pretty good potting!

                      Hopefully some day I will be about to do that LOL


                      • #12
                        Just thought I'd bump this thread up with a couple of new videos as I've improved my cueing a lot recently. Thanks for the advice Terry, it's helped alot I've almost irradicated the head movement completely
               another line up video
               and a snooker montage


                        • #13
                          Enjoyed watching those vids - thanks
                          One thing i do find a bit strange is the way you chalk the cue right up in the air ! most people look at the tip as you chalk it :snooker:


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                            Enjoyed watching those vids - thanks
                            One thing i do find a bit strange is the way you chalk the cue right up in the air ! most people look at the tip as you chalk it :snooker:
                            Yeah I suppose it is a bit weird lol never really thought about that before. :snooker:


                            • #15
                              only going off this video but the line up is an easy routine , try puttin black out of commision or 8 reds in a bunch ect , very nice action mate

