Hi terry, really quickly two things in fact
one whats the kiss technique you mentioned
when i look my self straight on with a mirror in front of course, my stance being correct and all that..... i can see my right shoulder peeping out to the right of my head!
i think a player who i kinda resemble would be mark williams or even marco fu!
ive recently reverted to my natural game and im much more confident in my potting and cue ball control, however im gonna try the text book flex tonight and see how i go.... probably gonna stress out and pull my hair out lol!
one whats the kiss technique you mentioned
when i look my self straight on with a mirror in front of course, my stance being correct and all that..... i can see my right shoulder peeping out to the right of my head!
i think a player who i kinda resemble would be mark williams or even marco fu!
ive recently reverted to my natural game and im much more confident in my potting and cue ball control, however im gonna try the text book flex tonight and see how i go.... probably gonna stress out and pull my hair out lol!