Your problem is in your right shoulder! To get rid of that you have 2 methods, one of them very easy and that is to straighten out your bridge arm until there is only a 10degree bend or less. This will have the tendency to lower the left armpit and thus raise the right shoulder socket.
The other way it to look at yourself in a mirror at the address position. You should not be able to see any part of your right shoulder but if you can then work on raising the right should up AND INTO YOUR BACK as much as you can WITHOUT CAUSING DISCOMFORT.
It may beel a little strange at first but keep with it and you will find the unwanted side will disappear
Your problem is in your right shoulder! To get rid of that you have 2 methods, one of them very easy and that is to straighten out your bridge arm until there is only a 10degree bend or less. This will have the tendency to lower the left armpit and thus raise the right shoulder socket.
The other way it to look at yourself in a mirror at the address position. You should not be able to see any part of your right shoulder but if you can then work on raising the right should up AND INTO YOUR BACK as much as you can WITHOUT CAUSING DISCOMFORT.
It may beel a little strange at first but keep with it and you will find the unwanted side will disappear