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Best way to play a deep screw shot

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  • Best way to play a deep screw shot

    Is it better to play a deep screw shot, with cue as level to the table as possible, or with butt lifted up?

    It seems lifting butt will cause bigger screw, which way is better do you think?


  • #2
    Originally Posted by mchpddl1 View Post
    Is it better to play a deep screw shot, with cue as level to the table as possible, or with butt lifted up?

    It seems lifting butt will cause bigger screw, which way is better do you think?

    Lifting the butt will cause a swerve inaccurate shot instead of deep screw.


    • #3
      keep the cue as level as possible

      Terry Davidson
      IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


      • #4
        Following through with the cue is important. There's a you-tube posted somewhere on the forum showing how to do it.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
          keep the cue as level as possible

          Terry , played last night and for some reason remembered this post . Made a concerted effort to keep cue level and played a couple of very good screw shots . Amazing really , played this game [ or tried to ] for 20 years plus and a bit of concentration goes a long way .
          Now if you can tell me how to play every shot in the book it may well improve my game ! [ as long as i concentrate ]
          Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


          • #6
            I've tried a couple of different ways of play a screw-shot and I've found that keeping the Cue as straight as possible with plenty follow-through gets you the best results with minimum power.


            • #7
              The only way to develop deep screw (and general all-round consistency) it to DRIVE THE CUE ALL THE WAY THROUGH TO YOUR CHEST ON EVERY SHOT!!!!! And then STAY STILL with nothing moving and your cue extended with the back of the thumb on the grip hand against the chest.

              To maximize the follow-through make sure you shift your hips back and to the left by bending the left leg a bit more and checking to see if you have 3-4 inches between the back of the thumb and the trouser pocket (this is for right-handers). This shift of the hips will move the cue over more under the right armpit and get the bulge of the pectoral muscle out of the way and allow for at least 1-2 inches more of follow through.

              For screw, hit the bottom of the cueball. I know this seems obvious, but on a scale of H1 to H10 for height, deep screw is always at H1 which is LESS THAN one tip width off the cloth. If you stay still and 'drive' through the cue ball, accelerating until well AFTER the cueball strike then you will not mis-cue and you will be able to screw like the pros.

              Terry Davidson
              IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


              • #8
                I always find that keeping the cue level with the cloth, lower the bridge hand as much as possible so that your hands as flat to the cloth as it can be and as terry has said follow all the way through.

                I love this shot and its amazing how much you can generate apart from on the really thick , we never want to pay out for a new cloth club cloth. Then its hard enough to even hit the object ball :snooker:


                • #9
                  For a really long distance deep screw you must strike the CB very low, most of the time when someone has an issue with this shot they have not hit the CB as low as they thought. The last look at the CB is very important as well as keeping a loose enough grip to keep the cue level.


                  • #10
                    When I try and keep the cue level and aim very low, the cue ball jumps into the air on impact.

                    What am I doing wrong?


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by Stick View Post
                      When I try and keep the cue level and aim very low, the cue ball jumps into the air on impact.

                      What am I doing wrong?
                      Probably hitting just a bit too low! Terry says "one tip width above the cloth" so this would be about 9-10mm I guess.


                      • #12
                        your butt of the the cue is to high in the air
                        your are playing the shot more like a masse

                        try deep screwing pink off the spot with the white 1.5 ft from the straight pink

                        your cue should be just about 1/2 inch above from the cushion


                        • #13
                          Stick Yeah butt could be up in the air as well I guess. I'm not very good at screw back myself but a good practice routine for building confidence is to pot the blue off the spot into the centre pocket. Put the cue ball about 12 inches away and try to screw back so that the white goes into the opposite blue pocket. It's really easy. I think someone posted a video of this. I'll see if I can find it and give you the link.


                          • #14
                            Here it is:-
                            PS Assume you've got plenty chalk on


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by Stick View Post
                              When I try and keep the cue level and aim very low, the cue ball jumps into the air on impact.

                              What am I doing wrong?
                              I can't say for sure what you are doing wrong mate, but when I jump the cueball on a screw shot I know exactly what causes it, and it might be the same for you (I know a lot of people do the same):

                              When playing a screw shot, a lot of people turn their grip hand inwards from the wrist upon following through. As well as making you cue across, this also raises the butt, which in turn, to a lesser extent, lowers the tip. Hence the miscue.

                              A loose grip seems to help stop this, or just try thinking about keeping your wrist straight in a practice routine.

