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How to get "in the zone"

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  • How to get "in the zone"

    It's a strange phenomena. "The zone" as it's called. It's that point one reaches where you see nothing else, hear nothing else, and feel nothing else except your sport/activity of choice. :snooker: A crucial element is your concentration level which is very high and very focused.

    I have been there plenty of times myself playing snooker. Balls are just easy to see/make, all the angles and paths are clear and bright. Sometimes, I even flirt with the edges of the pocket just for my own delight to see how much give the table fitter has worked into the cut of the pocket.

    With my own humble ability in this game and all the time spent thinking about it, I have worked out some personal strategies that I use to get "into the zone" and to force myself into a state of mind where I play well and feel good at the table. Why did I do this? Well, it's the reason many people play this game - to play well.

    Here are my tips and pointers on getting "into the zone":

    1. Disregard everything else around you. Focus on the balls on the table and just watch the cue ball move around as your opponent plays his shots. Don't talk to your opponent, hum to the music, or look around the club. When you aren't at the table, don't do something distracting, or at least keep distractions to a minimum.

    2. As early as possible, take on a difficult pot and focus completely on it. Take all the time you need. Potting a difficult shot gives you confidence and helps you focus on the next shot. Early on in a match, I always take on a pot and never turn it down because I'm not ready. If I have potted a similar shot in the past, then I will take the pot on. I'm not one to "grind until I'm ready" as I know some players do. Now, just a warning here: if you're in a serious match or playing a very capable opponent, you might want to take this point with a grain of salt. All of my m8's and the club regulars aren't going to hurt me if they make a few balls so my risk tolerance is higher earlier in match.

    3. Don't watch your opponents cue action or shot timing. This one can be really distracting. If you have been playing snooker long enough and pay close attention to match play you might notice a strange thing happen: opposing players end up mimicking each others cue action to some degree. :snooker::snooker: Why does this happen? I have no clue! It's something semi-conscious or sub-conscious I suspect and haven't dived into it much. I just know it definitely happens! Maybe seasoned veterans here can chime in.

    4. Tell yourself that every new approach to the table is a fresh start and a clean slate. No matter how badly you have played until that point, your next time at the table is an opportunity to prove otherwise. Don't focus on what has happened already (in the match, that week etc), but focus on your new opportunity presented. It's not easy to tell yourself that all the bad form is in the past, but I have successfully "reset" myself for matches a few times and it's all about clearing your mind, and focusing on the job at hand - the next shot.

    5. Ignore friends, m8's, and the opponent's commentary, what we jokingly call here the "peanut gallery". It's easy to hear the opponent and feel like you have to respond. Instead of responding, which takes away your focus and concentration level, just ignore the opponent and say you will respond later. If your opponent takes offense, just shout out some random words like "eagles and turkeys!" or something else. It sounds ridiculous but you won't get any further questions, I assure you!

    Going back to that point where "everything just clicks", I use one or more of the concepts above to get "in form" and it often results to getting into the zone and becoming "one" with the game. Ahhh.... yoda would be proud!

    So, how do you get "in the zone"? Would love to hear your thoughts!
    Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
    My Snooker Blog:

  • #2
    I,m sure your pointers do help but personally even when you do them there is no guarantee that it will help you get into the zone .

    It just happend when everything falls into place from both the technical and mental side of the game .


    • #3
      I was lucky enough in practice 4 years ago to have a century break . I also believe that it was the only time that i have ever been in the zone .
      The reason i say that was because i only really remember 2 balls from the break . I potted a black on 56 to split the reds [ never normally able to split the reds off of the top cushion ] and the pink i potted for the century .

      I thought at the time how did i manage that , not sure . I suppose it was a bit like an out of body experience . Did not seem to have to worry about my cue arm . Did not notice anything else going on either . very strange . Would love to repeat it .
      But i'll be buggered if i can do it now
      Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


      • #4
        Originally Posted by hotpot View Post
        I,m sure your pointers do help but personally even when you do them there is no guarantee that it will help you get into the zone .

        It just happend when everything falls into place from both the technical and mental side of the game .
        Of course nothing is a guarantee otherwise we would all be Ronnies I only hope to outline what I have learned about focus, concentration, and single-tasking in order to reach your personal best. It's a combination of personal experience and "gleening" from watching downloaded snooker.

        To say it just happens is true, but the remarkable thing is that you can setup conditions so that "it" occurs again.
        Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
        My Snooker Blog:


        • #5
          I like your helpful tips and I'm gonna give them a go..... I've been in the zone on occasions (including making a century while two blokes are talking about how they admire the way I play without anything distracting me... Then proceed to try and put me off!!!!) but, I don't get there often enough and a little bit of mind training can't hurt.

          Something I do wan't to mention aswell is Ronnies ability to enter a match with the attitude of it not meaning anything....... Again this is a mindset that needs training, but remember:

          When someone tells you to not look at the rabbit.... The first thing your mind tells you to is LOOK AT THE RABBIT!!!!!
          Highest Break
          Practice: 136 (2005)
          Match: 134 (2006)
          In 2011: 94
          Centuries made: 50+


          • #6
            I found this topic and the other one about break building very interesting, but after all i still have a question. I have seen top amateur players like Lasse Munstermann making 60-70+ breaks effortless, with no silence, people walking around and talking, no referee to respot the balls, making pauses to leave the guy from the next table to play the shot, waiting for someone to bring the tea etc. How do you explain this? For me, even a 40 break has to be something very conscious, paying attention to every part of the technique.


            • #7
              After weeks of playing very mediocre snooker I finished work early yesterday evening and called into my local club........only one snooker table so we play four hands.......and as it was just 5pm there was exactly four of us.

              I played two frames and in the first frame got a 24 and a 44 break and in the second frame a 28 and a 55 break!! I was embarrassed as the other three players hardly got a shot at all, the table has really tight pockets and a 20 break is usually an achievement!

              I felt like I couldn't miss.........first time I have been 'In The Zone' for ages!!

              Oldgit :snooker:
              'Believe To Achieve'


              • #8
                Originally Posted by mihnea View Post
                I found this topic and the other one about break building very interesting, but after all i still have a question. I have seen top amateur players like Lasse Munstermann making 60-70+ breaks effortless, with no silence, people walking around and talking, no referee to respot the balls, making pauses to leave the guy from the next table to play the shot, waiting for someone to bring the tea etc. How do you explain this? For me, even a 40 break has to be something very conscious, paying attention to every part of the technique.
                Hehe.. yes, on occassion that is often how club tables are setup - close to each other - so you sometimes end up having to wait on the guy next to you. But truthfully, I play my best snooker when there is nobody at the club or when my m8's are out for a smoke while I'm shooting.

                Regarding Lasse, he might make 60 breaks without trouble, but imagine if he was playing in top condition and environment? What would the break be then?
                Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
                My Snooker Blog:


                • #9
                  So, how can you get in the zone in those conditions? (You have to be more careful not to punch someone with the butt of the cue during feathers instead of focusing to the cue ball, so...)


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by mihnea View Post
                    So, how can you get in the zone in those conditions? (You have to be more careful not to punch someone with the butt of the cue during feathers instead of focusing to the cue ball, so...)
                    I believe it's all about mental focus and learning through experience to block out the noise. Again it's a personal thing and if you like being single-task focused and don't things its wrong to ignore someone then you will do fine. The worst thing you can do is get into a conversation or reply back to the peanut gallery.
                    Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
                    My Snooker Blog:


                    • #11
                      some good advice
                      There is, I believe, a time limit for playing a shot. But I think it's true to say that nobody knows what that limit is

                      Ted Lowe


                      • #12
                        For me, personally, I think its all about awareness... I don't think its essential to focus beforehand, if you can focus precisely, just before you start getting down for the shot. Then you need to relax, focus, and most importantly be completely aware of whats happening within you. Because from the point you down to the point your cue is no longer touching the ball, (as long as you've chalked up properly!!) EVERYTHING is dependent on you- you are the only variable. So if you do everything right, thats all you need to do. So the thing is to have that level of focus and awareness, which is difficult because it all happens so quick. If that can be mastered, and you can stop yourself from being affected by things that you don't have control over (like the next shot, things that can go wrong, and even as to whether the on ball will pot!!), THATS the "zone".

                        1.Focus on the here and now, and nothing else.

                        2.Make the decisions beforehand, and stick to them. Indecisiveness is the key to missing a shot in a break.

                        3. Once you're down on the shot, all you should be worrying about is delivering the cue right. This comes down to complete awareness, which will be most effective when we let our sub-conscious mind take over.. DON'T OVER-THINK IT!! Let yourself go, and be in the moment and nowhere else.

                        My little two cent's worth!!


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by Dragonsye View Post
                          For me, personally, I think its all about awareness... I don't think its essential to focus beforehand, if you can focus precisely, just before you start getting down for the shot. Then you need to relax, focus, and most importantly be completely aware of whats happening within you. Because from the point you down to the point your cue is no longer touching the ball, (as long as you've chalked up properly!!) EVERYTHING is dependent on you- you are the only variable. So if you do everything right, thats all you need to do. So the thing is to have that level of focus and awareness, which is difficult because it all happens so quick. If that can be mastered, and you can stop yourself from being affected by things that you don't have control over (like the next shot, things that can go wrong, and even as to whether the on ball will pot!!), THATS the "zone".

                          1.Focus on the here and now, and nothing else.

                          2.Make the decisions beforehand, and stick to them. Indecisiveness is the key to missing a shot in a break.

                          3. Once you're down on the shot, all you should be worrying about is delivering the cue right. This comes down to complete awareness, which will be most effective when we let our sub-conscious mind take over.. DON'T OVER-THINK IT!! Let yourself go, and be in the moment and nowhere else.

                          My little two cent's worth!!
                          Yes, good stuff

                          Like number 2 especially. How many times do we miss a shot when we are not 100% sure about position/placement and how to hit the shot????
                          Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
                          My Snooker Blog:


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by thelongbomber View Post
                            It's a strange phenomena. "The zone" as it's called. It's that point one reaches where you see nothing else, hear nothing else, and feel nothing else except your sport/activity of choice. :snooker: A crucial element is your concentration level which is very high and very focused.

                            I have been there plenty of times myself playing snooker. Balls are just easy to see/make, all the angles and paths are clear and bright. Sometimes, I even flirt with the edges of the pocket just for my own delight to see how much give the table fitter has worked into the cut of the pocket.

                            With my own humble ability in this game and all the time spent thinking about it, I have worked out some personal strategies that I use to get "into the zone" and to force myself into a state of mind where I play well and feel good at the table. Why did I do this? Well, it's the reason many people play this game - to play well.

                            Here are my tips and pointers on getting "into the zone":

                            1. Disregard everything else around you. Focus on the balls on the table and just watch the cue ball move around as your opponent plays his shots. Don't talk to your opponent, hum to the music, or look around the club. When you aren't at the table, don't do something distracting, or at least keep distractions to a minimum.

                            2. As early as possible, take on a difficult pot and focus completely on it. Take all the time you need. Potting a difficult shot gives you confidence and helps you focus on the next shot. Early on in a match, I always take on a pot and never turn it down because I'm not ready. If I have potted a similar shot in the past, then I will take the pot on. I'm not one to "grind until I'm ready" as I know some players do. Now, just a warning here: if you're in a serious match or playing a very capable opponent, you might want to take this point with a grain of salt. All of my m8's and the club regulars aren't going to hurt me if they make a few balls so my risk tolerance is higher earlier in match.

                            3. Don't watch your opponents cue action or shot timing. This one can be really distracting. If you have been playing snooker long enough and pay close attention to match play you might notice a strange thing happen: opposing players end up mimicking each others cue action to some degree. :snooker::snooker: Why does this happen? I have no clue! It's something semi-conscious or sub-conscious I suspect and haven't dived into it much. I just know it definitely happens! Maybe seasoned veterans here can chime in.

                            4. Tell yourself that every new approach to the table is a fresh start and a clean slate. No matter how badly you have played until that point, your next time at the table is an opportunity to prove otherwise. Don't focus on what has happened already (in the match, that week etc), but focus on your new opportunity presented. It's not easy to tell yourself that all the bad form is in the past, but I have successfully "reset" myself for matches a few times and it's all about clearing your mind, and focusing on the job at hand - the next shot.

                            5. Ignore friends, m8's, and the opponent's commentary, what we jokingly call here the "peanut gallery". It's easy to hear the opponent and feel like you have to respond. Instead of responding, which takes away your focus and concentration level, just ignore the opponent and say you will respond later. If your opponent takes offense, just shout out some random words like "eagles and turkeys!" or something else. It sounds ridiculous but you won't get any further questions, I assure you!

                            Going back to that point where "everything just clicks", I use one or more of the concepts above to get "in form" and it often results to getting into the zone and becoming "one" with the game. Ahhh.... yoda would be proud!

                            So, how do you get "in the zone"? Would love to hear your thoughts!
                            Great Thread guys, and great initial post longbomber,

                            Some excellent advice from all, and its then about taking that advice and tailoring it to yourself personally.

                            For me, blocking everything else out during a frame is key, just watching the baize and the balls can create that feeling that 'you are the game', i.e oneness Mr Miyagi!!

                            The key i have found to consistent form follows on from longbombers post. and its all about the preshot routine being second nature and the same every time, to eliminate any slight alterations in stance, cueing, bridge etc etc..

                            I find that if i address the table/ cue ball with the same organised routine everytime, (i.e. get a good look at the potting angle, required cue ball postion for next shot, plan the power/stroke and spin(if any) required with the hit) then maybe 7 times out of 10(on a good day) I make the shot, or at least get the pot and somewhere near the position i was after.

                            I mention, 'on a good day' above. because some days i feel like i do everything right, and still couldn't hit the side of a bar with a banjo!

                            I was talking to a cuemaker the other day, who is also a keen player. He had played the night before, and really struggled to get it together, and put it down to too much coffee and just not being able to get the concentration.

                            I find I play awful if i have a bad day at the office, or have had an arguement with the Mrs, and its just so difficult to block all these things out, focus and make the most of what you know you can do.

                            It does feel bloody good when you do get it together though, and thats why we all play!

                            Practice, practice, practice, practice!! Lol.......


                            • #15
                              In the "wrong" zone!

                              Not too sure if this fits the topic, but it happened to me a week ago, just sprang to mind and wanted to share with you guys...

                              The tournament table I was playing on had its cloth changed just in the afternoon and was running real fast and smooth. After my first shot I was in the zone straight away... made 3 reds and blacks and got perfectly onto a red to left centre, just needed a soft screw to land on the black to left bottom pocket.

                              There was another open red that I needed to get to after I get on the black, so I was planning in my mind already for that next red (2 shots ahead). At this point of time, I got myself ready, went down, and... potted the black!

                              This is the first time it happened to me! Immediately after I potted, my friend called out "foul"... afterwhich I realised he had been calling out to me when I was down on the black but I didn't really bother and just wanna pot that black before responding to him. So I was in the zone... but a "wrong" zone! So embarassing... and thinking back the break could have been a higher one!

                              Which reminded me of this:

                              Both shows the same Ding, which is a very similar mistake just that the order was different, he was on a colour but he played a red.
                              The funny thing is that even the referee and Maguire didn't notice too!
                              (were they in the "zone" together with Ding?)

                              A separate discussion can be started, as in what was on the mind of the referee and Maguire? We can understand if Maguire was not paying attention, but how about the referee? So much can be said, it only goes to show that refereeing is not easy, and you can't allow yourself to be "watching" the game and thinking together with the player. But this really is a one-off when everyone was "in the zone"

                              But referees are human, and can you blame this from happening:
                              John Lim

                              Targets to beat: -line up 63, 78 (Nov 2012)- -practice match 67 (Nov 2012)- -competition 33 (Oct 2011)-

